Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Its design focuses on efficiency, expressiveness, and elegance (in that order of priority).
I made some changes to the code, just to compare plain RTree performance to new R*Tree variant, and suddenly gcc fails. I am not sure wich change exactly breaks it, as generic procs are only compiled when used, so change may be not really fresh. Feel free to close this issue, I still have an older working copy of this source code,maybe with a few more when statements...
# plain draft of generic R*Tree
# S. Salewski, 03-JAN-2018
# RT: range type like float, int
# D: Dimension
# M: Max entries in one node
# LT: leaf type
# 23:05:48 Araq: just throw away this code, once it compiles, nobody can maintain it
Dim* = static[int]
Ext[RT] = tuple[a, b: RT] # extend (range)
Box*[D: Dim; RT] = array[D, Ext[RT]] # Rectangle for 2D
BoxCenter*[D: Dim; RT] = array[D, RT]
L*[D: Dim; RT, LT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; l: LT] # called Index Entry or index record in the Guttman paper
H[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of RootRef
parent: H[M, D, RT, LT]
numEntries: int
level: int
N[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = tuple[b: Box[D, RT]; n: H[M, D, RT, LT]]
LA[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = array[M, L[D, RT, LT]]
NA[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = array[M, N[M, D, RT, LT]]
Leaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H[M, D, RT, LT]
a: LA[M, D, RT, LT]
Node[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object of H[M, D, RT, LT]
a: NA[M, D, RT, LT]
RTree*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT] = ref object
root: H[M, D, RT, LT]
firstOverflow: array[32, bool]
bigM: int
m: int
p: int
proc newLeaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](): Leaf[M, D, RT, LT] =
new result
proc newNode[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](): Node[M, D, RT, LT] =
new result
proc newRTree*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](minFill: range[30 .. 50] = 40): RTree[M, D, RT, LT] =
assert(M > 1 and M < 101)
new result
result.bigM = M
result.m = M * minFill div 100
result.p = M * 30 div 100
result.root = newLeaf[M, D, RT, LT]()
proc center(r: Box): auto =#BoxCenter[r.len, type(r[0].a)] =
var result: BoxCenter[r.len, type(r[0].a)]
for i in 0 .. r.high:
when r[0].a is SomeInteger:
result[i] = (r[i].a + r[i].b) div 2
elif r[0].a is SomeReal:
result[i] = (r[i].a + r[i].b) / 2
else: assert false
return result
proc distance(c1, c2: BoxCenter): auto =
var result: type(c1[0])
for i in 0 .. c1.high:
result += (c1[i] - c2[i]) * (c1[i] - c2[i])
return result
proc overlap(r1, r2: Box): auto =
result = type(r1[0].a)(1)
for i in 0 .. r1.high:
result *= (min(r1[i]. b, r2[i]. b) - max(r1[i]. a, r2[i]. a))
if result <= 0: return 0
proc union(r1, r2: Box): Box =
for i in 0 .. r1.high:
result[i]. a = min(r1[i]. a, r2[i]. a)
result[i]. b = max(r1[i]. b, r2[i]. b)
proc intersect(r1, r2: Box): bool =
for i in 0 .. r1.high:
if r1[i].b < r2[i].a or r1[i].a > r2[i].b:
return false
return true
proc area(r: Box): auto = #type(r[0].a) =
result = type(r[0].a)(1)
for i in 0 .. r.high:
result *= r[i]. b - r[i]. a
proc margin(r: Box): auto = #type(r[0].a) =
result = type(r[0].a)(0)
for i in 0 .. r.high:
result += r[i]. b - r[i]. a
# how much enlargement does r1 need to include r2
proc enlargement(r1, r2: Box): auto =
area(union(r1, r2)) - area(r1)
proc search*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]): seq[LT] =
proc s[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](n: H[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]; res: var seq[LT]) =
if n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
let h = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n)
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
if intersect(h.a[i].b, b):
s(h.a[i].n, b, res)
elif n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
let h = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n)
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
if intersect(h.a[i].b, b):
else: assert false
result = newSeq[LT]()
s(t.root, b, result)
# Insertion
# a R*TREE proc
proc chooseSubtree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]; level: int): H[M, D, RT, LT] =
assert level >= 0
var n = t.root
while n.level > level:
let nn = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n)
var i0 = 0 # selected index
var minLoss = type(b[0].a).high
if n.level == 1: # childreen are leaves -- determine the minimum overlap costs
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
let nx = union(nn.a[i].b, b)
var loss = 0
for j in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
if i == j: continue
loss += (overlap(nx, nn.a[j].b) - overlap(nn.a[i].b, nn.a[j].b)) # overlap (i, j) == (j, i), so maybe cache that?
