nteract / hydrogen

:atom: Run code interactively, inspect data, and plot. All the power of Jupyter kernels, inside your favorite text editor.
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Lag problems with Hydrogen in Windows #549

Closed hebijiandai closed 7 years ago

hebijiandai commented 7 years ago

Hello sir,I am very glad to see this awesome package and discuss with you in the last issue,I found that if I run Hydrogen ,it will cause lag.Maybe only in Windows OS.

Is it possible to add the feature:

I think it will help us to swiftly view the result before and has no "lag problem" with atom.

If the new feature not in your develop schedule,Can you please give some suggestions to modify the source code to achieve this feature.

Thanks for your concern,sir.

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

Thank you for this report.

hebijiandai commented 7 years ago


  1. Look at the picture,it's my Simple idea of the steps: 2

  1. Yes,Atom become unreponsive when Hydrogen:run,And Typing words become lag.Not smoothly.

  1. Atom are using most of the CPU qq 20161215182707

  1. I write short code to test.
    import sqlite3

c.execute('SELECT name FROM category ORDER BY sort') print(c.fetchone())

c.execute('''CREATE TABLE book (id int primary key, sort int, name text, price real, category int, FOREIGN KEY (category) REFERENCES category(id))''') conn.commit()

c.execute('SELECT * FROM book WHERE book.category=1') print(c.fetchall())

for raw in c.execute('SELECT * FROM book'): print(raw)

I can't save the profile,when I save ,it's empty,I have a screenshot to instead.
![qq 20161215183840](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/5127081/21220860/ed46bade-c2f5-11e6-95c1-1d3f6caba026.png)
n-riesco commented 7 years ago

I'm going to make a wild guess. Since you're unable to save the Javascript CPU profile, it's possible that the antivirus installed in your computer didn't allow Atom to save the profile and it's causing the lag problems. Please, could you check your antivirus logs and see whether Atom is triggering any log messages?

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

By the way, Hydrogen already provides a command to shutdown a kernel: Hydrogen: Shutdown Kernel.

hebijiandai commented 7 years ago

I close the antiviurs software.

