I ran the following command. ncrack -v -6 $i -U ~/Documents/Stuff/creds/users.list -P ~/Documents/Stuff/creds/pwds.list -T4 -oA tools/ncrack/ncrack_output6-$current_time -iX kali-nmap_portknock6.xml and got
Starting Ncrack 0.7 ( http://ncrack.org ) at 2021-10-25 19:21 UTC
Invalid port number: FE80:1337:4:22
I modified the output to remove sensitive data. But it seems to not be properly parsing the XML file. I tried using the normal output too and I got the same results.
I ran the following command.
ncrack -v -6 $i -U ~/Documents/Stuff/creds/users.list -P ~/Documents/Stuff/creds/pwds.list -T4 -oA tools/ncrack/ncrack_output6-$current_time -iX kali-nmap_portknock6.xml
and gotI modified the output to remove sensitive data. But it seems to not be properly parsing the XML file. I tried using the normal output too and I got the same results.