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Stylesheets structure needs to be improved #7

Open olivierobert opened 7 years ago

olivierobert commented 7 years ago

Main issues are:

  1. Having custom CSS into a single custom.css is not maintainable
  2. Media queries at the bottom of the stylesheet shows that 1) the app is desktop first while it should be mobile first, 2) the power of SCSS is underutilized (media queries can be nested inside selectors, I can show you why if you want :-)) and 3) all classes are at the root level so possible conflicts are high

Homework: Have a look at SMACSS, OOCSS or BEM for inspiration

nguyenngoc2505 commented 7 years ago

Thank you, I got it. It is my weakness point. I will make it better. :)

nguyenngoc2505 commented 7 years ago

Hi @olivierobert I've improved a little bit :)