and I only type

import time

I copy the Javascript CPU profile Code

659.6 ms    659.6 ms    (idle)  
62.2 ms1.14 %   90.6 ms1.66 %   drawTokencanvas-drawer.js:573   
48.1 ms0.88 %   48.1 ms0.88 %   (garbage collector) 
42.3 ms0.77 %   43.7 ms0.80 %   module.exports.TextEditorComponent.isVisibletext-editor-com…ent.coffee:729  
37.7 ms0.69 %   37.7 ms0.69 %   getBoundingClientRect   
34.7 ms0.64 %   38.1 ms0.70 %   SuggestionListElement.readUIPropsFromDOMsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:258  
28.4 ms0.52 %   28.4 ms0.52 %   fillRect    
27.3 ms0.50 %   29.4 ms0.54 %   retrieveStyleFromDomdom-styles-reader.js:26 
27.3 ms0.50 %   28.0 ms0.51 %   module.exports.OverlayManager.measureOverlayoverlay-manager.coffee:1    
25.2 ms0.46 %   32.4 ms0.59 %   tokenLinesForScreenRowscanvas-drawer.js:413 
23.3 ms0.43 %   55.9 ms1.02 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateLineNumbersStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:596 
21.5 ms0.39 %   27.3 ms0.50 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateLinesStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:407   
21.3 ms0.39 %   28.9 ms0.53 %   SuggestionListElement.renderItemsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:286  
20.6 ms0.38 %   20.6 ms0.38 %   spawn   
20.1 ms0.37 %   49.7 ms0.91 %   module.exports.OverlayManager.measureOverlaysoverlay-manager.coffee:22  
19.9 ms0.36 %   19.9 ms0.36 %   transparentizecanvas-drawer.js:241  
19.4 ms0.36 %   19.4 ms0.36 %   clearRect   
16.9 ms0.31 %   20.6 ms0.38 %   symbolsForConfigsymbol-store.js:47  
15.9 ms0.29 %   102.4 ms1.88 %  module.exports.TextEditorComponent.readAfterUpdateSynctext-editor-com…ent.coffee:187    
15.7 ms0.29 %   107.9 ms1.98 %  module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateTilesStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:347   
14.6 ms0.27 %   17.8 ms0.33 %   UpdateMessagesmessage-registry.js:20    
13.2 ms0.24 %   44.6 ms0.82 %   module.exports.LinesTileComponent.updateSynclines-tile-component.coffee:32  
12.7 ms0.23 %   12.7 ms0.23 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5209  
12.7 ms0.23 %   22.0 ms0.40 %   log 
12.7 ms0.23 %   12.7 ms0.23 %   remove  
12.2 ms0.22 %   13.4 ms0.25 %   module.exports.TextEditorComponent.sampleFontStylingtext-editor-com…ent.coffee:806  
11.1 ms0.20 %   18.5 ms0.34 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getScreenRowsToRendertext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:307  
10.4 ms0.19 %   10.4 ms0.19 %   (anonymous function)    
10.4 ms0.19 %   200.6 ms3.67 %  drawLinescanvas-drawer.js:476   
9.9 ms0.18 %    9.9 ms0.18 %    MarkerIndex 
9.7 ms0.18 %    26.3 ms0.48 %   (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…er.coffee:1051  
9.5 ms0.17 %    28.2 ms0.52 %   module.exports.LinesTileComponent.updateLineNodeslines-tile-component.coffee:85 
9.0 ms0.17 %    13.6 ms0.25 %   module.exports.TextEditorComponent.measureDimensionstext-editor-com…ent.coffee:758  
8.6 ms0.16 %    106.3 ms1.95 %  module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getPreMeasurementStatetext-editor-pre…nter.coffee:77 
8.3 ms0.15 %    8.3 ms0.15 %    Repository  
7.9 ms0.14 %    7.9 ms0.14 %    getComputedStyle    
7.9 ms0.14 %    13.2 ms0.24 %   module.exports.MarkerLayer.findMarkersC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:120    
6.9 ms0.13 %    12.2 ms0.22 %   exports.keystrokesMatchC:\Users\happy\…ib\helper…:355   
6.7 ms0.12 %    14.1 ms0.26 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…teract.js:3303  
6.2 ms0.11 %    17.1 ms0.31 %   module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.updateLineNumbersline-numbers-ti…nent.coffee:61 
6.0 ms0.11 %    354.3 ms6.49 %  module.exports.TextEditorComponent.updateSynctext-editor-com…ent.coffee:130 
5.8 ms0.11 %    5.8 ms0.11 %    resetOffscreenSizecanvas-layer.js:57    
5.5 ms0.10 %    5.5 ms0.10 %    KeyboardLayoutManager   
5.3 ms0.10 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    setTimeout  
5.3 ms0.10 %    9.7 ms0.18 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.sampleBackgroundColorstext-editor-com…ent.coffee:818 
5.3 ms0.10 %    150.9 ms2.76 %  module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getPostMeasurementStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:103    
5.3 ms0.10 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    matchesNextUserKeystrokeC:\Users\happy\…ib\helper…:359  
5.3 ms0.10 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    afterWritenet.js:783    
5.1 ms0.09 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    traverseC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\poi…:38  
5.1 ms0.09 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.lineNumberDecorationClassesForRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:789  
5.1 ms0.09 %    93.6 ms1.71 %   (anonymous function)autocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:177  
4.9 ms0.09 %    9.2 ms0.17 %    module.exports.TokenizedBufferIterator.seektokenized-buffe…ator.coffee:10   
4.6 ms0.08 %    6.9 ms0.13 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.getMarkerEndPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1   
4.6 ms0.08 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    drawImage   
4.6 ms0.08 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    hasOwnProperty  
4.4 ms0.08 %    19.6 ms0.36 %   getSuggestionsprovider.coffee:424   
4.4 ms0.08 %    20.6 ms0.38 %   module.exports.DisplayLayer.getScreenLinesC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1044    
4.4 ms0.08 %    4.9 ms0.09 %    inclusiveTotalBlockPixelsPrecedingRowC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\it…:69 
4.4 ms0.08 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.isRowBlankC:\Users\happy\…\lib\text-b…:1  
3.9 ms0.07 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    moveToSuccessorC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\scr…:97   
3.9 ms0.07 %    8.3 ms0.15 %    module.exports.CursorsComponent.updateSynccursors-component.coffee:13   
3.7 ms0.07 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    requestAnimationFrame   
3.7 ms0.07 %    66.8 ms1.22 %   module.exports.TiledComponent.updateTileNodestiled-component.coffee:30  
3.7 ms0.07 %    15.9 ms0.29 %   module.exports.KeymapManager.findMatchCandidatesC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:471  
3.7 ms0.07 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    add 
3.7 ms0.07 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    OnigString  
3.7 ms0.07 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.lineDecorationClassesForRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:780    
3.5 ms0.06 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    PointC:\Users\happy\…\lib\point.…:1 
3.5 ms0.06 %    12.7 ms0.23 %   module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.isFoldableCodeAtRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:213   
3.2 ms0.06 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    push    
3.2 ms0.06 %    11.3 ms0.21 %   onIOMessagezmq-kernel.js:295    
3.2 ms0.06 %    4.9 ms0.09 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.updateLineNodelines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:232  
3.2 ms0.06 %    50.2 ms0.92 %   module.exports.TextEditorComponent.pollDOMtext-editor-com…ent.coffee:736    
3.0 ms0.06 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.GrammarRegistry.scopeForIdC:\Users\happy\…lib\grammar…:1 
3.0 ms0.06 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    resetdom-element-pool.coffee:22 
3.0 ms0.06 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    target._sendinternal/child_process.js:549   
3.0 ms0.06 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:846  
2.8 ms0.05 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    applyStylesminimap-element.js:1318  
2.8 ms0.05 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.spliceC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:232 
2.8 ms0.05 %    7.9 ms0.14 %    _deserializeprovider.coffee:324 
2.8 ms0.05 %    254.0 ms4.65 %  (anonymous function)text-editor-component.coffee:1  
2.8 ms0.05 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    pixelPositionBeforeBlocksForRowC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\li…:187   
2.8 ms0.05 %    118.1 ms2.16 %  (anonymous function)autocomplete-manager.coffee:1   
2.5 ms0.05 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    SuggestionListElement.updateUIForChangedPropssuggestion-list…ent.coffee:271 
2.5 ms0.05 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    focus   
2.3 ms0.04 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.clipPositionC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1096    
2.3 ms0.04 %    4.9 ms0.09 %    module.exports.Config.getRawValueconfig.coffee:908  
2.3 ms0.04 %    29.1 ms0.53 %   module.exports.SymbolProvider.getSuggestionssymbol-provider.coffee:208  
2.3 ms0.04 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    (anonymous function)cursor-position-view.coffee:59  
2.3 ms0.04 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    seekToBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\tok…:94  
2.3 ms0.04 %    41.6 ms0.76 %   module.exports.LinesYardstick.leftPixelPositionForScreenPositionlines-yardstick.coffee:89   
2.3 ms0.04 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    (anonymous function)tokenized-buffer.coffee:218 
2.3 ms0.04 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    escapeHtmlsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:434    
2.3 ms0.04 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    pointerExtendC:\Users\happy\…nteract.js:574 
2.1 ms0.04 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    _buildReleaseMarker_index2.default.getRangeC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\nati…:1   
2.1 ms0.04 %    6.9 ms0.13 %    pixelPositionAfterBlocksForRowC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\li…:182    
2.1 ms0.04 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    module.exports.Selection.autoscrollselection.coffee:816 
2.1 ms0.04 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.TokenIterator.resettoken-iterator.coffee:5   
2.1 ms0.04 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    ensureCachedom-styles-reader.js:93  
2.1 ms0.04 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    HighlightComponent.updateHighlightRegionspigments.coffee:332    
2.1 ms0.04 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    Hash.updatecrypto.js:71 
2.1 ms0.04 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    (anonymous function)ColorPicker-view.coffee:91  
2.1 ms0.04 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    Range.parseRangeC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:758  
2.1 ms0.04 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    appendChild 
1.8 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    hasOwnProperty  
1.8 ms0.03 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    createWriteReqnet.js:728    
1.8 ms0.03 %    15.0 ms0.28 %   module.exports.TextEditor.isFoldableAtBufferRowtext-editor.coffee:3245  
1.8 ms0.03 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.OverlayManager.renderOverlayoverlay-manager.coffee:30    
1.8 ms0.03 %    34.2 ms0.63 %   SuggestionListElement.renderItemssuggestion-list…ent.coffee:208 
1.8 ms0.03 %    15.3 ms0.28 %   module.exports.DecorationManager.decorationsStateForScreenRowRangedecoration-manager.coffee:79  
1.8 ms0.03 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.isRowRenderedtext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1532  
1.8 ms0.03 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    processVM1637:60    
1.8 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.LineNumberGutterComponent.beforeUpdateSyncline-number-gut…nent.coffee:47 
1.8 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    rmdir   
1.8 ms0.03 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    (anonymous function)autocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:197  
1.8 ms0.03 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    emptyC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5272 
1.8 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Selector.selectorComponentMatchesScopeC:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:74 
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    measureHeightAndWidthminimap-element.js:963 
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Point.fromObjectC:\Users\happy\…lib\point.…:18   
1.6 ms0.03 %    25.2 ms0.46 %   module.exports.GutterContainerComponent.updateSyncgutter-containe…nent.coffee:31    
1.6 ms0.03 %    5.5 ms0.10 %    composeC:\Users\happy\…ist\patch.…:26   
1.6 ms0.03 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    seekToScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\tok…:37  
1.6 ms0.03 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    descendRightC:\Users\happy\…\dist\scr…:211  
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    _serializeprovider.coffee:285   
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getStartTileRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:298    
1.6 ms0.03 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.indentLevelForRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:327 
1.6 ms0.03 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getRightmostScreenPositiontext-editor.coffee:975  
1.6 ms0.03 %    63.6 ms1.16 %   module.exports.Emitter.emitC:\Users\happy\…\emitter.…:124   
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.clientRectsEqualtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:939   
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.expandChangeRegionToSurroundingEmptyLinesC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:451 
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    update  
1.6 ms0.03 %    9.0 ms0.17 %    module.exports.GitRepository.getLineDiffsgit-repository.coffee:389  
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:730  
1.6 ms0.03 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exportsC:\Users\happy\…b\filter.js:14    
1.6 ms0.03 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getScrollToptext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:820   
1.4 ms0.03 %    78.8 ms1.44 %   module.exports.TiledComponent.updateSynctiled-component.coffee:10   
1.4 ms0.03 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    exports.scoreC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:24 
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Range.fromObjectC:\Users\happy\…lib\range.…:23   
