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The new home of the Open Data Hub Mobility API v2
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As MaaS Operator, I would like to have a secure end-point from which I can retrieve anonymous user codes #41

Open rcavaliere opened 1 week ago

rcavaliere commented 1 week ago

In short time MaaS Operators will be able to offer MaaS services to local users thanks mainly to the Open Data Hub. The project provides incentives to users testing such APPs. For being part of the project, selected users of selected companies will have to register thanks to a Microsoft Form managed by STA. Thanks to the answers obtained, users' identifiers can be generated - these are necessary for the interface between the MaaS operator back-end and the national MaaS platform, where for statistical / research reasons the users' trip patterns are stored. Everything is GDPR-compliant! The user inserts a user code which is securely provided by the mobility manager of the company.

The MaaS Operator would need to have instead of a CSV / Excel file an API with just the relevant data needed. So the user story would be:

No data storage is needed in the Open Data Hub; in this case we can directly publish this data.

Possibly within October 4th.

rcavaliere commented 2 days ago

@clezag @LuhoDaan the API should simply retrieve as JSON a list of objects, each object should contain three fields:

codiceUtente is a field given in the Excel file linked above, while idViaggiatore and tipoViaggiatore are something to be calculated based on the answers given by a user to the form, and available in the Excel file. I will provide you tomorrow the exact way we have to calculate these two codes, with an example. In the meantime you can start trying to read the content of the Excel file (see link above in the user story description)

rcavaliere commented 1 day ago

@clezag @LuhoDaan now if you see online link below you can find the exact way these codes (idViaggiatore and tipoViaggiatore) have to be computed. You can find some example so that you can understand better. In the attached specification you can find the exact rules for the generation of the code tipoViaggiatore.

DSSRF-Gestione viaggi_v2.2_signed-17-19.pdf