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Logo usage in manuscript #71

Open TinaUOL opened 2 years ago

TinaUOL commented 2 years ago

Dear all,

we are working on a manuscript about various open science tools in neuroscience, where we plan to include an overview figure with the different tools available. Therefore we wish to use the logo of NiPype. Are there any license restrictions, or can we just include the graphic into our manuscript?

Best regards, Tina Schmitt

effigies commented 2 years ago

cc @satra

TinaUOL commented 2 years ago

Dear all,

so far there was no answer here, is it ok to use the logo of NiPype within our manuscript?

Best regards, Tina

satra commented 2 years ago

@TinaUOL - yes, it was designed by @binarybottle and available under a CC-BY license.