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Advice for New Googlers #59

Closed rambleraptor closed 7 years ago

rambleraptor commented 7 years ago

Hey! Any advice for somebody starting at Google soon?

nfischer commented 7 years ago

And if you have any advice for a noogler who recently started on chromium, that would be awesome too 😁 👍

notwaldorf commented 7 years ago

Oops, I completely missed this! Welcome, welcome!

I think I'd have the same advice for non-googlers too, though Google tends to be a bigger, more intimidating place than most, so, in no order:

This can go on for ever. Try to find a person you respect in your team/area/company, figure out what they do that you respect, and try to get inspired by that. Maybe ask them for coffee and ask them about career tips, since if they've been around for a while, they might have some advice.

Oh, and have fun. If you don't have fun, you won't like your work, and if you don't like your work, well, that'll be kinda shitty. And don't eat all the snacks at once.

nfischer commented 7 years ago

@notwaldorf Thanks for the tips! I'll be sure to take the code review advice to heart :smile:

rambleraptor commented 7 years ago

I never responded to this! Thanks a lot for the advice. It's been really helpful. Especially the part about code reviews :)