nimbella / nimbella-cli

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Report trigger deployment success/failure + use updated API to the backend #248

Closed joshuaauerbachwatson closed 1 year ago

joshuaauerbachwatson commented 1 year ago

Since version 4.2.0 nim had offered support for triggers (via the deployer). These are not OpenWhisk triggers but triggers implemented by DIgitalOcean external to the OpenWhisk cluster.

This change moves trigger support closer to the point where it will be ready to be released to the public. The change does two things

  1. It changes the logic in nim proper so that trigger deployment successes and failures are reported independently of action (function) successes and failures. Although triggers are tied to functions, their deployment is separable and can fail even when the function deployment succeeds.
  2. It brings in the latest deployer version in which contact to the backend goes via an API that is closer to what will eventually be supported.