nss-day-cohort-23 / group-project-themepark-tearm-park

group-project-themepark-tearm-park created by GitHub Classroom
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Logo and search bar in header #1

Closed Rian501 closed 6 years ago

Rian501 commented 6 years ago


As a user, in order to find attractions I'm interested in, I need to type some value in a text box in the navigation bar at the top of the page, press enter, and see results

Acceptance Criteria

Given a user visits the application When the application renders Then the application logo should appear on the left in a navigation bar

Given a user visits the application When the application renders Then a text field should appear in the middle of the navigation bar

Given the user types some characters into the search field When user user presses enter Then the areas that contain an attraction, whose name contains the search string, should be outlined with a border

Technical Information

  1. Use regular expressions to match the user's search string with the name of each attraction to find a match. The search string simply must be contained in the attraction name, not just start with.
kenziebottoms commented 6 years ago

Logo and search bar added: https://github.com/nss-day-cohort-23/group-project-themepark-tearm-park/commit/accbc4811f715c0ed3eb5055a7d99318b539370e

Still need to weaponize search fn