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As an Open Data Hub Data Browser visitor I want to see also the Traffic Events in the Data Browser, to have a complete overview of all data provided by the Open Data Hub. #544

Closed sseppi closed 1 month ago

sseppi commented 3 months ago

In the last weeks the Open Data Hub published in the Mobility Domain a new data type, the Traffic Events. Here below you can find link to the API (tree and flat):,event,event

And the request to get all Traffic Event of a data Provider (Province of Bolzano) always Flat and tree link:,event/PROVINCE_BZ,event/PROVINCE_BZ

As you can see in the screenshots below, the data are already visible in Analytics.

Image Image

We need to integrate these data also in the Data Browser to provide the right visibility to the datasets.

sseppi commented 3 months ago

We have a new data type in the Mobility domain.

@gappc Could you please investigate how much effort would be to integrate also this data type in the Data Browser? @pkritzinger Can you pleas start reasoning about the design challenges of this issue.

I would discuss this issue at the next Sprint meeting, since we need to integrate this data as soon as possible, and also this activity is independent from the UI/UX test results.

gappc commented 3 months ago

@sseppi, @pkritzinger, @Mazzolintis, @RudiThoeni, @rcavaliere it was hard to estimate the effort for this functionality, so I just had to give it a try, see #PR #551 (draft PR)

Basically, the traffic event data (eventorigin) is on the same domain as the station code data, there are some subtle differences in ID definition and URLs between them.

In the end it took some moderate effort to get to the result of PR #551. The PR is not completed yet, some UI / UX polishing needs to be done (e.g. what data to show in table / detail, ...), but I think you'll get an idea of how it looks and works.

I deployed a demo version so you can get a look at it, I'll send you the URL by email.

gappc commented 2 months ago

@sseppi, @pkritzinger, @Mazzolintis, @RudiThoeni, @rcavaliere did you have time to take a look at the feature?

Here is the link to take a look at:,event/PROVINCE_BZ

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@gappc I like it!

I've seen that there is only a small bug in the description column if there is a long link in the text. As you can see in the screenshot below, the link goes over the other columns.

Screenshot from 2024-04-08 15-43-42

Another consideration is, that for this kind of data a map view could be interesting.

@rcavaliere what do you think?

gappc commented 2 months ago

@sseppi you can find the map in the detail view

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@sseppi you can find the map in the detail view

@gappc I was wondering if we need to have an overview of all Traffic Events on a map, to understand better how the Traffic Events are distributed over the region I'm looking.

As example I share a screenshot about Open Data Hub Analytics:

Screenshot from 2024-04-08 16-12-39

pkritzinger commented 2 months ago

@gappc thanks, in my opinion looks pretty good. two thoughts:

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

Hi, I will provide you a feedback next week (KW16)

pkritzinger commented 2 months ago

@gappc @sseppi here comes the configuration for the Detail page of the events:

I was not sure about all the data provided within evIgeometry as Swagger does not provide any information either. That's why I chose the two attributes referring to Langitude and Latitude (highlighted in the Screenshot below): image

gappc commented 2 months ago

@sseppi @pkritzinger @rcavaliere I've updated the PR #551:

You can take a look at the current state at,event/PROVINCE_BZ

Looking forward to your feedback

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@gappc the visualization is fine for me, but Roberto knows better then me the data.

The map overview mentioned in one of the comments above will be topic for another issue.

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@gappc @sseppi @pkritzinger sorry for the non immediate reply. First of all, the data of the events as they are presented is OK. Please just be aware that the geometry of the events can in general more complex that just a point, in general they are characterized by an array of coordinates, indicating the road stretch in which they are present. Second point, the necessity to have a map in the Data Browser. In my opinion this could be an added value, but take care to not loose the focus and primary functionality of the Data Browser, which is the possibility to edit (meta)data (=data in tourism, metadata in mobility). Just to clarify things, analytics has always been a tool created with the intention to offer a sort of "digital twin" of the current situation in mobility, we could eventually think to include other relevant information of other sectors (that have geospatial data) if you need so, and then link to the Data Browser in case some edit operations are necessary.

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@rcavaliere thank you for your reply.

First of all, the data of the events as they are presented is OK. Please just be aware that the geometry of the events can in general more complex that just a point, in general they are characterized by an array of coordinates, indicating the road stretch in which they are present.

Considering your feedback I suggest to go online with this version, and create a dedicated issue for the management of the array of coordinates. In my point of view, we could extend the map component to render also array of GPS or tracks. This feature could be useful also for other use cases (e.g. ski slopes, lifts etc.)

Second point, the necessity to have a map in the Data Browser. In my opinion this could be an added value, but take care to not loose the focus and primary functionality of the Data Browser, which is the possibility to edit (meta)data (=data in tourism, metadata in mobility). Just to clarify things, analytics has always been a tool created with the intention to offer a sort of "digital twin" of the current situation in mobility, we could eventually think to include other relevant information of other sectors (that have geospatial data) if you need so, and then link to the Data Browser in case some edit operations are necessary.

The map overview is a feature we need to implement also for other use cases of the Content side (e.g. webcams, poi, etc). We have a lot of data that has GPS coordinates associated also in the content domain and is really useful have an geographical overview where they are located. In Analytics we see only the Timeseries one and we miss all the others (e.g. webcams). For example if I want to know the geographical distribution of the webcams the Open Data Hub is exposing, I have to go in the Web Component Store and open the Web Camp component. For this reason, I think we need a map overview also in the Data Browser and I would suggest to use it also for this Data Set.

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

@sseppi It's not easier to visualize the missing data on analytics, instead of conceiving all this in the Data Browser? I fear this tool is loosing the primary aim it should have.

sseppi commented 2 months ago

@sseppi It's not easier to visualize the missing data on analytics, instead of conceiving all this in the Data Browser? I fear this tool is loosing the primary aim it should have.

@rcavaliere one of the aim of the Data Browser is to provide to the user the overview of all data exposed by the Open Data Hub and the let the user to continue on other tools to do specific analysis (e.g. analytics for rendering graphs of the time series or other mobility domain specific analysis, data quality dashboard to make data quality analysis). In that sense a map overview in the Data Browser is really useful in my point of view. The target user of the Data Browser isn't only the data editor, but also the user that wants to have an overview about all data that are exposed by the Open Data Hub in one single tool.

rcavaliere commented 2 months ago

Again, the analytics would be much more suitable for this, and has already this feature... analytics is not intended to just analyze time series, but to have an overview of the (real-time) conditions provided by the available datasets. The map view in analytics is much more important than the chart one!

sseppi commented 2 months ago

I'm still convinced that Data Browser users will benefit from a simple map overview, to avoid jumping between two tolls just to switch between list and map overview. In my point of view both tools, Bata Browser and Ananytics, needs a map overview but probably with different scopes and features or maybe not.

Moreover we need to evaluate also how complex will be integrate a second API which is completely different, in the data structure and query way, from the timeseries one.

Since I think it is important to have a deeper exchange about this topic, I will organize a short meeting with you, me and Martin to find together the best way to go.