nickzuber / chs

♝♞ Play chess against the Stockfish engine in your terminal.
MIT License
200 stars 22 forks source link

♗ chs

Play chess against the Stockfish engine in your terminal.

Table of Contents



This package is available via PyPi.

$ python3 -m pip install chs

Arch Linux

There is a chs-git package in the Arch User Repository, which you can install with an AUR helper:

$ yay -S chs-git || paru -S chs-git


To play against the default level 1 (easiest) version of the Stockfish engine, just run chs command.

How to start playing

$ chs

To see all possible options, use the help command.

$ chs help

To play as the black pieces, use the --play-black flag.

$ chs --play-black

You can also specify the level of the engine if you want to tweak the difficulty.

$ chs --level=8

How to play

There are a few things you can do while playing:


This software is free to use under the MIT License. See this reference for license text and copyright information.