var rep = loss < minLoss
if loss == minLoss:
let l2 = enlargement(nn.a[i].b, b) - enlargement(nn.a[i0].b, b)
rep = l2 < 0
if l2 == 0:
let l3 = area(nn.a[i].b) - area(nn.a[i0].b)
rep = l3 < 0
if l3 == 0:
rep = nn.a[i].n.numEntries < nn.a[i0].n.numEntries
if rep:
i0 = i
minLoss = loss
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
let loss = enlargement(nn.a[i].b, b)
var rep = loss < minLoss
if loss == minLoss:
let l3 = area(nn.a[i].b) - area(nn.a[i0].b)
rep = l3 < 0
if l3 == 0:
rep = nn.a[i].n.numEntries < nn.a[i0].n.numEntries
if rep:
i0 = i
minLoss = loss
n = nn.a[i0].n
return n
proc chooseLeaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; b: Box[D, RT]; level: int): H[M, D, RT, LT] =
assert level >= 0
var n = t.root
while n.level > level:
var j = -1 # selected index
var x: type(b[0].a)
let nn = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n)
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
let h = enlargement(nn.a[i].b, b)
if j < 0 or h < x or (x == h and area(nn.a[i].b) < area(nn.a[j].b)):
x = h
j = i
n = nn.a[j].n
return n
proc pickSeeds[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: Node[M, D, RT, LT] | Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; bx: Box[D, RT]): (int, int) =
var i0, j0: int
var bi, bj: type(bx)
var largestWaste = type(bx[0].a).low
for i in -1 .. n.a.high:
for j in 0 .. n.a.high:
if unlikely(i == j): continue
if unlikely(i < 0):
bi = bx
bi = n.a[i].b
bj = n.a[j].b
let b = union(bi, bj)
let h = area(b) - area(bi) - area(bj)
if h > largestWaste:
largestWaste = h
i0 = i
j0 = j
return (i0, j0)
proc pickNext[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n0, n1, n2: Node[M, D, RT, LT] | Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; b1c, b2c: Box[D, RT]): int =
var b1 = n1.a[0].b
for i in 1 ..< n1.numEntries:
b1 = union(b1, n1.a[i].b)
var b2 = n2.a[0].b
for i in 1 ..< n2.numEntries:
b2 = union(b2, n2.a[i].b)
assert b1 == b1c
assert b2 == b2c
let a1 = area(b1)
let a2 = area(b2)
var d = type(a1).low
for i in 0 ..< n0.numEntries:
let d1 = area(union(b1, n0.a[i].b)) - a1
let d2 = area(union(b2, n0.a[i].b)) - a2
if abs(d1 - d2) > d:
result = i
d = abs(d1 - d2)
from algorithm import SortOrder, sort
proc sortPlus[T](a: var openArray[T], ax: var T, cmp: proc (x, y: T): int {.closure.}, order = algorithm.SortOrder.Ascending) =
var j = 0
let sign = if order == algorithm.SortOrder.Ascending: 1 else: -1
for i in 1 .. a.high:
if cmp(a[i], a[j]) * sign < 0:
j = i
if cmp(a[j], ax) * sign < 0:
swap(ax, a[j])
a.sort(cmp, order)
# R*TREE procs
proc rstarSplit[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: var Node[M, D, RT, LT] | var Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; lx: L[D, RT, LT] | N[M, D, RT, LT]): type(n) =
type NL = type(lx)
var nBest: type(n)
new nBest
var lx = lx
when n is Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
lx.n.parent = n
var lxbest: type(lx)
for d2 in 0 ..< 2 * D:
let d = d2 div 2
if d2 mod 2 == 0:
sortPlus(n.a, lx, proc (x, y: NL): int = cmp(x.b[d].a, y.b[d].a))
sortPlus(n.a, lx, proc (x, y: NL): int = cmp(x.b[d].b, y.b[d].b))
var m0 = lx.b[0].a.high
for i in t.m .. n.a.high - t.m + 1:
var b = lx.b
for j in 0 ..< i:
b = union(n.a[j].b, b)
var m = margin(b)
b = n.a[^1].b
for j in i ..< n.a.high:
b = union(n.a[j].b, b)
m += margin(b)
if m < m0:
nbest[] = n[]
lxbest = lx
m0 = m
var ttt1, ttt2: int
var i0 = -1
var o0 = (n.a[0]).b[0].a.high
