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Correct-by-construction Nim programs #222

Open mratsim opened 4 years ago

mratsim commented 4 years ago

This RFC outlines a potential roadmap to have tooling that significantly address a "new" class of bugs, logic bugs, i.e. bugs in the program design.

New as in the only general purpose language that addresses it as far as I know is Ada/Sparks. And others are formal verification language. I am aware of Eiffel and the design-by-contract paradigm, you will find assume, invariant, precondition, postcondition and assert as useful.

This is a followup to my comment on the safety modes RFC:

Motivating examples

You are designing software for one of the following scenarios:


The usual software bug detection tools:

They do not address bugs in software design that come from an unlikely sequence of events that trigger an unhandled or undefined scenario and potentially catastrophic failures.

Caveat emptor

This is not a replacement for runtime checks, testing, fuzzing. It ensures that your design (aka blueprint) is correct but your implementation might be buggy (for example you forgot to initialize a variable before use).

Correct-by-construction mission-critical system

In Nim, this would involve a branch of formal verification called model checking. This works by exhaustively checking all the possible state of your program (say no train in tunnel, train approaching, trains approaching, train out of the tunnel, rain, train stuck in tunnel, red light failure, ...) and asserting that the unwanted scenarios cannot happen according to the state transitions of your system and your explicit assumptions (the red light cannot fail).

This requires at minimum:


This paper, which comes with an implementation, uses:

This was created by students in a trimester so should be quite accessible.

Note that they mentioned that Z3 wasn't ideal due to not mapping perfectly to the B language. In our case, I think it's an excellent first step as:

In Nim

Correct-by-construction thread synchronization

This is something I critically need in Weave / Project Picasso (#160). I did use model checking via TLA+ to debug and remove deadlocks in my backoff algorithm (that put idle threads to sleep) and ultimately uncover a wakeup bug in Glibc condition variables ( However, that requires learning a new language (which is worth it if implementing a lot of distributed protocols) and does not address implementation bugs due to misunderstanding the C11/C++11 memory model for atomics synchronization.


Verifying the implementation of a concurrent channel.

In Nim

The goal is to verify that the implemented Nim code does not lead to an inconsistent state by unanticipated interleaving of thread execution. The way to do that is by overloading createThread, and synchronization primitives like Atomic, Lock and CondVar.

To model check a concurrent data structure instead of creating a thread, createThread will create two states, and then you create a graph of all possible threads (and resulting states) interleaving. When encountering a synchronization primtives, the model checker might have 1 state make progress (or not) if the memory model allows it (locked or not, acquire/release, ...).

This create a (potentially huge graph) of thread interleaving and what happens at each synchronization and exhaustively explore all possible state proving whether or not there is a synchronization bug (via asserts in the code).


And a lot more at but most only model sequentially consistent execution (i.e. synchronization via locks and condition variables) but not C11/C++11 relaxed memory model and synchroniation via acquire/release atomics).

Note: it's probably possible to use Z3 here as well.

Araq commented 4 years ago

This RFC is not very action-able so far.

What features does DrNim need in order to support multi-threading?

mratsim commented 4 years ago

This RFC covers 2 parts:

Part 2: multithreading

  1. is better tackled independently, which I started here:

Part 1: State machines

DrNim can be expanded to support 1. As mentioned, this would be very helpful for embedded devices, protocol design, mission-critical systems to prove the absence of flaws in the design.

For that DrNim would need to implement some AST -> Z3 translation similar to and described in the paper, Writing a Model Checker in 80 Days: Reusable Libraries and Custom Implementation from Petrash et al

The AST ideally is similar to Synthesis DSL and you can feed it:

This way you can ask Z3 if your state machine doesn't have a corner case with an event that is not handled.

The level beyond is then composing state machines to implement a protocol.

Then we need to find (non-trivial but not too complex) examples to showcase.

  1. We can pick a 2-phase commit protocol to update a database while leaving it consistent
  2. We can pick my event notifier protocol that augments a message channel to put a thread to sleep/wakeup without deadlock (i.e. you send a wakeup, then the thread wakes up and goes to sleep again because message didn't arrive yet and then you send a message and it's never received):
  3. We can pick a messaging protocol for example from nanomsg: image
  4. We can pick an authentication protocol that requires handshakes and acknowledgements and prove that your transitions are bug free. For example TCP image or SOCKS5 image
  5. For mission-critical systems, pick an elevator example and prove that while going up from 0 to 10 and someone at floor 5 presses 3, it doesn't go down but continue to floor 10
  6. I'm sure ADA/Sparks has relevant examples we can borrow from.