nicolaka / ddc-aws

Docker Data Center on AWS
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Use S3 to pass SHA #1

Closed nicolaka closed 8 years ago

nicolaka commented 8 years ago

@bchav This is when we need to capture the SHA and load it to S3 bucket. Assume I can get the parameter please add the S3 logic here

bchav commented 8 years ago


It might be better to do this with Route53 using a TXT record. When instances in the cluster come up, they can query the internal hosted zone we create for the cluster for the TXT record. The TXT record will contain the SHA hash. This should be cheaper than S3 (even though both are nearly free in this case) and is more easily interacted with by members of the cluster.

bchav commented 8 years ago

Thinking about the workflow.

In CFN, a user-inputted parameter creates the R53 internal hosted zone for the cluster.

For the master instance userdata script, it checks to see if TXT (the SHA value) exists. If it exists, it takes the value of the SHA to identify a cluster already exists.

If it doesn't exist, generate a SHA key and write it to a tmp file locally. Create a new R53 resource record of type TXT with the value of the SHA key.

For the cluster member ASG launch configuration user-data script, instances upon boot will check for TXT for the SHA key. If it does not exist, die. If it exists, grab the value for the SHA key configuration.

bchav commented 8 years ago

Reasons this may not work:

1) The SHA key is a secret and we do not want others in the VPC to be able to query this value. However, using a private hosted zone, the record will only be resolvable from inside the VPC.

2)The SHA key length is greater than 255 characters.

bchav commented 8 years ago

@nicolaka if you can verify some of this thinking, that would be great. Should be relatively straightforward to implement this approach.

bchav commented 8 years ago

So, it turns out that Route53 isn't as consistent as we need it to be for this type of operation. There can be situations where you create the TXT record in your hosted zone and it's not available for a few minutes.

This can lead to race conditions where the master thinks it hasn't created the resource record, but it actually has and the record just isn't available yet. This might be an edge case but we need something to provide consistency.

I think adding Dynamo, at the risk of over-engineering this, using conditional writes i.e. "If this value doesn't exist, write it" for the SHA is the way to go.

This will become a two part operation that is guaranteed to be consistent.

The master will generate the SHA and if a record does not exist in our Dynamo table, write the SHA. Then create the TXT record in the Hosted Zone for simple consumption (using dig) by other members of the cluster.

bchav commented 8 years ago

This can be pretty cheap because we only to provision a single read and write capacity unit and to store a single value.

nicolaka commented 8 years ago

@bchav i'm thinking this can be done in an easier fashion. We can curl and get the pem cert and extract the fingerprint using an openssl command. I'll try to test that and see and let you know. It's much more simpler that way.

bchav commented 8 years ago

I agree it's simpler, but without something providing consistency, do we have the ability to let the master survive a reboot/autoscaling event?

nicolaka commented 8 years ago

reboot it should survive, not sure about controller autoscaling.

Can you check out the changes i made here ?

It should work right? passing the controller private address and creating an env var called UCP_URL from it?