for i in t.m - 1 .. n.a.high - t.m + 1:
ttt1 = 0
ttt2 = 0
var b1 = lxbest.b
for j in 0 ..< i:
b1 = union(nbest.a[j].b, b1)
inc ttt1
var b2 = nbest.a[^1].b
for j in i ..< n.a.high:
b2 = union(nbest.a[j].b, b2)
inc ttt2
assert ttt1 >= t.m - 1
assert ttt2 >= t.m - 1
#echo t.m, ttt1, ttt2
let o = overlap(b1, b2)
if o < o0:
i0 = i
o0 = o
n.a[0] = lxbest
for i in 0 ..< i0:
n.a[i + 1] = nbest.a[i]
new result
result.level = n.level
result.parent = n.parent
for i in i0 .. n.a.high:
result.a[i - i0] = nbest.a[i]
n.numEntries = i0 + 1
result.numEntries = M - i0
when n is Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< result.numEntries:
result.a[i].n.parent = result
proc quadraticSplit[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: var Node[M, D, RT, LT] | var Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; lx: L[D, RT, LT] | N[M, D, RT, LT]): type(n) =
var n1, n2: type(n)
var s1, s2: int
new n1
new n2
n1.parent = n.parent
n2.parent = n.parent
n1.level = n.level
n2.level = n.level
(s1, s2) = pickSeeds(t, n, lx.b)
assert s1 >= -1 and s2 >= 0
if unlikely(s1 < 0):
n1.a[0] = lx
n1.a[0] = n.a[s1]
if s2 == n.numEntries: # important fix
s2 = s1
n.a[s1] = n.a[n.numEntries]
var b1 = n1.a[0].b
n2.a[0] = n.a[s2]
n.a[s2] = n.a[n.numEntries]
var b2 = n2.a[0].b
if s1 >= 0:
n.a[n.numEntries] = lx
while n.numEntries > 0 and n1.numEntries < (t.bigM + 1 - t.m) and n2.numEntries < (t.bigM + 1 - t.m):
let next = pickNext(t, n, n1, n2, b1, b2)
let d1 = area(union(b1, n.a[next].b)) - area(b1)
let d2 = area(union(b2, n.a[next].b)) - area(b2)
if (d1 < d2) or (d1 == d2 and ((area(b1) < area(b2)) or (area(b1) == area(b2) and n1.numEntries < n2.numEntries))):
n1.a[n1.numEntries] = n.a[next]
b1 = union(b1, n.a[next].b)
n2.a[n2.numEntries] = n.a[next]
b2 = union(b2, n.a[next].b)
n.a[next] = n.a[n.numEntries]
if n.numEntries == 0:
elif n1.numEntries == (t.bigM + 1 - t.m):
while n.numEntries > 0:
n2.a[n2.numEntries] = n.a[n.numEntries]
elif n2.numEntries == (t.bigM + 1 - t.m):
while n.numEntries > 0:
n1.a[n1.numEntries] = n.a[n.numEntries]
when n is Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< n2.numEntries:
n2.a[i].n.parent = n2
n[] = n1[]
return n2
proc overflowTreatment*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: var Node[M, D, RT, LT] | var Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; lx: L[D, RT, LT] | N[M, D, RT, LT]): type(n)
proc adjustTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; l, ll: H[M, D, RT, LT]; hb: Box[D, RT]) =
var n = l
var nn = ll
assert n != nil
while true:
if n == t.root:
if nn == nil:
t.root = newNode[M, D, RT, LT]()
t.root.level = n.level + 1
Node[M, D, RT, LT](t.root).a[0].n = n
n.parent = t.root
nn.parent = t.root
t.root.numEntries = 1
let p = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n.parent)
var i = 0
while p.a[i].n != n:
var b: type(p.a[0].b)
if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[0].b
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[0].b
assert false
if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = rtree.union(b, Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
assert false
p.a[i].b = b
n = H[M, D, RT, LT](p)
if nn != nil:
if nn of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](nn).a[0].b
elif nn of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Node[M, D, RT, LT](nn).a[0].b
assert false
if nn of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< nn.numEntries:
