node-formidable / formidable

The most used, flexible, fast and streaming parser for multipart form data. Supports uploading to serverless environments, AWS S3, Azure, GCP or the filesystem. Used in production.
MIT License
7k stars 680 forks source link

Maintainer Wanted #412

Open felixge opened 7 years ago

felixge commented 7 years ago

I haven't maintained this module in a while*, and PRs are piling up.

If anybody is interested in helping out, I'm happy to give commit bits + npm package access.

To get access, please try to write 1-2 sentences that give me a reasonable hope you're not looking to put malicious code into the package and also mention your npm account name.

* For those curious about the "why?", I'm working with Go these days haven't been using node.js for over 3 years now.

felixge commented 7 years ago

@pornel sounds good. What's your NPM account? I'll give you access :). Thanks!

kornelski commented 7 years ago

I'm kornel on npm

ChALkeR commented 7 years ago

You can use badge, btw.

felixge commented 7 years ago

@pornel thanks, added you on GH and NPM :).

@ChALkeR done.

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

I also can help when have time. I have Koajs package koa-better-body that uses formidable. It's about 3 years old and many users use it, and using it exactly because formidable.

I'm all-lowercased tunnckocore at npm.

badeball commented 7 years ago

Hi, @felixge

I'm happy to help as well. I have decent experience in creating and maintaining libraries, as well as packaging and releasing. @pornel, maybe you want someone to spar with?

kornelski commented 7 years ago

Sure, the more the merrier.

felixge commented 7 years ago

@tunnckoCore added you on gh and npm.

@badeball added you only on gh since you didn't provide your npm handle.

@ all: Thank you so much for offering your help. I'll leave it up to you if you just want to merge good PRs, or add new features. A lot of people depend on this library, so big API changes are probably undesirable at this point. Anyway, I'll mostly stay out of it, unless you need my help to break a tie on a discussion or similar.

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

@felixge cool, thanks!

so big API changes are probably undesirable at this point.

Maybe yea. First we should try to clear the most issues.

We should add some more benchmarks against the other parsers like dicer and busboy, because I'm curious if formidable is still faster.

felixge commented 7 years ago

We should add some more benchmarks against the other parsers like dicer and busboy, because I'm curious if formidable is still faster.

I would expect newer libraries to be faster. I mean I wrote most of the parser 6 years ago, and a lot of things have changed in Node/v8 since then. There was also a lot of time to just improve on my initial ideas :).

Anyway, it would be interesting to see where things are at, but I'd be surprised if formidable wasn't "fast enough" anymore. If it can still process data faster than what your network interface on your server is rated for ... the code is probably fast enough :)

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

Yea exactly. In any way it is always good to have some comparison to know where we are. :)

blueelvis commented 7 years ago

@tunnckoCore - I would also like to help with this project :)

tunnckoCore commented 7 years ago

Very important things should be done first. Sadly I don't have the time, but veryt hanks for that @felixge added me. I always trying to comment and help in new issues, but sadly I can't commit new things and fixes. I partially believe that this project deserve to be rewritten to be more accurate.

@blueelvis It woul dbe great if you can help with the issues and the commented on #414 and #415, because I'm very tired about the whole community and I'm in pause (for relax) currently and I'm not doing anything last few weeks or so (just rage quit).

richard457 commented 6 years ago

I am Interested As I need this module so much in my file Storage System and I am using it now on it streamupbox, and is my NPM name too. thank you.

felixge commented 6 years ago

@richard457 I can't find you on npm?

$ npm owner add richard457 formidable
npm ERR! owner mutate Error getting user data for richard457
npm ERR! code E404
npm ERR! 404 Registry returned 404 for GET on

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
ChALkeR commented 6 years ago

@kornelski @felixge What's the status of this? I am confused a bit, given Who is the primary maintainer of this package atm?

kornelski commented 6 years ago

I guess I am? But I don't have time to maintain this properly.

rwky commented 6 years ago

A company I work for uses this in production I'm rwky on npm we'd be happy to help out.

