nss-cohort-40 / bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api

bangazon-ecommerce-api-silly-walkers-ecommerce-api created by GitHub Classroom
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CLIENT -- User can see a report of customers with more than one order #31

Open JoeShep opened 4 years ago

JoeShep commented 4 years ago

Given a user wants to see if there are erroneous orders in the system When the user clicks on the Reports item in the navigation bar Then a hyperlink labeled Multiple Orders should be in a list of reports to run

Given user is viewing the list of reports to run When the Multiple Orders hyperlink is clicked Then the user should be presented with a list of customer names and order counts where each customer has more than one open order in the system.

First Name Last Name Open Orders
Mary Kergosian 3
Ali Kimbrell 2
Johnathan Huffaker 3
kirksudduth commented 4 years ago

What Doing?

kirksudduth commented 4 years ago

How Doing?

kirksudduth commented 4 years ago
