nodkz / relay-northwind-app

A complex React, Relay, GraphQL demo app. Online demo:
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refactor(Toggle<Component>s): Swap out the for our new Relay … #3

Closed cellis closed 7 years ago

cellis commented 7 years ago

…2 Store

Relay 2 will use GraphQLMutation, so we should start getting on this train

Addresses #1

I would also like to know how the tracked/fat query stuff is solved by using this, but will save that question for down the road ;)

cellis commented 7 years ago

I will keep adding all the other Toggles to this branch, so this is a WIP

cellis commented 7 years ago

@nodkz getting close.

nodkz commented 7 years ago

@cellis let move out mutation to another pr/branch and make there some improvements.

nodkz commented 7 years ago

The main problem is that app/components/products/ProductConnection.js is polluted by mutation logic. In my internal app, I prefer to keep mutation inside/near Form component. It becomes more clear and better according to component approach (if we have form, we may put it anywhere and it should work).

nodkz commented 7 years ago

@cellis so create .env file in project root with your vars


DEV_PORT= 4200

This file listed in .gitignore so it is safe to make commits without exposing your dev vars and breaking some else setup/configuration.

It will be very useful if you try to do the same things with As you can see there are exist env vars PORT MONGODB_URI already. So just setup correctly dotenv.

cellis commented 7 years ago

@nodkz how will the app/components/products/ProductConnection.js know that a new product has been added? Should I make a new graphql query in the Product connection onCreateProduct?

nodkz commented 7 years ago

Relay.Store on update automatically should rerender react components. The main problem is to correct pass data. Some internals about relay store

Mutations has configs, which can add/remove nodes from connection. But I don't like them for me its too complicated (frankly lazy) to provide all needed data from server, so I'm using forceFetch to reload data. And for Forms I pass property onSuccess with callback which call this.props.relay.forceFetch. Sometimes I'm using fbEmitter to emit and listen changes, instead of passing prop with callback.

When Relay2 will landed I try to find simple way to add elements to connections.

cellis commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure how to proceed with refactoring of the product connection, tbh. I will push the WIP I have so you can see what I mean.

cellis commented 7 years ago

@nodkz So mutation will automatically set data? Or should I pass a callback to the CreateProduct form from ProductConnection. I'm just not sure how this relay store and environment ties everything together.

cellis commented 7 years ago

So I've been looking into how the Relay2Store works, and I still don't understand much, besides that this doesn't do fat/tracked queries.

I don't understand how it solves the problem of not sending unnecessary queries to the server as fat/tracked queries do, but I do understand that it's much much easier to use than writing getConfigs, and fat queries that may be hard to reason about. I know a lot of this is still being figured out as part of relay 2, but it would be nice to get your opinion on this.

The other thing is, with this store, we cannot do this.props.relay.commitUpdate(...mutation...) and have automatically props updated (right?), but we can use this in other components that aren't wrapped in relay containers, as you are suggesting here (move the mutation out into the CreateProduct form)?

nodkz commented 7 years ago

@cellis Relay Store just create new record with Product. Connection will be keep untouched, cause we should somehow to pass additional config via RANGE_ADD to our mutation for informing relay that it also should mutate connection. But it requires to return connection in mutation payload.

So in my internal app I think that it will be too complicated. And just call forceFetch on the RelayContainer which render my connections.

nodkz commented 7 years ago

For last you comment will answer later. For now I should run.

nodkz commented 7 years ago

Wow. So long ago did not look here. Merge it, before I'll start to migrating on Relay.Modern