nightmare-space / fast_share

Speed Share is a highly available file sharing terminal on LAN(local area network) like airdrop developed by flutter framework.
MIT License
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Locale support #5

Open c-sanchez opened 2 years ago

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Hi, SpeedShare looks really cool and useful, however it is a pity that the program is not available in more languages, both the mobile and desktop applications.

Add support for translations, I would like to help with Spanish translation if possible.

By the way, I think it would be better if the name of the application is displayed in English for everyone, SpeedShare. It's a bit strange to see characters that I don't understand heh.

mengyanshou commented 2 years ago

first of all thank you very much,but I've been a little busy lately. Internationalization will be introduced in about a month,thanks again~

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Hi @mengyanshou, no worries, thanks for your reply, great to know that we will have this app available in more languages :D Will you update the desktop version as well?

mengyanshou commented 2 years ago

Yes, since this project was developed using Flutter, any changes will apply to all platforms,And I've changed my mind. I'm going to join internationalization sometime this week~

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Hola mengyanshou, how are you? I am following the project, I saw that a few days ago you uploaded some code related to translation support. I hope soon to be able to make the translation in Spanish :D

mengyanshou commented 2 years ago

Ok~, you can create a Spanish translation file based on the 'intl_en.arb' file, when finished, submit the PR to this project.

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Here the spanish translation:

    "common": "Común",
    "downlaodPath": "Ruta de descarga",
    "autoDownload": "Descarga automática",
    "clipboardshare": "Compartir portapapeles",
    "messageNote": "Vibrar al recibir un mensaje",
    "aboutSpeedShare": "Acerca de Speed Share",
    "currenVersion": "Versión actual",
    "otherVersion": "Descargar la otra versión",
    "lang": "Idioma",
    "developer": "Desarrollador",
    "openSource": "Código abierto",
    "ui": "Diseñador de IU",
    "recentFile": "Archivo reciente",
    "recentImg": "Imagen reciente",
    "currentRoom": "Sala de chat",
    "remoteAccessFile": "Acceso remoto al archivo local",
    "remoteAccessDes": "Puede gestionar el archivo abriendo esta URL con el navegador.",
    "directory": "Directorio",
    "unknownFile": "Archivo desconocido",
    "zip": "Zip",
    "doc": "Documento",
    "music": "Música",
    "video": "Vídeo",
    "image": "Imagen",
    "apk": "Apk"

the line 18: "remoteAccessDes": "Use broswer open this url can manager file.", I guess is "Use browser to open this url can manage file." I don't quite understand what that line refers to, So I interpreted it like this to translate it into Spanish: "You can manage the file by opening this URL with the browser"

mengyanshou commented 2 years ago

It's great! Now I have initially added Spanish into the project, but the coverage of internationalization is not complete, and there is no caching, which needs to wait for the later development. I submitted the code to the dev branch, here are some download links arm64 armv7

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Yes, there are still some strings to translate, but it's a good start, thanks for the binaries. Please leave me a message here when there is an update :)

c-sanchez commented 2 years ago

Hi @mengyanshou , Spanish locale update :D

    "common": "Común",
    "setting": "Ajustes",
    "downlaodPath": "Ruta de descarga",
    "autoDownload": "Descarga automática",
    "clipboardshare": "Compartir portapapeles",
    "messageNote": "Vibrar al recibir un mensaje",
    "aboutSpeedShare": "Acerca de Speed Share",
    "currenVersion": "Versión actual",
    "otherVersion": "Descargar otra versión",
    "downloadTip": "SpeedShare también es compatible con Windows, macOS y Linux",
    "lang": "Idioma",
    "chatWindow": "Ventana de chat",
    "developer": "Desarrollador",
    "openSource": "Código abierto",
    "noMessageTip": "Actualmente no hay mensajes, haga clic para entrar en la lista de mensajes",
    "inputConnect": "Ingresar conexión",
    "scan": "Escanear código QR",
    "log": "Registro",
    "theTermsOfService": "Términos de servicio",
    "privacyAgreement": "Acuerdo de privacidad",
    "qrTips": "Deslice hacia un lado para cambiar de IP",
    "ui": "Diseñador de interfaz",
    "recentFile": "Archivos recientes",
    "recentImg": "Imágenes recientes",
    "currentRoom": "Sala de chat",
    "remoteAccessFile": "Archivo local de acceso remoto",
    "remoteAccessDes": "Puede administrar los archivos locales abriendo esta IP en el navegador.",
    "directory": "Directorio",
    "unknownFile": "Archivo desconocido",
    "zip": "Zip",
    "doc": "Documento",
    "music": "Música",
    "video": "Vídeo",
    "image": "Imagen",
    "apk": "Apk"

Missing strings to transle:

main window

Files type window

input ip window

text input field from chat window

text input field context menu from chat window

Program name Yeah, at least for me is a bit weird to have Speed Share icon in my Android launcher with Chinese text hehe

mengyanshou commented 2 years ago
