noxdafox / rabbitmq-cloudwatch-exporter

RabbitMQ Plugin for publishing cluster metrics to AWS CloudWatch
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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getting 'module could not be loaded' string_compat,to_lower in the latest rabbitmq 3.8 #32

Closed NamelessHH closed 3 years ago

NamelessHH commented 3 years ago

Seems like string_compat no longer has the to_lower functionality and its causing it to crash.

│ 2021-04-05 17:38:53.411 [error] <0.993.0> Supervisor 'Elixir.ExAws.Supervisor' had child 'Elixir.ExAws.Config.AuthCache' started with 'Elixir.ExAws.Config.AuthCache':start_link([{name,'Elixir.ExAws.Config.AuthCache'}]) at <0.13951.54> exit with reason call to undefined function string_compat:to_lower("16 │ │ 17:38:53.415 [error] GenServer :rabbitmq_cloudwatch_exporter terminating │ │ ** (stop) exited in:, {:refresh_config, %{access_key_id: [{:system, "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"}, :instance_role], host: "", http_client: ExAws.Request.Hackney, json_codec: Poison, port: 443, region: "us-east-1", retries: [max_attempts: 10, │ │ ** (EXIT) an exception was raised: │ │ ** (UndefinedFunctionError) function :string_compat.to_lower/1 is undefined (module :string_compat is not available)