ChALkeR commented 6 years ago

@kornelski Thanks for the clarification! =)

reviewher commented 6 years ago

Has anyone actually looked through all of the outstanding PRs? For example, is more than 4 years old and waiting on feedback from the original author about the appropriateness of adding the functionality to the library. The newest one in the queue is from May 2017, so just declaring bankruptcy (closing all PRs and asking users to test against the current version) might be appropriate.

tunnckoCore commented 6 years ago

@reviewher yes, I reviewed them much of them and thought for the same thing. Probably most of them are not related anymore.

quantumsheep commented 6 years ago

Hi, I doesn't want this package to fall so I will gladly helps you to maintain this project alive! My npm account: quantumsheep

xarguments commented 6 years ago

Hi. We use it (heavily) in few of our projects, and I myself have built a lot of code on top of it. It's a pity to see it not being maintained lately, as we want to reuse our existing code-base in a new long-term enterprise project. And the code-base was built on top of it, thus we need to maintain it.

Would be glad to help to keep it alive.

NPM account:

felixge commented 6 years ago

@QuantumSheep @xarguments added both of you on GH / NPM. Thanks for helping!

tunnckoCore commented 6 years ago

@felixge would mind add few Github bots to the repo? Or perhaps moving the repo to org (sounds like a better way to go for the future)?

flxwu commented 5 years ago

Dear @felixge,

would you mind adding your repo on It's open source 🌟 and will be launched 🚀 in the next few days.

Thank you! 🙏

Best regards, Felix

tunnckoCore commented 5 years ago

Yo @felixge can help up us a bit with moving the project to an organization?

I've just created it @node-formidable and I sent invites to most from here and to Felix.

felixge commented 5 years ago

@tunnckoCore sorry I missed your message about adding bots, I can help with that, just let me know what you need.

About transferring to an org: I'd be okay with that, but maybe you can share some more info on that? As far as I can tell @kornelski has been the most active on this repo lately, how does he feel about the org?

tunnckoCore commented 5 years ago

Orgs are more flexible in any way. It would be easier if we want to add some other contribs in the future, or adding new apps/bots to the repo, or separating some parts to other repos.

Yea, @kornelski is doing the most. I really want to update the DX and the docs.

kornelski commented 5 years ago

I'm fine with an org. I'm spread thin with many projects, so whatever helps others to collaborate on this project is good.

Amit-A commented 5 years ago

@felixge I use this in production - would love to contribute. My npm account: amit-a

joshuacox commented 4 years ago

@felixge +1 on the move to org

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

@amit-a, I can add you to npm tomorrow.

but anyway, I really want an org, it would do the things so much easier, at least to me.

joshuacox commented 4 years ago

@tunnckoCore add me as well, I'd like to contribute back to this project.

my npm account: uberthoth

felixge commented 4 years ago

@tunnckoCore I just transfered the repo to the org. Let me know if you need anything else. Sorry it took so long.

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

@felixge great! :) No problem, we are all busy these days, haha.

GrosSacASac commented 4 years ago

are you still looking for help? I can help triage issues and PR's as well as do some small PR myself.

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

@GrosSacASac sure! Unfortunately, I've not done anything in the last months, but I'm watching the repo and can review PRs and discuss things.

You can start and I can add you to NPM later.

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

@GrosSacASac, @xargs @quantumsheep sent you invitation for joining the org.

GrosSacASac commented 4 years ago

I accepted, but I am still unable to add labels to existing issues, and close issues :(

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

@GrosSacASac look now. :) I think it should be working.

Hawaiideveloper commented 4 years ago

My name is Corey aka Hawaiideveloper. I would like to learn and contribute to this project. I like how the library works when extrapolating.

Hawaiideveloper commented 4 years ago

go ?

tunnckoCore commented 4 years ago

Contributions are welcome, I can add you later to the GitHub, npm is a bit stricter thing :)

Code is a lot cleaner and better than before (and can be a lot better), so I hope it's easy to understand and navigate.

Everything is in the issues and the comments, even with some v3 ideas. I think #594 is easy start.

glensc commented 3 years ago

@Hawaiideveloper Go =

GrosSacASac commented 3 years ago

If someone has npm access, please help resolve

MaxFichtelmann commented 3 years ago

npm is also needed to publish v1.2.3 (

tunnckoCore commented 2 years ago

@MaxFichtelmann what's v1.2.3? Just that package.json change? Well, yea possibly when i published 1.2.2 i forgot to bump to version in package.json or what? hm.

GrosSacASac commented 2 years ago

If I am correct 1.2.3 has a fix (2021) on top of 1.2.2 but was not published to npm

tunnckoCore commented 2 years ago

Hm. Okay clear. I'll try.