b = union(b, Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](nn).a[j].b)
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< nn.numEntries:
b = union(b, Node[M, D, RT, LT](nn).a[j].b)
assert false
if p.numEntries < p.a.len:
p.a[p.numEntries].b = b
p.a[p.numEntries].n = nn
assert n != nil
nn = nil
var h: N[M, D, RT, LT]
h.b = b
h.n = nn
#nn = overflowTreatment(t, p, h)
nn = quadraticSplit(t, p, h)
#discard rstarSplit(t, p, h)
assert n == H[M, D, RT, LT](p)
assert n != nil
assert t.root != nil
proc insertNode[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: N[M, D, RT, LT]; level: int) =
assert level > 0
let l = Node[M, D, RT, LT](chooseSubtree(t, leaf.b, level))
if l.numEntries < l.a.len:
l.a[l.numEntries] = leaf
leaf.n.parent = l
adjustTree(t, l, nil, leaf.b)
let l2 = rstarSplit(t, l, leaf)
assert l2.level == l.level
adjustTree(t, l, l2, leaf.b)
proc insert*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: L[D, RT, LT]) =
for d in leaf.b:
assert d.a <= d.b
let l = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](chooseSubtree(t, leaf.b, 0))
if l.numEntries < l.a.len:
l.a[l.numEntries] = leaf
adjustTree(t, l, nil, leaf.b)
let l2 = rstarSplit(t, l, leaf)
assert l2.level == l.level
adjustTree(t, l, l2, leaf.b)
# R*Tree insert procs
proc rsinsert[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: N[M, D, RT, LT] | L[D, RT, LT]; level: int)
proc reInsert[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: var Node[M, D, RT, LT] | var Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; lx: L[D, RT, LT] | N[M, D, RT, LT]) =
type NL = type(lx)
var lx = lx
var buf: type(n.a)
let p = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n.parent)
var i = 0
while p.a[i].n != n:
let c = center(p.a[i].b)
sortPlus(n.a, lx, proc (x, y: NL): int = cmp(distance(center(x.b), c), distance(center(y.b), c)))
n.numEntries = M - t.m # TODO
swap(n.a[n.numEntries], lx)
inc n.numEntries
var b = n.a[0].b
for i in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, n.a[i].b)
p.a[i].b = b
for i in M - t.m + 1 .. n.a.high:
buf[i] = n.a[i]
rsinsert(t, lx, n.level)
for i in M - t.m + 1 .. n.a.high:
rsinsert(t, buf[i], n.level)
proc overflowTreatment*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; n: var Node[M, D, RT, LT] | var Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]; lx: L[D, RT, LT] | N[M, D, RT, LT]): type(n) =
if n.level != t.root.level and t.firstOverflow[n.level]:
t.firstOverflow[n.level] = false
reInsert(t, n, lx)
return nil
let l2 = rstarSplit(t, n, lx)
assert l2.level == n.level
return l2
proc rsinsert[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: N[M, D, RT, LT] | L[D, RT, LT]; level: int) =
when leaf is N[M, D, RT, LT]:
assert level > 0
type NodeLeaf = Node[M, D, RT, LT]
assert level == 0
type NodeLeaf = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]
let l = NodeLeaf(chooseSubtree(t, leaf.b, level))
if l.numEntries < l.a.len:
l.a[l.numEntries] = leaf
when leaf is N[M, D, RT, LT]:
leaf.n.parent = l
adjustTree(t, l, nil, leaf.b)
let l2 = overflowTreatment(t, l, leaf)
if l2 != nil:
assert l2.level == l.level
adjustTree(t, l, l2, leaf.b)
proc frsinsert*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: L[D, RT, LT]) =
for d in leaf.b:
assert d.a <= d.b
for i in mitems(t.firstOverflow):
i = true
rsinsert(t, leaf, 0)
# delete
proc findLeaf[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: L[D, RT, LT]): Leaf[M, D, RT, LT] =