1.4 ms0.03 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    SuggestionListElement.getDisplayHTMLsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:334  
1.4 ms0.03 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.buildLineNodelines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:188   
1.4 ms0.03 %    37.4 ms0.69 %   module.exports.TextBuffer.applyChangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:634 
1.4 ms0.03 %    7.9 ms0.14 %    ipcRenderer.sendSyncC:\Users\happy\…renderer.js:13  
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    cleanDataC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5171 
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-com…ent.coffee:731  
1.4 ms0.03 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    _.each._.forEachC:\Users\happy\…underscore.…:1  
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    Node.spliceC:\Users\happy\…lib\patch.…:23   
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    subtype 
1.4 ms0.03 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    put 
1.4 ms0.03 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.freeDescendantsdom-element-pool.coffee:1  
1.4 ms0.03 %    12.2 ms0.22 %   module.exports.PathsProvider.requestHandlerpaths-provider.coffee:13 
1.4 ms0.03 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    OnigScanner.findNextMatchSyncC:\Users\happy\…b\onigurum…:30 
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:33  
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    parsedSnippetsForScopessnippets.coffee:213  
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    scoreSymbolsymbol-store.js:153  
1.2 ms0.02 %    25.4 ms0.47 %   Socket._flushReadC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:627 
1.2 ms0.02 %    4.9 ms0.09 %    _propertyDescriptorsVM1637:59   
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.addToLineDecorationCachestext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1128  
1.2 ms0.02 %    5.8 ms0.11 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.translateToBufferMarkerLayerFindParamsC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:179  
1.2 ms0.02 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    module.exports.BracketMatcher.insertTextbracket-matcher.coffee:45   
1.2 ms0.02 %    50.8 ms0.93 %   getTokenColorcanvas-drawer.js:203   
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.createSnapshotC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:276 
1.2 ms0.02 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    getValueAtKeyPathC:\Users\happy\…lpers\lib\k…:1 
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    _addListenerevents.js:210   
1.2 ms0.02 %    568.3 ms10.41 % module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentUpdateview-registry.coffee:248   
1.2 ms0.02 %    5.3 ms0.10 %    _combinedTickCallbackinternal/proces…ext_tick.js:65 
1.2 ms0.02 %    16.4 ms0.30 %   getSuggestionsautocomplete-provider.js:31   
1.2 ms0.02 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.SnippetsProvider.getSuggestionssnippets-provider.coffee:20   
1.2 ms0.02 %    9.2 ms0.17 %    module.exports.Cursor.getScreenRangecursor.coffee:659   
1.2 ms0.02 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    selectorForScopeChainscope-helpers.coffee:21    
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.setOverlayDimensionstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1283   
1.2 ms0.02 %    6.9 ms0.13 %    completezmq-kernel.js:177   
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    <symbol>    
1.2 ms0.02 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.SuggestionList.addBindingssuggestion-list.coffee:23  
1.2 ms0.02 %    4.2 ms0.08 %    _decodeC:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:182   
1.2 ms0.02 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateContentStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:275 
1.2 ms0.02 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.buildLineNumberNodeline-numbers-ti…nent.coffee:98   
1.2 ms0.02 %    6.2 ms0.11 %    module.exports.SuggestionList.showAtBeginningOfPrefixsuggestion-list.coffee:167 
0.9 ms0.02 %    18.3 ms0.33 %   module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.updateSyncline-numbers-ti…nent.coffee:21    
0.9 ms0.02 %    10.4 ms0.19 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateCursorsStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:441 
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateHighlightDecorationstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1115 
0.9 ms0.02 %    22.2 ms0.41 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateOverlaysStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:451    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    traverseC:\Users\happy\…ist\point-…:43  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    nextTickinternal/proces…xt_tick.js:140  
0.9 ms0.02 %    106.1 ms1.94 %  module.exports.AutocompleteManager.findSuggestionsautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:160    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateScrollbarDimensionstext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:737  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.updateBlockDecorationInsertionPointAfterLinelines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:165    
0.9 ms0.02 %    223.3 ms4.09 %  updateminimap-element.js:811    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    getClientRects  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    drawDecorationscanvas-drawer.js:616 
0.9 ms0.02 %    27.7 ms0.51 %   module.exports.TextBuffer.emitDidChangeEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:715  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    stat    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    RegionIterator.deleteUntilC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:390    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    RegionIterator.copyC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:365   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    normalizeKeystrokeC:\Users\happy\…lib\helper…:91    
0.9 ms0.02 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.applicableProvidersprovider-manager.coffee:40    
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    flatbuffers.Builder.growByteBufferC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:519    
0.9 ms0.02 %    8.1 ms0.15 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateHiddenInputStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:260 
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    splitKeyPathC:\Users\happy\…lpers\lib\k…:1  
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    cmpC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:629   
0.9 ms0.02 %    6.2 ms0.11 %    onShellMessagezmq-kernel.js:226 
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TokenizedBufferIterator.moveToSuccessortokenized-buffe…ator.coffee:49    
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    setCurrentNodeC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:207    
0.9 ms0.02 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.scanInRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:964 
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    nullifyObjectProtoVM1637:12 
0.9 ms0.02 %    148.1 ms2.71 %  module.exports.TextEditorComponent.updateSyncPreMeasurementtext-editor-com…ent.coffee:184   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.BlockDecorationsComponent.updateSyncblock-decoratio…nent.coffee:19   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.InputComponent.updateSyncinput-component.coffee:14   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.BlockDecorationsComponent.measureBlockDecorationsblock-decoratio…nent.coffee:43  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    normalizePatchChangesC:\Users\happy\…lib\helper…:28 
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    statNoException 
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    SelectionCountView.updateCountselection-count-view.coffee:37    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.lineNodeForScreenRowlines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:275    
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…ter.coffee:319  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.indentLevelForLinetokenized-buffer.coffee:1  
0.9 ms0.02 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    selectorDownC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:1448  
0.9 ms0.02 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.Config.getAllconfig.coffee:563   
0.9 ms0.02 %    7.6 ms0.14 %    exports.keystrokeForKeyboardEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\helper…:173 
0.9 ms0.02 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.History.serializeStackC:\Users\happy\…ib\histor…:374 
0.9 ms0.02 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    _generateRequestIdprovider.coffee:358   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    get prototype   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    readdir 
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    digest  
0.9 ms0.02 %    6.2 ms0.11 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.scopeDescriptorForPositiontokenized-buffer.coffee:366    
0.9 ms0.02 %    7.2 ms0.13 %    (anonymous function)suggestion-list.coffee:1    
0.9 ms0.02 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    mergeEnvC:\Users\happy\…helpers.js:125  
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    SuggestionListElement.updateDescriptionsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:103   
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    querySelector   
0.9 ms0.02 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    dbPromise.thenC:\Users\happy\…te-store.js:28    
0.9 ms0.02 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    exports.scoreC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\sc…:22 
0.9 ms0.02 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    kill    
0.7 ms0.01 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exports.SymbolProvider.buildConfigIfScopeChangedsymbol-provider.coffee:138   
0.7 ms0.01 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.PathsProvider.findSuggestionsForPrefixpaths-provider.coffee:54   
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    mergePathC:\Users\happy\…helpers.js:117 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.updateBlockDecorationInsertionPointBeforeLinelines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:134   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.getTextC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:439 
0.7 ms0.01 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.clipRangeC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1084   
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    fromStringbuffer.js:181 
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.ExpressionsRegistry.serializeexpressions-reg…try.coffee:109  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.CustomGutterComponent.showNodecustom-gutter-c…nent.coffee:27 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TokenIterator.nexttoken-iterator.coffee:14   
0.7 ms0.01 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    module.exports.Config.getconfig.coffee:540  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    substr  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.isOpenTagCodeC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1231 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.CustomGutterComponent.updateSynccustom-gutter-c…nent.coffee:34   
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    SuggestionListElement.addClassToElementsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:279   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    scoreExactMatchC:\Users\happy\…\scorer.js:258   
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    collectEventTargetsC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:2768   
0.7 ms0.01 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    provider.BufferedProcess.stdoutprovider.coffee:50   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    init    
0.7 ms0.01 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.requestUpdatetext-editor-com…ent.coffee:212  
0.7 ms0.01 %    25.4 ms0.47 %   module.exports.KeymapManager.handleKeyboardEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:315  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    Message._encodeC:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:250   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    splayNodeC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:328 
0.7 ms0.01 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.OverlayManager.renderoverlay-manager.coffee:6    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    spliceArrayC:\Users\happy\…lib\helper…:10   
0.7 ms0.01 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    TextEditorElement.shadowRootBlurredtext-editor-element.coffee:151   
0.7 ms0.01 %    38.4 ms0.70 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateLinestext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1048    
0.7 ms0.01 %    47.6 ms0.87 %   module.exports.LinesYardstick.pixelPositionForScreenPositionlines-yardstick.coffee:1    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SymbolProvider.addConfigEntrysymbol-provider.coffee:168  
0.7 ms0.01 %    29.8 ms0.55 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.pixelRectForScreenRangetext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1038    
0.7 ms0.01 %    16.2 ms0.30 %   runMicrotasks   
0.7 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    renderBubblelinter-views.js:70  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    spliceWithArrayC:\Users\happy\…us\lib\un…:351   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    clearTimeout    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    getXYC:\Users\happy\…\interact.js:1 
0.7 ms0.01 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    laterC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:685 
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    doScoreC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:86   
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateLineDecorationstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1099  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    cloneObjectlines-tile-component.coffee:4    
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    Backwards.scanNextChunkC:\Users\happy\…lib\match-…:64   
0.7 ms0.01 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    spliceC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:181    
