not-matthias / apollo

Modern and minimalistic blog theme.
MIT License
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Html truncatre error #40

Closed lmnzx closed 10 months ago

lmnzx commented 10 months ago

I am trying to deploy this site to vercel but I keep getting this error.

Error: Failed to truncate html at character 3986: 
Expected attribute name.
1\|<!DOCTYPE html><html class="dark light"><head><meta charset=UTF-8><meta http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content=IE=edge><meta name=viewport content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"><title> not-matthias </title><meta property=og:title content=not-matthias><link rel=icon type=image/png href=/icon/favicon.png><link href= rel=stylesheet><script>
2\|            MathJax = {
3\|              tex: {
4\|                inlineMath: [[', '], ['\\(', '\\)']]
5\|              }
6\|            };
7\|            </script><script id=MathJax-script async src=>
8\|        </script><link rel=alternate type=application/atom+xml title=not-matthias href=><link rel=stylesheet href=><link id=darkModeStyle rel=stylesheet href=><link rel=stylesheet media=screen href=><body><div class=content><header><div class=main><a href=>not-matthias</a><div class=socials><a rel=me href= class=social> <img alt=twitter src=/social_icons/twitter.svg> </a><a rel=me href= class=social> <img alt=github src=/social_icons/github.svg> </a></div></div><nav><a href=/posts style="margin-left: 0.7em">/posts</a><a href=/projects style="margin-left: 0.7em">/projects</a><a href=/about style="margin-left: 0.7em">/about</a> \| <a id=dark-mode-toggle onclick=toggleTheme() href=javascript:void(0)> <img src=/feather/sun.svg id=sun-icon style="filter: invert(1);"> <img src=/feather/moon.svg id=moon-icon> </a><script src=></script></nav></header><div class=page-header>Projects<span class=primary-color style="font-size: 1.6em">.</span></div><main><div class=cards><div class=card><img class=card-image alt=/projects/project-1.jpg src=><div class=card-info><h1 class=card-title><a href=>Apollo</a></h1><div class=meta></div><div class=card-description>Modern and minimalistic blog theme.</div></div></div><div class=card><img class=card-image alt= </a>
10\|        <a href=/#x2F/about style="margin-left: 0.7em">/#x2F/about</a>
not-matthias commented 10 months ago

Hey, I'm not really sure what the issue is. Have you fixed it?

lmnzx commented 10 months ago

the error occurs due to the remote_image in the The truncate error happens because this html template was generated

<img class=card-image alt= </a>
not-matthias commented 10 months ago

Good catch! I fixed it.