nixta / clusterlayer-plugin-ios

A cluster layer extension to the ArcGIS Runtime for iOS
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A cluster layer extension to the ArcGIS Runtime for iOS.

The gridding code is based heavily on Leaflet.markercluster



  1. Import AGSClusterLayer.h
  2. Add an AGSFeatureLayer to the AGSMapView
  3. Create an AGSClusterLayer with the AGSFeatureLayer and add it to the AGSMapView
    #import "AGSClusterLayer.h"

define kGreyBasemap @""

define kGreyBasemapRef @""

You can also use an AGSGraphicsLayer to load data into a cluster layer, but you need to do this once the AGSMapView has loaded, for example in the mapViewDidLoad: delegate method of AGSMapViewLayerDelegate:

-(void)mapViewDidLoad:(AGSMapView *)mapView {
    // Note, we need to add the GraphicsLayer after the AGSMapView has loaded so we know
    // there's a spatial reference we can use. You will see a warning in the console
    // logs if you don't.
    AGSGraphicsLayer *graphicsLayer = [AGSGraphicsLayer graphicsLayer];
    graphicsLayer.renderer = [AGSSimpleRenderer simpleRendererWithSymbol:self.symbol];
    [self.mapView addMapLayer:graphicsLayer];

    [graphicsLayer addGraphics:[self generateRandomPointGraphics:10000 inEnvelope:self.mapView.visibleAreaEnvelope]];

    // Now wrap it in an AGSClusterLayer. The original GraphicsLayer will be hidden in the map.
    self.graphicsClusterLayer = [AGSClusterLayer clusterLayerForGraphicsLayer:graphicsLayer];
    [self.mapView addMapLayer:self.graphicsClusterLayer];