Open bluesurfer opened 7 years ago
Same =(
Me too. I'm developing an application that generates a PDF document to be printed and signed. So far the development has not been affected and I'm creating the PDF, but I fear that later this may lead to a problem that will disrupt the application.
I have solved this issue when I switch to Alpine Linux. Here's my dockerfile:
FROM python:3.6-alpine3.7
RUN addgroup -S django \
&& adduser -S -G django django
# OS dependencies
RUN apk update \
# psycopg2 dependencies
&& apk add --virtual g++ build-deps gcc python3-dev musl-dev \
&& apk add postgresql-dev \
# Pillow dependencies
&& apk add jpeg-dev zlib-dev freetype-dev lcms2-dev openjpeg-dev tiff-dev tk-dev tcl-dev \
# CFFI dependencies
&& apk add libressl-dev libressl libffi-dev py-cffi \
# Weasyprint dependencies
&& apk add cairo pango cairo-dev pango-dev gdk-pixbuf freetype ttf-freefont
Also, I have uninstalled this package since it is not maintained anymore. I am using only WeasyPrint
to create my PDF rendering functions.
The dependencies listed in the
:Are causing the following warning messages:
Everything is working fine but maybe we should change the dependencies to a newer version?
P.S: can't wait for 0.2.0 release, great work! this library is definitely the less painful of all those that I have found (