I use the light scheduler node 0.0.18 to randomize certain actions on a schedule. The schedules with randomization enabled do not adhere to the schedule.
The attached screenshot shows that an ON event was triggered at 2:09 AM, even though it’s set to "schedule only" and to output only when the state changes. This is way outside the randomization threshold.
Schedules that do no use randomization trigger as expected.
I use the light scheduler node 0.0.18 to randomize certain actions on a schedule. The schedules with randomization enabled do not adhere to the schedule.
The attached screenshot shows that an ON event was triggered at 2:09 AM, even though it’s set to "schedule only" and to output only when the state changes. This is way outside the randomization threshold.
Schedules that do no use randomization trigger as expected.
It might be similar to https://github.com/niklaswall/node-red-contrib-light-scheduler/issues/101