proc fl[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](h: H[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: L[D, RT, LT]): Leaf[M, D, RT, LT] =
var n = h
if n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
if intersect(Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[i].b, leaf.b):
let l = fl(Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[i].n, leaf)
if l != nil:
return l
elif n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
if Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[i].l == leaf.l:
return Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n)
assert false
return nil
fl(t.root, leaf)
proc condenseTree[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]) =
var n: H[M, D, RT, LT] = leaf
var q = newSeq[H[M, D, RT, LT]]()
var b: type(leaf.a[0].b)
while n != t.root:
let p = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n.parent)
var i = 0
while p.a[i].n != n:
if n.numEntries < t.m:
p.a[i] = p.a[p.numEntries]
if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[0].b
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
b = Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[0].b
assert false
if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for j in 1 ..< n.numEntries:
b = union(b, Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[j].b)
assert false
p.a[i].b = b
n = n.parent
for n in q:
if n of Leaf[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
insert(t, Leaf[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[i])
elif n of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
for i in 0 ..< n.numEntries:
insertNode(t, Node[M, D, RT, LT](n).a[i], n.level)
assert false
proc delete*[M, D: Dim; RT, LT](t: RTree[M, D, RT, LT]; leaf: L[D, RT, LT]): bool {.discardable.} =
let l = findLeaf(t, leaf)
if l.isNil:
return false
var i = 0
while l.a[i] != leaf:
l.a[i] = l.a[l.numEntries]
condenseTree(t, l)
if t.root.numEntries == 1:
if t.root of Node[M, D, RT, LT]:
t.root = Node[M, D, RT, LT](t.root).a[0].n
t.root.parent = nil
return true
when isMainModule:
var t = [4, 1, 3, 2]
var xt = 7
sortPlus(t, xt, system.cmp, SortOrder.Ascending)
echo xt, " ", t
RSE = L[2, int, int]
RSeq = seq[RSE]
proc rseq_search(rs: RSeq; rse: RSE): seq[int] =
result = newSeq[int]()
for i in rs:
if intersect(i.b, rse.b):
proc rseq_delete(rs: var RSeq; rse: RSE): bool =
for i in 0 .. rs.high:
if rs[i] == rse:
rs[i] = rs[rs.high]
rs.setLen(rs.len - 1)
return true
import random, algorithm
proc test(n: int) =
var b: Box[2, int]
echo center(b)
var x1, x2, y1, y2: int
var t = newRTree[8, 2, int, int]()
var rs = newSeq[RSE]()
for i in 0 .. n - 1:
x1 = rand(1000)
y1 = rand(1000)
x2 = x1 + rand(25)
y2 = y1 + rand(25)
b = [(x1, x2), (y1, y2)]
let el: L[2, int, int] = (b, i + 7)
for i in 0 .. (n div 4):
let j = rand(rs.high)
var el = rs[j]
assert t.delete(el)
assert rs.rseq_delete(el)
for i in 0 .. n - 1:
x1 = rand(1000)
y1 = rand(1000)
x2 = x1 + rand(100)
y2 = y1 + rand(100)
b = [(x1, x2), (y1, y2)]
let el: L[2, int, int] = (b, i)
let r = search(t, b)
let r2 = rseq_search(rs, el)
assert r.len == r2.len
assert r.sorted(system.cmp) == r2.sorted(system.cmp)
# 638 lines
$ nim c rtree.nim
Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/Nim/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: used config file '/home/stefan/rstree/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: rtree [Processing]
Hint: algorithm [Processing]
