nlac / nlsclientscript

a Yii 1.x CClientScript extension to prevent reloading javascript libraries and merging/minifying resources
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nlsclientscript 7.0.0-beta7

a Yii 1.x CClientScript extension to prevent reloading javascript libraries and merging/minifying resources

What's new compared to 6.x

How to install with Composer

Composer require section: "nlac/nlsclientscript": "dev-master"


Some important unit tests written, using Codeception. Code coverage will be increased later.

How to run the tests?

  1. Codeception framework needs to be installed globally
    • composer global require "codeception/codeception=2.0.*"
    • composer global require "codeception/specify=*"
    • composer global require "codeception/verify=*"
    • composer global require "codeception/aspect-mock=*"
  2. make sure that %APPDATA%\Composer\vendor\bin is added to the PATH variable (to have codecept command)
  3. go to the project root
  4. composer install
  5. codecept run unit --debug


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