0.7 ms0.01 %    62.4 ms1.14 %   module.exports.Emitter.simpleDispatchC:\Users\happy\…b\emitter.…:24 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    setStatusstatus-view.js:15  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getScreenLineCounttext-editor.coffee:911  
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    isEqualC:\Users\happy\…us\lib\un…:440   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    toJSONC:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:237    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    writeUtf8String 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    EventEmitter.initevents.js:1    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…ter.coffee:311  
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.updateLineNumberNodeline-numbers-ti…ent.coffee:127  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    _.reduce._.foldl._.injectC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:109 
0.7 ms0.01 %    4.2 ms0.08 %    Writable.write_stream_writable.js:199   
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    randomBytes 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    parentNode  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    createFromString    
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.getPrefixautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:338  
0.7 ms0.01 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.filterSuggestionsautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:238  
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    getLeftSubtreeRowCountC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\lin…:78    
0.7 ms0.01 %    8.3 ms0.15 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.freedom-element-pool.coffee:1 
0.7 ms0.01 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.translateBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1337   
0.7 ms0.01 %    6.9 ms0.13 %    _appendPropertyDescriptorsVM1637:152    
0.7 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.TextEditor.autoDecreaseIndentForBufferRowtext-editor.coffee:3704 
0.7 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)provider.coffee:268 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.tagForCodetext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1541 
0.5 ms0.01 %    24.3 ms0.44 %   exports.spawnchild_process.js:385   
0.5 ms0.01 %    223.7 ms4.10 %  (anonymous function)minimap-element.js:790  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.isMinitext-editor.coffee:722  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    childNodes  
0.5 ms0.01 %    29.6 ms0.54 %   (anonymous function)symbol-provider.coffee:3    
0.5 ms0.01 %    12.5 ms0.23 %   (anonymous function)paths-provider.coffee:1 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    RegExp: (?:[a-zA-Z]:)?[a-zA-Z0-9.\/\\_-]*(?:\/|\\\\?)[a-zA-Z0-9.\/\\_-]*    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getScreenRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:129   
0.5 ms0.01 %    13.2 ms0.24 %   module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.findMarkersC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:132 
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.buildSpatialScreenLinesC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:508   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.clearDecorationsForCustomGutterNametext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:583    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    PathMatcher.matchesC:\Users\happy\…lib\scope-s…:1   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    flatbuffers.Builder.offsetC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:507    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.scopesFromTagstokenized-buffer.coffee:303    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.tokenizedLineForRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:285   
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    copyPartFromOffscreencanvas-layer.js:71 
0.5 ms0.01 %    9.0 ms0.17 %    module.exports.Grammar.tokenizeLineC:\Users\happy\…ib\grammar…:85   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.commitPendingLogicalScrollTopPositiontext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1437  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateCommonGutterStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:503    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    ascendC:\Users\happy\…\dist\scr…:220    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    resetdom-element-pool.coffee:33 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    getInteractionFromPointerC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:3220 
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    pointerMoveC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:1766   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)tokenized-buffe…ator.coffee:19  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Marker.matchesParamsC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:286   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:485  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.shouldSuppressActivationForEditorClassesautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:546   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SpanSkipList.subtractDistancesC:\Users\happy\…t\lib\spa…:226 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.findLeadingWhitespaceEndScreenColumnC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:985  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    resetC:\Users\happy\…dex\dist\it…:1 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.getMarkerStartPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:359 
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    resetC:\Users\happy\…ist\iterat…:30 
0.5 ms0.01 %    47.1 ms0.86 %   module.exports.Selection.insertTextselection.coffee:366 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1422  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    KeyBindingC:\Users\happy\…lib\key-bi…:11    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    setCurrentNodeC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\it…:153    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    Socket._writeGenericnet.js:655  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Point.traversalFromC:\Users\happy\…ib\point.…:125    
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.scheduleUpdateEventC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    baseUniqC:\Users\happy\…q\index.js:632  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.screenRowForNodeline-numbers-ti…onent.coffee:1  
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.createMarkerSnapshotC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1364    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    isArrayLikeVM1637:18    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.getDefaultReplacementPrefixautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:342    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    eqC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:903    
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.LanguageMode.autoDecreaseIndentForBufferRowlanguage-mode.coffee:314  
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.Cursor.autoscrollcursor.coffee:663   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    ascendingPrefixComparatorsnippets-provider.coffee:49    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    bind    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.lineForRowC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:485  
0.5 ms0.01 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    filterC:\Users\happy\…zzaldrin.js:17    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.showOrHideSuggestionListForBufferChangesautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:500   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    Socket.destroynet.js:517    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    getChangesC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:271    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.measureWindowSizetext-editor-com…ent.coffee:798  
0.5 ms0.01 %    11.3 ms0.21 %   onreadnet.js:525    
0.5 ms0.01 %    25.9 ms0.47 %   module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleDocumentKeyEventwindow-event-handler.coffee:75  
0.5 ms0.01 %    32.8 ms0.60 %   emitevents.js:136   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    getTextOpacitycanvas-drawer.js:180  
0.5 ms0.01 %    8.3 ms0.15 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.displaySuggestionsautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:320 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.isCloseTagCodeC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1235    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    replaceChangedTextC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:228    
0.5 ms0.01 %    4.2 ms0.08 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.builddom-element-pool.coffee:1    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    insertSpliceBoundaryC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:138  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    parseScopeChainscope-helpers.coffee:17  
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    getChangesC:\Users\happy\…ist\iterat…:70    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    passC:\Users\happy\…e\stable.js:56  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    _.pickC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:857    
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Package.serializepackage.coffee:392  
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    writeOrBuffer_stream_writable.js:269    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    Minimatch.matchOneC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:887    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    _getUsernamezmq-kernel.js:403   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getLastCursortext-editor.coffee:2208  
0.5 ms0.01 %    53.2 ms0.97 %   module.exports.ViewRegistry.performDocumentPollview-registry.coffee:281 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    SuggestionListElement.attachedCallbacksuggestion-list…ment.coffee:53    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    SemVerC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:274    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.CursorsComponent.updateCursorNodecursors-component.coffee:43 
0.5 ms0.01 %    4.2 ms0.08 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:11  
0.5 ms0.01 %    22.6 ms0.41 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…lib\displa…:52  
0.5 ms0.01 %    7.6 ms0.14 %    module.exports.Rule.findNextMatchC:\Users\happy\…lib\rule.js:93 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    QueryC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:41 
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.SymbolProvider.settingsForScopeDescriptorsymbol-provider.coffee:240  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Emitter.onC:\Users\happy\…b\emitter.…:71 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    exports._extendutil.js:976  
0.5 ms0.01 %    28.9 ms0.53 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.absolutePixelRectForScreenRangetext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1023    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    clearCachestable-adapter.js:14  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    Module._findPathmodule.js:137   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.updateParentViewMiniClasstext-editor-com…ent.coffee:975  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Model.isDestroyedmodel.coffee:23 
0.5 ms0.01 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    module.exports.Rule.getNextTagsC:\Users\happy\…ib\rule.js:139   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    replaceXRangeC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:938 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    ScopeMatcher.matchesC:\Users\happy\…ib\scope-s…:48  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.getLineCountC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1030    
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getLongestScreenRowtext-editor.coffee:979 
0.5 ms0.01 %    93.4 ms1.71 %   module.exports.TextEditorComponent.onTextInputtext-editor-com…ent.coffee:354    
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.SnippetsProvider.findSuggestionsForPrefixsnippets-provider.coffee:25 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.lineStartBoundaryForBufferRowC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:474 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.createLastSelectionIfNeededtext-editor.coffee:2765    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    slicebuffer.js:812  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.CommandRegistry.addcommand-registry.coffee:94    
0.5 ms0.01 %    5.5 ms0.10 %    _fuzzyFilterprovider.coffee:418 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    exports.scoreC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:45 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    mapC:\Users\happy\…lodash.js:9554   
0.5 ms0.01 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    _sendRequestprovider.coffee:289 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SpanSkipList.totalToC:\Users\happy\…st\lib\spa…:24   
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.markBufferRangeC:\Users\happy\…lib\displa…:88 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    QueryC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\sc…:39 
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    _generateRequestConfigprovider.coffee:365   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    parseC:\Users\happy\…\parser.js:252 
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.PackageManager.serializePackagepackage-manager.coffee:501    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    getLineCount    
0.5 ms0.01 %    5.1 ms0.09 %    RangeC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:718 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    linesForBufferssymbol-store.js:128  
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.PathsProvider.prefixForCursorpaths-provider.coffee:28    
