nick19910321 / study-every-day

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【每日计划】 2023-06-17 #66

Open nick19910321 opened 1 year ago

nick19910321 commented 1 year ago

最大的优点就是专注 不被压力干扰到发挥 全情投入进去 不会过度思考。 一旦有那种失败放弃的想法和心态就完蛋了 人就不自信 不投入不专注了


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Please get in contact with me in the morning or night local time.

How does a team of previously ordinary athletes transform into world champions with tiny changes that, at first glance, would seem to make a modest difference at best?

Why do small improvements accumulate into such remarkable results, and how can you replicate this approach in your own life?