nigels-com / glew

The OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library
2.62k stars 614 forks source link

Source files (src/glew.c, src/glewinfo.c) are missing so msvcx projects can't be used. #13

Open OleksiiMomot opened 10 years ago

OleksiiMomot commented 10 years ago


nigels-com commented 10 years ago

The sources are available via the GLEW homepage, either the 1.10.0 release, or the more recent snapshots.

benbot commented 10 years ago

You have to go into the auto folder and make there first.

RMKD commented 9 years ago

thanks, thecodethinker! nigels-com, can you update the README to reflect this requirement?

top-level make produces this error in OSX 10.9: make: *\ No rule to make target src/glew.c', needed bytmp/darwin/default/shared/glew.o'. Stop.

nigels-com commented 9 years ago

Generating the source code is discussed here:

I'd welcome patches to the README, of course.

mean-ui-thread commented 9 years ago

@nigels-com If you want, you could add this to build/cmake/CMakeLists.txt

    OUTPUT ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../src/glew.c ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../src/glewinfo.c

This way, it will invoke make in the auto folder only if glew.c and/or glewinfo.c are missing.

nigels-com commented 9 years ago

That's an interesting idea, but it's likely to fail on Windows, right?

mean-ui-thread commented 9 years ago

I just tried on my Windows VM with MinGW. It works fine. I had to add C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\MinGW\bin to my %PATH% in order to be able to build with MinGW

here's what I did:

  1. git clone
git clone
  1. added this block somewhere in glew/build/cmake/CMakeLists.txt
    OUTPUT ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../src/glew.c ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../src/glewinfo.c
  1. generated a build configuration for MinGW (Makefiles)
mkdir glew-build
cd glew-build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ../glew/build/cmake
  1. Then build

And it worked! here's the output:

winbuild@winbuild-win7 /c/Users/winbuild/glew-build
$ make
[  9%] Generating C;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\Users\winbuild\glew\build\cmake\..\..\src\
glew.c, C;C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\Users\winbuild\glew\build\cmake\..\..\src\glewinfo.c

Downloading registry
Cloning into 'registry'...
remote: Counting objects: 10618, done.
remote: Total 10618 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 10618 eceiving ob
Receiving objects: 100% (10618/10618), 12.39 MiB | 848.00 KiB/s, done.

Resolving deltas: 100% (8681/8681), done.
Checking out files: 100% (1777/1777), done.
Creating descriptors
Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at bin/ line 353.
Hexadecimal number > 0xffffffff non-portable at bin/ line 357.
Creating glew.h
no keys in table!
no keys in table!
Creating wglew.h
no keys in table!
no keys in table!
Creating glxew.h
no keys in table!
no keys in table!
Creating glew.c
Use of uninitialized value in length at bin/ line 47.
Creating glewinfo.c
Creating glew.html
Creating wglew.html
Creating glxew.html
Scanning dependencies of target glew
[ 18%] Building C object CMakeFiles/glew.dir/__/__/src/glew.obj
Linking C shared library bin/glew32.dll
[ 18%] Built target glew
Scanning dependencies of target glew_s
[ 27%] Building C object CMakeFiles/glew_s.dir/__/__/src/glew.obj
Linking C static library lib/libglew32.a
[ 36%] Built target glew_s
Scanning dependencies of target glewinfo
[ 45%] Building C object CMakeFiles/glewinfo.dir/__/__/src/glewinfo.obj
Linking C executable bin/glewinfo.exe
[ 54%] Built target glewinfo
Scanning dependencies of target glewmx
[ 63%] Building C object CMakeFiles/glewmx.dir/__/__/src/glew.obj
Linking C shared library bin/glew32mx.dll
[ 72%] Built target glewmx
Scanning dependencies of target glewmx_s
[ 81%] Building C object CMakeFiles/glewmx_s.dir/__/__/src/glew.obj
Linking C static library lib/libglew32mx.a
[ 90%] Built target glewmx_s
Scanning dependencies of target visualinfo
[100%] Building C object CMakeFiles/visualinfo.dir/C_/Users/winbuild/glew/src/visualinfo.obj
Linking C executable bin/visualinfo.exe
[100%] Built target visualinfo
nigels-com commented 9 years ago

That is impressive indeed. Time to update the instructions, I think!

mean-ui-thread commented 9 years ago

Glad I could help.

WardBenjamin commented 8 years ago

This does not seem to have ever happened? I was running into this until I found this issue.

Could we actually get this added? I'd be happy to do so if @nigels-com or @mchiasson does not have the time.

AzP commented 8 years ago

I concur. I hit the same problem on 1.13.0 just now.

nigels-com commented 8 years ago

There is currently no plan to put the generated sources in revision control. See the related issue for some of the reasons.

WardBenjamin commented 8 years ago

@nigels-com I'm not asking for the generated sources to be added to the revision control, just that the cmake addition that @mchiasson created be added. This, and a change to the README, would make compiling this massively easier for people who are new to the project or have never compiled it before.

nigels-com commented 8 years ago

Ah, the thin layer over the make file. For Linux and Mac ONLY?

nigels-com commented 8 years ago

The downside is that source generation can fail due to upstream changes in the OpenGL extension specifications. I don't want an angry bug report every time that happens, it's pretty much to be expected. There are good reasons I steer folks to the pre-built (and tested) releases.

waldnercharles commented 8 years ago

New to Glew - Please at least add this to the README. Compiling glew without this information is frustrating to say the least.

captainvera commented 7 years ago

It still hasn't been added to the README. It's a small change that would make life easier for anyone new to the project just trying to clone the repo.

nigels-com commented 7 years ago

If it's possible to steer folks away from building from scratch, that would be much better, from a maintainer's point of view. There are carefully vetted and tested releases for a good reason, use those, please.

captainvera commented 7 years ago

Yes, i agree. But then i think it should be explicitly said somewhere. I think the text in the website "An up-to-date copy is also available using git: " suggests it's very much ok to download from git as a user. Unless I'm missing something?