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.translateScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1387   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.getMarkerC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:109   
0.5 ms0.01 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exportsC:\Users\happy\…b\filter.js:18    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.removeMetadataprovider-manager.coffee:91 
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.filterProvidersByScopeDescriptorprovider-manager.coffee:47   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.Decoration.destroydecoration.coffee:76   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    matchC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:828 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:748  
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    execC:\Users\happy\…e\stable.js:27  
0.5 ms0.01 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.ViewRegistry.updateDocumentview-registry.coffee:208  
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    Socket._writenet.js:724 
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Point.isLessThanOrEqualC:\Users\happy\…ib\point.…:182    
0.5 ms0.01 %    10.2 ms0.19 %   readableAddChunk_stream_readable.js:147 
0.5 ms0.01 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditor.scrollToScreenRangetext-editor.coffee:3374    
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    _bindVM1637:50  
0.5 ms0.01 %    6.0 ms0.11 %    getCurrentKeyboardLayoutC:\Users\happy\…out\lib\ke…:23  
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    flatbuffers.BuilderC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:120   
0.5 ms0.01 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ScopeDescriptor.getScopeChainscope-descriptor.coffee:41  
0.5 ms0.01 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    _.extendC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:845  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)provider-manager.coffee:80  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    Socket._destroynet.js:459   
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.History.groupChangesSinceCheckpointC:\Users\happy\…lib\histor…:74    
0.2 ms0.00 %    20.8 ms0.38 %   module.exports.TextBuffer.emitMarkerChangeEventsC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1387  
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.7 ms0.12 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.emitDidChangeTextEventC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1398  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:880  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    pushToAncestorStacksC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:302  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    style   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    rotateNodeLeftC:\Users\happy\…\dist\dis…:181    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    _describeVM1637:107 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.OverlayManager.shouldUpdateOverlayoverlay-manager.coffee:16  
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    pollDOMminimap-element.js:917   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    suppressWarningsAndCallFunction 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.LinesComponent.beforeUpdateSynclines-component.coffee:45 
0.2 ms0.00 %    8.6 ms0.16 %    module.exports.LinesComponent.afterUpdateSynclines-component.coffee:54  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-com…ent.coffee:673  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    validateC:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:75  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    VariablesCollectionvariables-collection.coffee:15   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.setPositionC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:809    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ColorBuffer.updateColorMarkerscolor-buffer.coffee:334    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateGutterOrderStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:522 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.commitPendingScrollLeftPositiontext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1494    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateRowsPerPagetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:632  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateLineNumberGutterStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:500    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateHorizontalDimensionstext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:669 
0.2 ms0.00 %    83.0 ms1.52 %   module.exports.TextEditor.mergeSelectionstext-editor.coffee:2692    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    transaction 
0.2 ms0.00 %    83.9 ms1.54 %   module.exports.TextEditor.insertTexttext-editor.coffee:1040 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateCustomGutterDecorationStatetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:550  
0.2 ms0.00 %    8.8 ms0.16 %    (anonymous function)bracket-matcher.coffee:1    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    flatbuffers.Builder.prepC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:247  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.readInt16C:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:842  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    jQuery.EventC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:4668  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    flatbuffers.ByteBuffer.allocateC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:782   
0.2 ms0.00 %    20.1 ms0.37 %   AsyncFunctionNext   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    innerHTML   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    SuggestionListElement.descriptionLengthsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:228   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    rotateNodeRightC:\Users\happy\…\dist\dis…:208   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Selector.matchesC:\Users\happy\…\lib\selec…:53   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    scoreC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\fu…:24 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.GrammarRegistry.getGrammarsC:\Users\happy\…ib\grammar…:57    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getCachedMatchscope-helpers.coffee:7    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)provider-manager.coffee:71  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    Sizzle.matchesSelectorC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:1399    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    sigmundC:\Users\happy\…d\sigmund.js:2   
0.2 ms0.00 %    25.7 ms0.47 %   _zmq.onReadReadyC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:296  
0.2 ms0.00 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    stepC:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:71  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    OrMatcher.matchesC:\Users\happy\…lib\scope-s…:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:860  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isMatchC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:61   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    firePointersC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:2817  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    basenameScoreC:\Users\happy\…\scorer.js:329 
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.destroyC:\Users\happy\…lib\displa…:22  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    getWindowC:\Users\happy\…nteract.js:704 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    setEventXYC:\Users\happy\…nteract.js:605    
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.7 ms0.07 %    target.sendinternal/child_process.js:522    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getBufferStartC:\Users\happy\…\dist\tok…:208    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:692  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    CursorPositionView.updatePositioncursor-position-view.coffee:55 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    seekToBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\scr…:68  
0.2 ms0.00 %    7.4 ms0.14 %    _generatePreviewVM1637:147  
0.2 ms0.00 %    23.6 ms0.43 %   ChildProcess.spawninternal/child_process.js:267 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getLeftSubtreeBufferExtentC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\lin…:87    
0.2 ms0.00 %    217.7 ms3.99 %  updateCanvascanvas-drawer.js:100    
0.2 ms0.00 %    8.8 ms0.16 %    (anonymous function)autocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:230  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    Node.calculateExtentC:\Users\happy\…lib\patch.…:81  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    _makeLongpath.js:657    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    fs.writefs.js:744   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleWindowFocuswindow-event-ha…ler.coffee:137   
0.2 ms0.00 %    7.2 ms0.13 %    (anonymous function)autocomplete-provider.js:63 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    fs.mkdirfs.js:909   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    splitPathELECTRON_ASAR.js:35    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    recomputeSymbolsForEditorInBufferRangesymbol-store.js:99    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    foldable    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.BufferSearch.createMarkersbuffer-search.coffee:102   
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.2 ms0.11 %    module.exports.WindowEventHandler.handleWindowBlurwindow-event-ha…ler.coffee:140    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Marker.getSnapshotC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:373 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Pattern.resolveScopeNameC:\Users\happy\…b\pattern…:183   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    moveToSuccessorC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:223   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Selection.isReversedselection.coffee:133 
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.5 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.emitDidUpdateStatetext-editor-presenter.coffee:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.OnigRegExp.testSyncC:\Users\happy\…b\onig-reg…:51    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    parseRegexC:\Users\happy\…js-regexp.js:6    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.filterProvidersByExcludeLowerPriorityprovider-manager.coffee:83  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.toggleActivationForBufferChangeautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:481    
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.Marker.updateC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:326  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    unescapeBracesC:\Users\happy\…on\index.js:26    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.filterProvidersByEditorprovider-manager.coffee:79    
0.2 ms0.00 %    580.3 ms10.63 % (anonymous function)view-registry.coffee:1  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    drawFrontDecorationsForLinescanvas-drawer.js:370    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ExpressionsRegistry.getExpressionsexpressions-registry.coffee:38 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    BatchList.fetchC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:261   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    DisplayMarkerC:\Users\happy\…lib\displa…:11 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    fill    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.getLastRowC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1034  
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.TagFinder.findMatchingTagstag-finder.coffee:95   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Emitter.offC:\Users\happy\…b\emitter.…:98    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    close   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.SpanSkipList.cloneObjectC:\Users\happy\…t\lib\spa…:284   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getElementsByTagName    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.onDidDestroyC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    doScoreC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\sc…:84   
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.getTextInRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:452  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    description 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.mergeSuggestionsFromProvidersautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:265  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Directory.serializeExpansionStatedirectory.coffee:273    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TokenizedBufferIterator.getCloseTagstokenized-buffe…ator.coffee:93   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    push    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.codeForOpenTagC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1246    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.updateTagsC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1291    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.isValidScreenRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:304   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    endReadableNT_stream_readable.js:969    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    matchC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\fu…:45 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.setWindowSizetext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:946  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    get innerWidth  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.setGutterWidthtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:965 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    constrainRow    
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.9 ms0.13 %    (anonymous function)provider-manager.coffee:1   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:413  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isPrimitiveValueVM1637:1    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getClientHeighttext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:853    
