Closed peteringram0 closed 7 years ago
Thanks for your report 👍
I tried to reproduce this but it seems like there are differences in the setup.
I am running Atom 1.14.3 on Arch Linux (GNOME DE) with the file-icons
package version 2.0.17
and my icon for the settings-view
is different as you can see on the screenshot.
Can you please post some setup information like
so I can try to reproduce it?
I had the seti-icons package enabled which was causing part of the issue. With it disabled it still looks like there is an issue:
Atom version: 1.14.4 Packages: [stylus, atom-beautify, atom-bootstrap3, atom-jade, atom-typescript, dotblocker, editorconfig, emmet, file-icons (2.0.17), fold-functions, pigments] OSX 10.12.3
_analyticsUserId: "59b34174-1565-4602-a67e-9f89ddecde22"
disabledPackages: [
telemetryConsent: "no"
themes: [
fontSize: 12
preferredLineLength: 100
showIndentGuide: true
tabLength: 4
userId: "e94c6348-7cc9-b2b6-df64-88867be0175f"
absoluteMode: true
compactView: true
fileIcons: false
tabSizing: false
layoutMode: "Compact"
showOnStartup: false
Thanks, I've tested this on macOS. I forgot that I've implemented this selector to move the close icon on tabs to the left when running on macOS. This can be fixed by setting padding-left: 10px
for the icon.
Following the conversations in atom/tabs #378 and atom/one-dark-ui #179, this should be better moved into a optional theme setting to not mess with people's muscle memory. Maybe this will be implemented into the core 📦 atom/tabs sometime.
Anyway, I'll try to fix it this weekend and merge it into the next version.
I played around with the tab sizing rules and I'll just remove the platform-specific selector for now because a theme setting would cause more bugs.
It will be reimplemented after a whole refactoring of the UI scaling code (#58) or when this feature gets implemented into the core tabs
When will this be merged in plz? Thanks 👍
I'll do it this evening when I'm back home 😄
Before with file-icons
Before with seti-icons
After with file-icons
After with seti-icons
🚢 Shipped in apm
package release version 🏷 0.10.2
/cc @peteringram0
Thanks, works like a charm :)
When the full-width tabs are disabled the close button is on-top of the file type icon.