noxdafox / rabbitmq-cloudwatch-exporter

RabbitMQ Plugin for publishing cluster metrics to AWS CloudWatch
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Logs are not being sent to Cloudwatch #42

Open dave505 opened 2 years ago

dave505 commented 2 years ago


Firstly, let me say that this plugin is easy to use and takes all of 5 minutes to get setup and start sending RabbitMQ metrics to Cloudwatch. The only issue I have is that I'm unable to send log data to Cloudwatch. I'm running the below config on a test instance.

I have noticed that the lager config is not appearing in the output of "rabbitmqctl environment" am I missing a plugin?

Versions: Erlang: 24.3.2 RabbitMQ: 3.9.14

My rabbitmq.config:

[ % lager backend config {lager, [{handlers, [{lager_cloudwatch_backend, [info, "RabbitMQ"]}]}]},

% RabbitMQ Cloudwatch Exporter config {rabbitmq_cloudwatch_exporter, [{aws, [{secret_access_key,"SOMEKEY"}, {access_key_id,"ANOTHERKEY"}, {region,"eu-west-2"}]}, {metrics, [{queue,[{enable,true}]}, {exchange,[{enable,true}]}, {node,[{enable,true}]}, {vhost,[{enable,true}]}, {overview,[{enable,true}]}]}, {namespace,"rabbitmq"}]} ].