0.2 ms0.00 %    21.0 ms0.39 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.pixelPositionForScreenPositiontext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1006 
0.2 ms0.00 %    217.0 ms3.98 %  redrawRangesOnLayercanvas-drawer.js:263 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    computeIntactRangescanvas-drawer.js:809 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Decoration.getPropertiesdecoration.coffee:135    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.getMarkerLayerC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:243    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    flatbuffers.Builder.endObjectC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:571 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    jQueryC:\Users\happy\…t\jquery.js:73    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…ter.coffee:568  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    descriptor.getC:\Users\happy\…\remote.js:117    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.updateInvalidRowstokenized-buffer.coffee:176 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    webkitMatchesSelector   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:526  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    resume__stream_readable.js:734  
0.2 ms0.00 %    5.5 ms0.10 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.removeLineNodelines-tile-component.coffee:74  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    flatbuffers.Builder.padC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:270   
0.2 ms0.00 %    11.3 ms0.21 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getScreenRangesToRendertext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:322    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:182  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:172  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    min 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getScreenLineCount  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateStartRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:619 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateEndRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:624   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getMetadataC:\Users\happy\…\dist\tok…:235   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    clearInterval   
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateBlockDecorationstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1062 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    unrefinternal/child_process.js:427  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateVerticalDimensionstext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:659   
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.2 ms0.11 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.checkForVisibilityChangetext-editor-com…ent.coffee:744   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.findNodeNextTolines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:180  
0.2 ms0.00 %    92.9 ms1.70 %   object.(anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\un…:73   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    curCSSC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5553    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    removeAttribute 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)pane.coffee:60  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    fixC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:4545   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    psychoAnalyzeC:\Users\happy\…d\sigmund.js:8 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:41  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Selection.finalizeselection.coffee:810   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    filterSetC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    now 
0.2 ms0.00 %    11.6 ms0.21 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:691  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.LinesYardstick.clientRectForRangelines-yardstick.coffee:1    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)text-editor.coffee:1051 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    SearchCallbackArgumentC:\Users\happy\…lib\text-b…:57    
0.2 ms0.00 %    83.0 ms1.52 %   module.exports.TextEditor.mutateSelectedTexttext-editor.coffee:1081 
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.Selector.matchesC:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:51   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Grammar.scopesFromStackC:\Users\happy\…b\grammar…:311    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.CompositeDisposable.disposeC:\Users\happy\…b\composit…:23    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.mergeCursorstext-editor.coffee:2256   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    fs.Statsfs.js:150   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    messageKeyhelpers.coffee:7  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.computeFoldsInBufferRowRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:900  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    setInterval 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    path.dirnameC:\Users\happy\…ron-shims.js:5  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isStringtype-helpers.coffee:4   
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.focusedtext-editor-com…ent.coffee:345    
0.2 ms0.00 %    354.5 ms6.49 %  (anonymous function)text-editor-com…ent.coffee:223  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    execProxyC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:115 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)linter-registry.js:64   
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.onMouseDowntext-editor-com…ent.coffee:528    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    dispatchC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:4396  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)token-iterator.coffee:9 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    max 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    get 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    next    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Range.getExtentC:\Users\happy\…ib\range.…:243    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SymbolProvider.wordAtBufferPositionsymbol-provider.coffee:233    
0.2 ms0.00 %    12.2 ms0.22 %   module.exports.GitRepository.refreshStatusgit-repository.coffee:468 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    channel.onreadinternal/child_process.js:438 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.getStateKeyatom-environment.coffee:907   
0.2 ms0.00 %    9.2 ms0.17 %    wrapObjectVM1637:34 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    laterC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:717 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    firstCharsEqualsnippets-provider.coffee:51  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.KeymapManager.addC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:125  
0.2 ms0.00 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exports.BufferSearch.bufferChangedbuffer-search.coffee:207   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Range.compareC:\Users\happy\…ib\range.…:186  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getLastSelectiontext-editor.coffee:2602   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    fs.closefs.js:602   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Point.traverseC:\Users\happy\…ib\point.…:113 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)internal/child_process.js:775   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    parseRange  
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:729  
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.ScopedPropertyStore.withCachingC:\Users\happy\…erty-store\…:1    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    stableC:\Users\happy\…le\stable.js:9    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    scopeChainForScopeDescriptorprovider-manager.coffee:221 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)scope-descriptor.coffee:43  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    makeC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:142  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)tokenized-buffe…ator.coffee:19  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    RegionIteratorC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:199    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isWindowC:\Users\happy\…\interact.js:1  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    prefinish_stream_writable.js:475    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    typeC:\Users\happy\…\jquery.js:300  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    bubbleNodeDownC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:310    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.tagForCodeC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1239    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    serialize   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    scoreAcronymsC:\Users\happy\…\scorer.js:294 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Selector.selectorComponentMatchesScopeC:\Users\happy\…lib\selec…:101 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    editorDestroyedstable-adapter.js:111    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    Comparator.parseC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:678  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    utf8Slice   
0.2 ms0.00 %    4.6 ms0.08 %    (anonymous function)project.coffee:73   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    Readable.read_stream_readable.js:271    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    endWritable_stream_writable.js:496  
0.2 ms0.00 %    13.4 ms0.25 %   (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:159 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    MinimatchC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:132 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    replaceXRangesC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:931    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    replaceStarsC:\Users\happy\…er\semver.js:1  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    writeBuffer 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    pushValueToArraybootstrap_node.js:204   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getActualElementC:\Users\happy\…nteract.js:698  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.BufferSearch.findMarkerbuffer-search.coffee:195  
0.2 ms0.00 %    8.8 ms0.16 %    InjectedScript.RemoteObjectVM1637:122   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Rule.normalizeCaptureIndicesC:\Users\happy\…lib\rule.js:83   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    ChangeIteratorC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:513    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    truncatedUpperCaseC:\Users\happy\…\scorer.js:377    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    normalizeSpawnArgumentschild_process.js:320 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    apply   
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.PathsProvider.getBeginningOfCurrentWordBufferPositionpaths-provider.coffee:35    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    fs.readdirSyncfs.js:944 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Rule.scanInjectionsC:\Users\happy\…lib\rule.js:68    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    ColorBufferElement.updateSelectionscolor-buffer-el…ent.coffee:488   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    set length  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    ascendC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:273    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    Socket._flushWriteC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:643    
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.HighlightsComponent.updateSynchighlights-component.coffee:17 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    Duplex_stream_duplex.js:23  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DecorationManager.didDestroyMarkerDecorationdecoration-manager.coffee:147    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    normalizeStringWin32path.js:12  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    req.oncompleteinternal/child_process.js:637 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    set countC:\Users\happy\…om-status.js:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.lineLengthForRowC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:493    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.hasPixelPositionRequirementstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1003   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getHorizontalScrollMargintext-editor.coffee:3514  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    Serialization.Patch.createChangesVectorC:\Users\happy\…st\serial…:289   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    _dirCreatedC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:330   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    matched.groupsC:\Users\happy\…-regexp.js:159    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)main.js:121 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    set WebGLRenderingContext   
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.1 ms0.04 %    fs.rmdirSyncfs.js:884   
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.7 ms0.12 %    module.exports.SuggestionList.showsuggestion-list.coffee:154    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    regex.execC:\Users\happy\…-regexp.js:173    
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.TokenizedLine.getTokenIteratortokenized-line.coffee:15   
0.2 ms0.00 %    22.2 ms0.41 %   module.exports.DisplayMarker.notifyObserversC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:214  
0.2 ms0.00 %    21.5 ms0.39 %   module.exports.Selection.markerDidChangeselection.coffee:767    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ExpressionsRegistry.getRegExpexpressions-registry.coffee:57  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.8 ms0.03 %    _.uniq._.uniqueC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:476   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    freezeC:\Users\happy\…dist\patch.…:1    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.Marker.setRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:102    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    _.isElementC:\Users\happy\…erscore.…:1009   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.isEmptyC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:435 
