notaryproject / notation-go

A collection of libraries for supporting sign and verify OCI artifacts. Based on Notary Project specifications.
Apache License 2.0
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Push successful but logged an error #400

Closed JeyJeyGao closed 6 months ago

JeyJeyGao commented 7 months ago

What is not working as expected?

$ notation sign --key  wabbit-networks-ca-issued $image -v
INFO Using the referrers tag schema
INFO Reference v1 resolved to manifest descriptor: {MediaType:application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json Digest:sha256:43837354f3f9a79b20b430b8ce4b6cc43c52dbabed9e88775b53697fe560c329 Size:1782 URLs:[] Annotations:map[] Data:[] Platform:<nil> ArtifactType:}
Warning: Always sign the artifact using digest(@sha256:...) rather than a tag(:v1) because tags are mutable and a tag reference can point to a different artifact than the one signed.
ERRO Failed to push the signature
Warning: Removal of outdated referrers index from remote registry failed. Garbage collection may be required.
Successfully signed

ERRO Failed to push the signature ...... Successfully signed

Which is confusing.

What did you expect to happen?

For this case: Warning: Removal of outdated referrers index from remote registry failed. Garbage collection may be required.

We should not log an error.

How can we reproduce it?

re-sign an artifact in a registry that doesn't support deleting blob with digest

Describe your environment


What is the version of your notation-go Library?
