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What's the secret of your amazing technical presentation skill? #48

Closed Williammer closed 8 years ago

Williammer commented 8 years ago

Hi Monica,

I was redirected from your recent presentation on Google I/O 2016, which is really enjoyable to watch! You've totally nailed it with no effort! : ) As a developer, I've had some difficulties to present technical talks in my company. I tend to get nervous when presenting and this gets worse if there were quite many audiences and some of them were quite picky on what and how I presented my topics. Watching your talk on Google I/O, I can't even find a little bit nerve from you and it's so fluent and coherent. I wonder what's your secret to present technical talks so well and effortless in front of many people?(especially being gazed by many critical eyes) As engineer/developer/emojineer, we normally spend a lot of time in front of computer screen, so we might not have equal amount of time to talk to others compared to other professionals like sales or teacher. Are you just born to be quite good at talking/presenting or were there some kind of hardworking experience/practices that you may share?

Thanks a lot and Best Regards! William

notwaldorf commented 8 years ago

Eeee, thanks so much for the kind words! Really appreciated! ❀️

If it makes you feel any better: I get suuuuper nervous right before a talk, and this is true of most people that I know. It's all about managing that anxiety and converting it into excitement. And whenever I re-watch my talks I find a gazillion flaws with them (i say "like" too much! what are my legs even doing? some sentences make no sense!), which I also think is normal -- hearing yourself speak is one of the most awkward experiences on earth, but it's also the best way to find out what your verbal ticks and stuff are.

I'm a bit lucky because I've done a bit of public speaking and debating in high school (mostly as an excuse to go on trips), so it translates pretty well to giving conference talks. But! It's all about practice, and you can totally get better at it! I find the the best talks are talks that tell stories that you're passionate about -- if you don't really enjoy the subject matter, you're probably not going to be super excited to talk about it either.

Here's some things that have helped me out a lot:

Hope this helps, and I hope to see you give a talk soon! πŸŽ‰ 🍰 🍻

Williammer commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for the tips, very helpful! The 30 secs training is particularly awesome, I'm gonna try it too πŸ˜ƒ