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    satisfiesC:\Users\happy\…semver.js:1092 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getScrollLefttext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:847  
0.2 ms0.00 %    9.0 ms0.17 %    emitOneevents.js:94 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Marker.extractParamsC:\Users\happy\…lib\marker…:21   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    getHeightstable-adapter.js:30   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    TextEditorElement.pixelPositionForScreenPositiontext-editor-element.coffee:208  
0.2 ms0.00 %    16.6 ms0.30 %   module.exports.FindView.updateResultCounterfind-view.coffee:319 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    removeClassC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:7213   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    serializeArrayC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:8490    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isSoftWrappedAtEndC:\Users\happy\…\dist\scr…:172    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    drawLinesForRangescanvas-drawer.js:298  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\sigmund.js:26  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Config.deepCloneconfig.coffee:974    
0.2 ms0.00 %    4.4 ms0.08 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:87  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    TokenizedBufferIteratortokenized-buffe…rator.coffee:5   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    Hmaccrypto.js:86    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.FindView.setInfoMessagefind-view.coffee:332  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    requestIdleCallback 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    getC:\Users\happy\…lib\text-b…:41   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.BufferSearch.createMarkerbuffer-search.coffee:203    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DecorationManager.decorateMarkerdecoration-manager.coffee:106    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Pattern.handleMatchC:\Users\happy\…b\pattern…:207    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.destroyMarkerC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:345  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    truncateIntactRangescanvas-drawer.js:899    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    setupChannelinternal/child_process.js:411   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.CommandRegistry.addInlineListenercommand-registry.coffee:123 
0.2 ms0.00 %    6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.TextEditor.scopeDescriptorForBufferPositiontext-editor.coffee:1  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    SuggestionListElement.rendersuggestion-list…ent.coffee:124  
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.setBufferRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:133   
0.2 ms0.00 %    100.8 ms1.85 %  module.exports.AutocompleteManager.getSuggestionsFromProvidersautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:173    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:17  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.metadataForProviderprovider-manager.coffee:127   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    webkitMatchesSelector   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    matchingTypeForConfigsymbol-store.js:16 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SpanSkipList.insertNodeC:\Users\happy\…t\lib\spa…:112    
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.SymbolProvider.buildConfigsymbol-provider.coffee:143 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    resolvepath.js:158  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)paths-provider.coffee:83    
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    filterC:\Users\happy\…zzaldrin.js:15    
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    fs.readdirSyncELECTRON_ASAR.js:568  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    fs.Stats.isDirectoryfs.js:188   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    fs.statSyncELECTRON_ASAR.js:272 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    SemVer.formatC:\Users\happy\…er\semver.js:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TiledComponent.getComponentForTiletiled-component.coffee:50  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    _prepareTmpDirRemoveCallbackC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:402  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    _createMessagezmq-kernel.js:410 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:173  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)snippets.coffee:196 
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.requestNewSuggestionsautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:452  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    BackwardsC:\Users\happy\…lib\match-…:53 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TokenizedLine.isCommenttokenized-line.coffee:47  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    isVisibleminimap-element.js:397 
0.2 ms0.00 %    13.2 ms0.24 %   module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.isFoldableAtRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:1 
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.4 ms0.03 %    Backwards.nextC:\Users\happy\…ib\match-…:106    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    setItem 
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:97  
0.2 ms0.00 %    3.0 ms0.06 %    selectorsMatchScopeChainscope-helpers.coffee:1  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.clipScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1445    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Emitter.emitC:\Users\happy\…ode_modul…:120   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.KeymapManager.findPartialMatchesC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:500   
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.5 ms0.05 %    lintlinter-registry.js:40   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    setStart    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    call    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getEndTileRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:301  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    translateBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…\dist\tok…:240   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.getUniqueSuggestionsautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:328   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.5 ms0.01 %    lintmain.js:86  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    MinimatchC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:110 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.emitDidUpdateC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:162   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…helpers.js:118  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.LinesTileComponent.textNodesForScreenRowlines-tile-comp…ent.coffee:287   
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    nodeName    
0.2 ms0.00 %    2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.HighlightsComponent.updateHighlightNodehighlights-component.coffee:40    
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    innerHandlerC:\Users\happy\…-listener.js:5  
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    readStart   
0.2 ms0.00 %    1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Marker.setHeadPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:122 
0.2 ms0.00 %    0.2 ms0.00 %    scoreAcronymsC:\Users\happy\…us\lib\sc…:297 
0 ms0 % 3.2 ms0.06 %    remoteMemberFunctionC:\Users\happy\…\remote.js:103  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _validateStdiointernal/child_process.js:750 
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.setHeadScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:153    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    SuggestionListElement.addActiveClassToEditorsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:131  
0 ms0 % 3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.getMarkerRangeC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1 
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.ScopedPropertyStore.getPropertyValueC:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:46   
0 ms0 % 9.7 ms0.18 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.freeElementAndDescendantsdom-element-pool.coffee:1    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    RangeC:\Users\happy\…\lib\range.…:1 
0 ms0 % 82.0 ms1.50 %   module.exports.TextEditor.transacttext-editor.coffee:1464   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)task.coffee:146 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    finishMaybe_stream_writable.js:482  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    getScreenPositionWithMaxLineLengthC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\dis…:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    endReadable_stream_readable.js:955  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.Marker.getStartPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    exclusiveTotalBlockPixelsPrecedingRowC:\Users\happy\…dex\dist\it…:1 
0 ms0 % 4.6 ms0.08 %    _this.requests.(anonymous function)provider.coffee:462  
0 ms0 % 5.5 ms0.10 %    seekToScreenRowC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    Comparator.testC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:704   
0 ms0 % 9.0 ms0.17 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getHeadScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1    
0 ms0 % 9.0 ms0.17 %    _wrapObjectVM1637:48    
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    Socket.sendC:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:312   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    v4C:\Users\happy\…s\uuid\v4.js:4    
0 ms0 % 3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.Grammar.scopeForIdC:\Users\happy\…b\grammar…:295 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    execC:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:99  
0 ms0 % 2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.DecorationManager.decorationsForScreenRowRangedecoration-manager.coffee:72   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    createSocketinternal/child_process.js:242   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TreeView.serializetree-view.coffee:74    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    serializeC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:8487 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    jQuery.fn.(anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:9108    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TreeView.hasFocustree-view.coffee:195    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    directoryExpansionStatestree-view.coffee:75 
0 ms0 % 3.5 ms0.06 %    serializeC:\Users\happy\…st\patch.…:110 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)config.coffee:978   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    calculateLineMessageseditor-linter.js:156   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.constrainRowtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:295   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.positionForCharacterIndexC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1072   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Decorationdecoration.coffee:65  
0 ms0 % 15.3 ms0.28 %   module.exports.TextEditor.decorationsStateForScreenRowRangetext-editor.coffee:1759  
0 ms0 % 2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.TextEditor.decorationsForScreenRowRangetext-editor.coffee:1756   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.createDisplayMarkerC:\Users\happy\…lib\displa…:97 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.markRangeC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)decoration.coffee:70    
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    Socketnet.js:120    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:113  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:135  
0 ms0 % 8.8 ms0.16 %    module.exports.Cursor.getScreenPositioncursor.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.softWrapDescriptorForScreenRowC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1    
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.Marker.getTailPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:149 
0 ms0 % 5.3 ms0.10 %    module.exports.DisplayMarkerLayer.translateBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:146 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.getRightmostScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1    
0 ms0 % 3.9 ms0.07 %    module.exports.Marker.getRangeC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    exports.prepQueryC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\sc…:55 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    fs.statSyncfs.js:990    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    exports.matchC:\Users\happy\…lus\lib\ma…:58 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    rngC:\Users\happy\…d\lib\rng.js:6   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    Socket.sendC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:601   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    resolveFilePathmodule-cache.coffee:152  
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Cursor.clearSelectioncursor.coffee:600   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)cursor.coffee:77    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    exports.prepQueryC:\Users\happy\…b\scorer.js:57 
0 ms0 % 2.8 ms0.05 %    module.exports.Config.getRawScopedValueconfig.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 82.0 ms1.50 %   (anonymous function)text-editor.coffee:1082 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    ColorBufferElement.updateHighlightDecorationscolor-buffer-el…ent.coffee:196 
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:783  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:792  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.GitRepository.isPathIgnoredgit-repository.coffee:302 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    minimatchC:\Users\happy\…inimatch.js:92 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    promises.push.Promise.then._this.emitter.emit.linterlinter-registry.js:62   
