I set up my interactive development environment by running the followings in different consoles:
boot dev
boot repl -c
In the boot repl, I typed (start-repl), which, however, takes forever to finish and block my input.
Like this:
<< started Weasel server on ws:// >>
<< waiting for client to connect ... Connection is ws://localhost:39371
Writing boot_cljs_repl.cljs...
However, it's wired since I once successfully start the bREPL, yet now I can't.
I'm trying to implement examples from the open source book Modern CLJS
I've already write a runnable boot task to compile, watch and serve my project, here's code for
:I set up my interactive development environment by running the followings in different consoles:
In the boot repl, I typed (start-repl), which, however, takes forever to finish and block my input. Like this:
However, it's wired since I once successfully start the bREPL, yet now I can't.