nor0x / SlotView

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SlotView.Maui 🎰


a view that can animate images like a slot machine reel. Powered by Maui.Graphics and highly customizable.

read more about the development here in my blog


Add NuGet package to your project:

dotnet add package SlotView.Maui

or as PackageReference

<PackageReference Include="SlotView.Maui" Version="0.0.1" />


        <x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
            <!-- images can be local or remote -->

or in code behind

var mySlotView = new SlotView
    Speed = 10,
    Drag = 0.1f,
    StopIndex = 5,
    VisibleCount = 3,
    Images = new string[]

SlotView Class Documentation


BackgroundColor property

Type: Color

Description: Gets or sets the background color of the control.

Images property

Type: string[]

Description: Gets or sets the list of image paths to be displayed in the control.

Speed property

Type: float

Description: Gets or sets the speed of the spinning animation.

MinimumSpeed property

Type: float

Description: Gets or sets the minimum speed that the spinning animation can reach.

Drag property

Type: float

Description: Gets or sets the drag of the spinning animation.

DragThreshold property

Type: int

Description: Gets or sets the drag threshold of the spinning animation.

VisibleCount property

Type: int

Description: Gets or sets the number of images to be displayed at once.

Delay property

Type: float

Description: Gets or sets the delay before the spinning animation starts.

Duration property

Type: float

Description: Gets or sets the duration of the spinning animation.

StopIndex property

Type: int

Description: Gets or sets the index of the image to stop the spinning animation at.

IsSpinning property

Type: bool

Description: Gets or sets a value indicating whether the spinning animation is currently running.

Direction property

Type: SlotDirection

Description: Gets or sets the direction of the spinning animation.


ImagesLoaded event

Type: EventHandler

Description: Occurs when the list of images has been loaded and is ready for display.

Started event

Type: EventHandler

Description: Occurs when the spinning animation has started.

Paused event

Type: EventHandler

Description: Occurs when the spinning animation has been paused.

Finished event

Type: EventHandler

Description: Occurs when the spinning animation has finished.


You can find a demo project with multiple scenarious and customizations in the SlotView.Maui.Demo folder of this repository.