NiftyGatewayJS is our Javascript package that allows you to integrate the Nifty Gateway wallet into your NFT project or game.
Check out our [documentation]( for a full guide on how to use NiftyGatewayJS.
Get started with:
npm install niftygateway
Then, initialize a Nifty Gateway object with a dev key you get from our Dev portal:
You must also specify the network, rinkeby or main:
var nftg = new NiftyGatewayJS('rinkeby','yourDevKeyHere');
From there, you can use the Nifty Gateway object to call functions, such as getUserWalletAndEmailAddress(), which will ask a user if they are ok sharing their information with you, and then tell you their wallet and email address if they are:
nftg.getWalletAndEmailAddress().then(res => {
//this function returns a promise which will resolve to a data object
if (res.didSucceed == true) {
console.log(res); //now you can access the wallet of a user
Check out sample guides on our Medium Page:
The 'niftygateway_examples' directory has implemetation of the functions from NiftyGatewayJS in React.