nomego / Lazyman.bundle

Lazyman Plex Channel
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No Media Content Found in RMP #74

Open heym0n opened 4 years ago

heym0n commented 4 years ago

Out of no where I can’t watch NHL LazyMan on Roku Media Player. I reinstalled LazyMan on Plex via web tools, checked the hosts file, updated every app and Plex, still nothing. What happens is, When selecting the current date or yesterday’s date trying to watch a recap. I do see the preview images of the games/teams but unfortunately It says no content found and file corrupt error(recap).

Any ideas?


mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

I have a similar issue in that it is all there and available right up to the point that I try to choose a game. At that point I get a 'no compatible media found' message.

heym0n commented 4 years ago

Any update on your end? I have reinstalled everything and made sure the hosts file is correct, still having this issue

mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

Same. Can get the menus on RMP or PLEXrarflix but no content. Works fine on PC.

heym0n commented 4 years ago

In case you didn’t notice, there is a new IP address to block via your hosts file. This did not fix the problem on my end.

mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

working for me now! i removed this version of the Lzayman bundle (nomego) and replaced it with the chiefy version. that seems to have done the trick for me.

heym0n commented 4 years ago

All done by deleting LazyMan.bundle from the Plex Plugin folder manually? Did you copy the LazyMan.bundle-master into the plugin folder and run gitpull?


mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

Opened Plex Media Server-->went to MORE-->then click the 3 dots (More Actions) to right of my Server name-->Manager Server-->Settings. Scroll right to bottom and there is a Plugins. Click on that and the hover over Lazyman and there is a red X to remove it. Then closed Plex. Then went to the Plugins folder and deleted the LazyMan.bundle. The I did a git to get the chiefy version git clone Started up Plex Media Server again and then it was working on Roku for me.

mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

any luck?

heym0n commented 4 years ago

In Plex via web user interface, deleted LazyMan under plugins (hit the red X). LazyMan.bundle was removed From the plugins folder in localapps etc etc.

Ran git clone to clone chiefy’s Version to plugins/LazyMan.bundle

Created a new folder and cloned successfully.

Started Plex Server back up, went to RMP, went thru the procedure, this time around I was able to get farther along, after Choosing a live game, I was able to choose home Or away feed. Selected the feed and it started receiving/buffering. Unfortunately, I received an invalid file error.

I have the latest website (games) in the hosts file and the other three (old original).

Could that be the issue is my host file?

heym0n commented 4 years ago

Here is my error

@ 0B314F28-F847-4516-A385-85E3A2F339C2

mfjugrnt commented 4 years ago

idk. Have you tried removing the old entries from the Hosts file? shouldnt need those ones anymore. And DLNA enabled in Plex Media Server settings?

heym0n commented 4 years ago

I ve done everything, even downloaded hostsman to make sure my hosts file was done being created and saved correctly. I even went to the originators version (NJStevens) and reinstalled everything. It’s crazy how something can out of no where stop working. My guess now is, could it be the latest version of Plex server causing this

MorinFred commented 4 years ago

@heym0n I had the same problem, are you sure your hosts file has the correct IP (ping ? I had the IP for in mine and had the same error on Roku...

heym0n commented 4 years ago

Your timing is impeccable! Last night I figured everything out. I made two backups of my hosts file then deleted them all. Why? What was happening is, I would open/edit hosts file in notepad with admin privileges, saved it as NOT a txt file, I would select All Files. Then, the hosts file icon was a txt document and windows would create another one, I think it was a file system icon (white blank Icon).

I used hostman to create a new hosts file and added all my entries including the LazyMan entries.

What I didn’t do correctly was edit the right IP number for the mv.nhl (whatever it is I don’t recollect but it’s the only one for the nhl). So, I discovered that and now the stream works. If there is another stream server, you have to ping it to get the IP and manually edit the hosts file for the mv.nhl line. I was using both servers last night, freegamez and powersports but they both would lag and freeze up.