Hint: random [Processing]
Hint: times [Processing]
Hint: strutils [Processing]
Hint: parseutils [Processing]
Hint: math [Processing]
Hint: posix [Processing]
rtree.nim(612, 16) template/generic instantiation from here
rtree.nim(53, 7) Warning: Special variable 'result' is shadowed. [ResultShadowed]
rtree.nim(158, 6) Hint: 'rtree.chooseLeaf(t: RTree[s.M, chooseLeaf.D, chooseLeaf.RT, chooseLeaf.LT], b: Box[chooseLeaf.D, chooseLeaf.RT], level: int)[declared in rtree.nim(158, 5)]' is declared but not used [XDeclaredButNotUsed]
CC: rtree
Error: execution of an external compiler program 'gcc -c -w -I/home/stefan/Nim/lib -o /tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.o /tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c' failed with exit code: 1
/tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c: In function ‘rstarSplit_tu4JZJxTNJVo1CHz0SXoeA’:
/tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:3543:59: error: incompatible type for argument 4 of ‘sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g’
sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g((*n).a, 8, (&lx_2), T8_, ((tyEnum_SortOrder_8iBc6wlNqBa9cju9cUAhUAxA) 1));
In file included from /tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:10:0:
/tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:3365:31: note: expected ‘tyProc_jThyI9bjlaQ5KVhYy6I0RaA {aka struct <anonymous>}’ but argument is of type ‘tyProc_AUbEHCIQQlcAMPKJsuQ9bNQ {aka struct <anonymous>}’
N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(void, sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g)(tyTuple_rdz2dQg2BwJh8G29cCeph0g* a, NI aLen_0, tyTuple_rdz2dQg2BwJh8G29cCeph0g* ax, tyProc_jThyI9bjlaQ5KVhYy6I0RaA cmp, tyEnum_SortOrder_8iBc6wlNqBa9cju9cUAhUAxA order) {
/home/stefan/Nim/lib/nimbase.h:243:44: note: in definition of macro ‘N_NIMCALL’
# define N_NIMCALL(rettype, name) rettype name /* no modifier */
/tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:3552:59: error: incompatible type for argument 4 of ‘sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g’
sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g((*n).a, 8, (&lx_2), T10_, ((tyEnum_SortOrder_8iBc6wlNqBa9cju9cUAhUAxA) 1));
In file included from /tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:10:0:
/tmp//home/stefan/rstree/rtree.c:3365:31: note: expected ‘tyProc_jThyI9bjlaQ5KVhYy6I0RaA {aka struct <anonymous>}’ but argument is of type ‘tyProc_AUbEHCIQQlcAMPKJsuQ9bNQ {aka struct <anonymous>}’
N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(void, sortPlus_VmhFV4ZSoG9afPUaYL7fS1g)(tyTuple_rdz2dQg2BwJh8G29cCeph0g* a, NI aLen_0, tyTuple_rdz2dQg2BwJh8G29cCeph0g* ax, tyProc_jThyI9bjlaQ5KVhYy6I0RaA cmp, tyEnum_SortOrder_8iBc6wlNqBa9cju9cUAhUAxA order) {
/home/stefan/Nim/lib/nimbase.h:243:44: note: in definition of macro ‘N_NIMCALL’
# define N_NIMCALL(rettype, name) rettype name /* no modifier */
stefan@nuc ~/rstree $
I think we can close this issue. I must have done something very strange to confuse the gcc compiler. My final code at compiles and works fine.
I made some changes to the code, just to compare plain RTree performance to new R*Tree variant, and suddenly gcc fails. I am not sure wich change exactly breaks it, as generic procs are only compiled when used, so change may be not really fresh. Feel free to close this issue, I still have an older working copy of this source code,maybe with a few more when statements...