nlaha / godot-midi

MIDI file parsing and event playback in Godot 4.1+
MIT License
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Support a more complete version of the MIDI file specification #17

Open nlaha opened 4 months ago

nlaha commented 4 months ago

Many MIDI files downloaded from the internet simply do not work due to obscure encoding and custom events. A good long-term goal is to support these MIDI files.

One example is a MIDI file that seems to have control change events without the control change event type (0xB0), see for more information.

Lamby777 commented 1 month ago

Does this involve supporting tempo change markers? I just found out those don't work properly. ;-;

nlaha commented 3 weeks ago

@Lamby777 This should be fixed in the latest commit. I'll be posting a new release shortly once the GitHub actions finish. This uncovered some serious issues with how meta-events were being processed so you'll have to re-import all your midi files in the Godot editor.