norment / tsd_issues

Repo to track issues with TSD as tickets
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This repository is an issue tracker TSD issues that we face at NORMENT. Click here to see the list of issues. Please comment or vote on issues that you feel are important. Click here to submit a new issue.

Also, consider typing your real name in github user profile, otherwise we might not be able to guess who submits the ticket.

Feel free to report if you have anything in mind! Could be anything - login experience, ideas for improvement, slow stuff, etc... These tickets will be followed up by p33 admins (i.e. you fellow colleagues at NORMENT). Keep in mind that you may also submit an RT ticket directly to TSD USIT by sending an e-mail to . This works well for standard issues (i.e. login problems affecting a single user, non-urgent requests to enable new software or upgrade of the existing software, etc). For more complex tickets that require investigation or Advanced User Support, it's reasonable to create a ticket in this repository.