Closed thecocce closed 3 months ago
Using Delphi 12 the unit lpeval can't compile with this error: [dcc32 Error] lpeval.pas(654): E2124 Instance member 'TWeightArr' inaccessible here
on the code:
procedure _LapeSortWeighted_Int32(const Params: PParamArray); {$IFDEF Lape_CDECL}cdecl;{$ENDIF} begin with {$IFDEF FPC}specialize{$ENDIF} TLapeSorter<Int32> do QuickSort(PByte(Params^[0]^), PSizeInt(Params^[1])^, PSizeInt(Params^[2])^, TWeightArr(Params^[3]^), PEvalBool(Params^[4])^); end;
Now it works!
Using Delphi 12 the unit lpeval can't compile with this error: [dcc32 Error] lpeval.pas(654): E2124 Instance member 'TWeightArr' inaccessible here
on the code: