nmarus / node-ews

A simple JSON wrapper for the Exchange Web Services (EWS) SOAP API.
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How to create vote option while creating the mail for Exchnage2010 version ? #105

Closed kiranraj5225 closed 5 years ago

kiranraj5225 commented 5 years ago

I am unable to create vote options while sending an email, tried my best through ExtendedProperty but bad luck not able to achieve. I am starter in node js, any help/suggestion/guidance is apprecitable.

`const EWS = require('node-ews'); const NTLMAuth = require('httpntlm').ntlm; const passwordPlainText = 'ABCDFGH';

// store the ntHashedPassword and lmHashedPassword to reuse later for reconnecting const ntHashedPassword = NTLMAuth.create_NT_hashed_password(passwordPlainText); const lmHashedPassword = NTLMAuth.create_LM_hashed_password(passwordPlainText);

// exchange server connection info const ewsConfig = { username: 'kiranraj.@demo.com', nt_password: ntHashedPassword, lm_password: lmHashedPassword, host: 'https://mail.yyy.xxxx.com/' };

// initialize node-ews const ews = new EWS(ewsConfig);

const ewsFunction = 'CreateItem';

// define ews api function args const ewsArgs = { "attributes" : { "MessageDisposition" : "SendAndSaveCopy" }, "SavedItemFolderId": { "DistinguishedFolderId": { "attributes": { "Id": "sentitems" } } }, "Items" : { "Message" : { "ItemClass": "IPM.Note", "Subject" : "Test EWS Email", "Body" : { "attributes": { "BodyType" : "HTML" }, "$value": "This is a test email" }, "ExtendedProperty" : { "ExtendedFieldURI" : { "attributes" : { "DistinguishedPropertySetId" : "InternetHeaders", //"PropertySetId" : "00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046", //"PropertyTag" : "0x8520", "PropertyName" : "0x8520", //"PropertyId" : "", "PropertyType" : "String" } } ,"Value" : "Omg!appeared" }, "ToRecipients" : { "Mailbox" : [ //{ "EmailAddress" : "kiranraj.p@demo.com" } { "EmailAddress" : "lokendranath.v@demo.com" } ] }, "IsRead": "false" } } };

// define custom soap header const ewsSoapHeader = { 't:RequestServerVersion': { attributes: { Version: "Exchange2010" } } };

// query ews, print resulting JSON to console ews.run(ewsFunction, ewsArgs, ewsSoapHeader) .then(result => { console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); console.log(JSON.stringify(ewsArgs)) }) .catch(err => { console.log(err.stack); });


Based on above code, i am able to send the mail but the Vote Option is not visible in the sent mail.

{"ResponseMessages":{"CreateItemResponseMessage":{"attributes":{"ResponseClass":"Success"},"ResponseCode":"NoError","Items":null}}} {"attributes":{"MessageDisposition":"SendAndSaveCopy"},"SavedItemFolderId":{"DistinguishedFolderId":{"attributes":{"Id":"sentitems"}}},"Items":{"Message":{"ItemClass":"IPM.Note","Subject":"Test EWS Email","Body":{"attributes":{"BodyType":"HTML"},"$value":"<b>This is a test email</b>"},"ExtendedProperty":{"ExtendedFieldURI":{"attributes":{"DistinguishedPropertySetId":"InternetHeaders","PropertyName":"0x8520","PropertyType":"String"}},"Value":"Omg!appeared"},"ToRecipients":{"Mailbox":[{"EmailAddress":"lokendranath.v@demo.com"}]},"IsRead":"false"}}}

Thanks in Advance !!!

kiranraj5225 commented 5 years ago


I was able to resolve this,

`const EWS = require('node-ews');

// exchange server connection info const ewsConfig = { username: 'username', password: 'password',

const ewsCreateFunction = 'CreateItem';

const ewsSoapHeader = { 't:RequestServerVersion': { attributes: { Version: "Exchange2010" } } };

const ewsWriteArgs = { "attributes" : { "MessageDisposition" : "SendAndSaveCopy" }, "SavedItemFolderId": { "DistinguishedFolderId": { "attributes": { "Id": "sentitems" } } }, "Items" : { "Message" : { "ItemClass": "IPM.Note", "Subject" : "Test EWS Email", "Body" : { "attributes": { "BodyType" : "Text" }, "$value": "This is a test email" }, "ExtendedProperty":{ "ExtendedFieldURI":{ "attributes":{ "DistinguishedPropertySetId":"Common", "PropertyId": "34080", "PropertyType":"Binary" } }, "Value": { "$value": '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' }

  "ToRecipients" : {
    "Mailbox" : {
      "EmailAddress" : "kiranraj.p@demo.com"
  "IsRead": "false"

} };

ews.run(ewsCreateFunction , ewsWriteArgs, ewsSoapHeader) .then(result => { console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err); }); ` I did received a mail with Voting buttons as response to above program.

kiranraj5225 commented 5 years ago

Closing Myself