nschneid / activedop

A treebank annotation tool based on a statistical parser that is re-trained during annotation
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Active DOP treebank annotation tool

A treebank annotation tool based on a statistical parser that is re-trained during annotation. Paper: http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/C18-2009

.. image:: screenshot.png :alt: screenshot of annotation tool

Installation instructions

Running the demo on a toy treebank and annotation task:

Edit "settings.cfg" to use a different grammar and sentences to annotate, and to configure usernames and passwords. Note that the treebank on which the grammar is based needs to be available, in the paths specified in the grammar parameter file.

Sentences need to be segmented, one sentence per line. For best results, tokenize the sentences to annotate according to treebank conventions.



    author={van Cranenburgh, Andreas},
    title={Active DOP: A constituency treebank annotation tool with online learning}
    booktitle={Proceedings of COLING system demonstrations},