nstrydom2 / anonfile-api

An unofficial Python Anonfiles.com API
MIT License
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anon anonfile anonfile-api anonfiles anonymous api file-download file-upload pypi python rest-client

Anonfiles.com Unofficial Python API

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This unofficial Python API was created to make uploading and downloading files from https://anonfiles.com simple and effective for programming in Python. The goal of the project is to create an intuitive library for anonymous file sharing.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


Python 3.8+ is required to run this application, other than that there are no prerequisites for the project, as the dependencies are included in the repository.


To install the library is as simple as running

pip install anonfile

from the command line. To install this library in debug mode with dev dependencies, use

pip install -e .[dev]

instead. It is recommended to create an virtual environment prior to installing this library. If you only intend to use this library from the CLI, use pipx for the installation instead:

pipx install anonfile

Dev Notes

Run unit tests locally:

pytest --verbose -s [--token "REDACTED"]

Add the -k test_* option if you want to test only a single function.


Import the module and instantiate the AnonFile() constructor. Setting the download directory in path is optional. Using the API token in the constructor is optional as well. A valid token registers all file uploads online, i.e. a list of all uploaded files is made accessible to any user that signs into your account.

from anonfile import AnonFile

anon = AnonFile()

# upload a file and enable progressbar terminal feedback (off by default)
upload = anon.upload('/home/guest/jims_paperwork.doc', progressbar=True)

# download a file and set the download directory
from pathlib import Path
target_dir = Path.home().joinpath('Downloads')
download = anon.download("https://anonfiles.com/9ee1jcu6u9/test_txt", path=target_dir)

And voilà, pain-free anonymous file sharing. If you want more information about the AnonFile API visit anonfiles.com.

Command Line Interface

# open help page for specific commands
anonfile [download|upload|preview|log] --help

# note: both methods expect at least one argument, but can take on more
anonfile download --url https://anonfiles.com/93k5x1ucu0/test_txt
anonfile upload --file ./test.txt

Built With


Navigate to tags on this repository to see all available versions.


Name Mail Address GitHub Profile
Nicholas Strydom nstrydom@gmail.com nstrydom2

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for more details.