(As a personal anecdote, I am inserted in a CG class and A LOT of people tried (some succeeded some didn't) to build the project from scratch.)

livingcreative commented 7 years ago

Is there any way to get full source (and/or prebuild libs) for windows with help of some script? I'd like to add CI to my project which is using GLEW, but i don't want to include generated glew sources directly in my project source. I also don't have direct access to build server, so I can't just copy already downloaded files there. I can do it only by calling some utility from cmd or powershell script.

nigels-com commented 7 years ago

For fetching full source, I'd suggest the following script:


And for Windows binaries:


livingcreative commented 7 years ago


TheVice commented 7 years ago

Hello to every one glew developers and users.

most of GLEW is generated by perl scripts. >>

What is your thoughts if CMake will be do that? It also have regex, no so powerful like in perl, but on initial stage it seems that can be usability. My strategy of creating cmake script is next: I have two repository with glew and glfixes that checkouted to 1.13.0 label. The task is to generate structure like it in the glew-1.13.0 snapshot - just missed at repository files. By the way, why glfixes is not a git submodule of glew repository?

For now active stage of creation CMake file is on pause. Even custom.txt processing not finish: I do not recognize what of algorithm to create from one extension from glfixes to several extenation placed in one auto folder at glew >>. I publish the current snapshot of such work because maybe some one too experiments on this theme.

Personally for projects in what I use glew I use modifier variant of @mchiasson - just direct call of make tool:

  # file(READ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/build/cmake/CMakeLists.txt" file_content)
  # string(FIND "${file_content}" "add_custom_command" pos)
  # if("${pos}" EQUAL -1)
  #   set(ADDITION_COMMAND "add_custom_command(\n    OUTPUT \${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/src/glew.c \${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/src/glewinfo.c\n    WORKING_DIRECTORY .\n    COMMAND \${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM}\n)\n")
  #   set(file_content "${file_content}\n\n${ADDITION_COMMAND}\n")
  #   message("Write ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/build/cmake/CMakeLists.txt")
  #   file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/build/cmake/CMakeLists.txt" "${file_content}")
  # endif()

  # add_subdirectory("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/build/cmake" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/build/cmake")

  execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM} -C "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto")
  set(glew_Path ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew)

To structure early created by next CMake code:

    message("Copying ${glew_Path} into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew")
    execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${glew_Path}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew")

  file(READ "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/Makefile" file_content)

  string(FIND "${file_content}" "\$(GIT_CLONE)" pos)
  if("${pos}" EQUAL -1)
    string(REPLACE "\$(GIT_CLONE)" "# \$(G_I_T_CLONE)" file_content "${file_content}")

  string(FIND "${file_content}" "GIT_CLONE" pos)
  if("${pos}" EQUAL -1)
    string(REPLACE "GIT_CLONE" "# G_I_T_CLONE" file_content "${file_content}")

    message("Write ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/Makefile")
    file(WRITE "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/Makefile" "${file_content}")

  if(NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/registry")
    message("Copying ${glfixes_Path} into ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/registry")
    execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory "${glfixes_Path}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/glew/auto/registry")

But only for Linux systems. On Windows it steal used snapshot.

With respect, user of glew library.

TheVice commented 5 years ago


In my previous message in this thread I propose generate missed source files by CMake. Well, regex engine that have last one not so power like have perl. So I implemented such 'generator' by using C++ 11 (support to build at Visual Studio 2013 and gcc 5.4).

Idea next – all users of library that have C++ 11 compiler can generate missed source automatic, in case of Visual Studio before first run.

What about generated source C files (glew.c, glewinfo.c, ..)? Well mostly different that spaces, but sometimes alternative implementation (C++11, reference – that is exists make/perl/python) get even more for some of glew version, for example some tokens at egl head file (sRGB for example, exist regex at perl script probably missed in order to small register char ‘s’). Also some missed name string get by this implementation, for example such that have (legacy) (some of file from glfixes have such) at one line at specification.

That implementation can be used to improve exists now – for example:

Implementation used perl script as data source and internally execute bash script on data in list. Parsing of make file not implemented, so if it will globally changed addition work should be done – writing C++11 variant or implement parsing of last one in same way like done with bash script.

No addition libraries required, however for developing purpose you can connect pugixml as xml back end. Honestly dev branch, that not uploaded at gist, totally based on that library together with google test.

In Debug mode pugixml much more performance than internal implementation, but for Release I choose no addition dependence as original propose - only C++ 11 compiler.

Thank you for your attention.

Update 2019.01.22: After apply advice from @zeux output between internal 'xml back end' and external xml library pugixml is same.

Update 2019.05.06: Internal xml 'reader' got addition changes so at Debug it also usable from performance perspective, different with pugixml no such huge like early.

nigels-com commented 5 years ago

Currently in master branch both GLX and WGL are now generated via the Python path, rather than Perl. That leaves GL as the last piece of code generation in Perl. So, while the progress is slow, that's the intended direction of things. I'm not sure how much there is to do to be 100% Python, but I do think there are a bunch of little fixups to match what the Perl is producing.

SourceCodeDeleted commented 2 years ago

You have to go into the auto folder and make there first.

Man.... if this was added to the README page that would be nice. Should I make a PR ? Imagine though that this is such a popular question, then better documentation is required!