0 ms0 % 5.8 ms0.11 %    findNodeC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.clipScreenPositiontext-editor.coffee:1631 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…mon\init.js:22  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    ChildProcess._handle.onexitinternal/child_process.js:181    
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)task.coffee:149 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)task.coffee:90  
0 ms0 % 82.0 ms1.50 %   module.exports.TextBuffer.transactC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:857    
0 ms0 % 2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.ProviderMetadata.matchesScopeChainprovider-metadata.coffee:38    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:52  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    Range.formatC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:747  
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.setHeadBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1    
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.clearTailC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:197    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)internal/child_process.js:417   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    testSetC:\Users\happy\…semver.js:1058   
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    Hash.digestcrypto.js:78 
0 ms0 % 4.2 ms0.08 %    Socket.writenet.js:646  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getScopeChainsnippets.coffee:192    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    SuggestionListElement.itemsChangedsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:118    
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)internal/child_process.js:318   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.findNodeNextToline-numbers-ti…onent.coffee:1    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Marker.destroyC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:267 
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditor.markBufferRangetext-editor.coffee:1847    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    getScreenPositionWithMaxLineLengthC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.decorateMarkertext-editor.coffee:1730 
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)buffer-search.coffee:111    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.LinesComponent.textNodesForScreenRowlines-component.coffee:1 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.characterIndexForPositionC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1062   
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.FindView.markersUpdatedfind-view.coffee:302  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.isFoldableCommentAtRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)autocomplete-provider.js:64 
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.History.serializeC:\Users\happy\…ib\histor…:337  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    serializemain.coffee:42 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    serializeatom-python-test.coffee:37 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    notifyEditorLinterslinter-views.js:102  
0 ms0 % 15.3 ms0.28 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.fetchDecorationstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1058   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.isEmptytext-editor.coffee:861 
0 ms0 % 4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exports.TextEditor.cursorsForScreenRowRangetext-editor.coffee:2230   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.getHorizontalScrollMarginInPixelstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1428  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.updateHighlightStatetext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1175   
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getTailScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:165    
0 ms0 % 3.2 ms0.06 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getBufferRangeC:\Users\happy\…\lib\displa…:1   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (unresolved function)   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    addListenerevents.js:269    
0 ms0 % 3.5 ms0.06 %    module.exports.Cursor.changePositioncursor.coffee:651   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.buildTokenTextC:\Users\happy\…b\displa…:1263    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    ColorBufferElement.updatecolor-buffer-el…ent.coffee:133 
0 ms0 % 6.9 ms0.13 %    module.exports.Marker.getEndPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    isPathIgnoredhelpers.coffee:27  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.buildIteratortokenized-buffer.coffee:46  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    mapC:\Users\happy\…\jquery.js:142   
0 ms0 % 16.6 ms0.30 %   jQuery.accessC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:3468 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    isC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:2709    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)linter-registry.js:60   
0 ms0 % 3.5 ms0.06 %    serializeChangesC:\Users\happy\…ist\serial…:47  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    Writable.end_stream_writable.js:440 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    toBufcrypto.js:36   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    flow_stream_readable.js:758 
0 ms0 % 16.4 ms0.30 %   textC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5205  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    slowToStringbuffer.js:428   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    drawBackDecorationsForLinescanvas-drawer.js:324 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.createMarkerC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.pixelPositionForScreenPositiontext-editor-com…ent.coffee:474 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    Socket.readnet.js:298   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:113  
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.sortProvidersprovider-manager.coffee:69  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    Range.testC:\Users\happy\…semver.js:1044    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)provider.coffee:460 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    debuglog.coffee:3   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getTexttext-editor.coffee:896 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ProviderManager.apiVersionForProviderprovider-manager.coffee:132 
0 ms0 % 3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextEditor.backwardsScanInBufferRangetext-editor.coffee:2817 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    uniqC:\Users\happy\…q\index.js:784  
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    Socket._flushWritesC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:692   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Bufferbuffer.js:65  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Module._resolveLookupPathsmodule.js:300 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)validate.coffee:26  
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.GitDiffView.markRangegit-diff-view.coffee:123    
0 ms0 % 17.1 ms0.31 %   (anonymous function)find-view.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 3.0 ms0.06 %    doWrite_stream_writable.js:299  
0 ms0 % 4.2 ms0.08 %    Message._decodeC:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:167   
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    parseComparatorC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:812   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    ComparatorC:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:654    
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.serializeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:216   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Pane.serializepane.coffee:58 
0 ms0 % 4.6 ms0.08 %    exports.getCurrentWindowC:\Users\happy\…\remote.js:306  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    renderlinter-views.js:56    
0 ms0 % 26.1 ms0.48 %   module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.commitPendingLogicalScrollLeftPositiontext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1467 
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    _.cloneC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:889   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    tempFileC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:254  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    braceExpandC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:233   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.GutterContainerComponent.reorderGuttersgutter-containe…nent.coffee:75    
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.Selection.getBufferRangeselection.coffee:75  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)task.coffee:50  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)git-repository.coffee:477   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    SuggestionListElement.findCharacterMatchIndicessuggestion-list…ent.coffee:413   
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.History.applyGroupingIntervalC:\Users\happy\…ib\histor…:161  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Task.handleEventstask.coffee:95  
0 ms0 % 3.5 ms0.06 %    module.exports.Cursor.setScreenPositioncursor.coffee:76 
0 ms0 % 6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.BracketMatcher.getScopedSettingbracket-matcher.coffee:227    
0 ms0 % 47.4 ms0.87 %   (anonymous function)text-editor.coffee:1083 
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.BracketMatcher.wrapSelectionInBracketsbracket-matcher.coffee:152 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Point.compareC:\Users\happy\…\lib\point.…:1  
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.PropertySet.matchesC:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:16    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.BracketMatcher.toggleQuotesbracket-matcher.coffee:26 
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.Marker.clearTailC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:192   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    EventEmitterevents.js:11    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getTextInBufferRangetext-editor.coffee:903    
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.buildElementdom-element-pool.coffee:20    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.LineNumbersTileComponent.setLineNumberInnerNodesline-numbers-ti…ent.coffee:110   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)task.coffee:97  
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    isEqualC:\Users\happy\…us\lib\un…:420   
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    descendLeftC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…ter.coffee:149  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer-element.coffee:41  
0 ms0 % 6.9 ms0.13 %    module.exports.Marker.getHeadPositionC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1 
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.LinesComponent.lineNodeForScreenRowlines-component.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.setBoundingClientRecttext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:932  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    resetC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    Socket.endnet.js:422    
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.nextNonBlankRowC:\Users\happy\…\lib\text-b…:1 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    emitReadable__stream_readable.js:430    
0 ms0 % 8.6 ms0.16 %    (anonymous function)buffered-process.coffee:112 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Buffer.toStringbuffer.js:495    
0 ms0 % 6.0 ms0.11 %    getCurrentKeymapC:\Users\happy\…out\lib\ke…:13  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DOMElementPool.buildTextdom-element-pool.coffee:31   
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.ApplicationDelegate.getCurrentWindowapplication-delegate.coffee:19   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getTextEditorScrollRatiominimap.js:529  
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    copyToOffscreencanvas-layer.js:63   
0 ms0 % 3.9 ms0.07 %    clearCanvascanvas-layer.js:79   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)linter.coffee:101   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    View.pushStackC:\Users\happy\…ace-pen.js:239    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:9112  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    winnowC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:2634    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    Module._resolveFilenamemodule.js:441    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    Serialization.Patch.endPatchC:\Users\happy\…st\serial…:309  
0 ms0 % 2.3 ms0.04 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ist\serial…:49  
0 ms0 % 16.6 ms0.30 %   exports.forkchild_process.js:19 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Task.ontask.coffee:146   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    _subtypeVM1637:102  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.addMarkerC:\Users\happy\…\lib\marker…:1  
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.Task.sendtask.coffee:133 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Disposable.disposeC:\Users\happy\…b\disposab…:20 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    messagesvalidate.coffee:22  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.markerUpdatedC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:340  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.MarkerLayer.setMarkerRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:371 
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.ScopedPropertyStore.getAllC:\Users\happy\…rty-store\…:89 
0 ms0 % 3.0 ms0.06 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.backwardsScanInRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:997    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    fs.statSyncNoExceptionfs.js:995 
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.GitDiffView.removeDecorationsgit-diff-view.coffee:119    
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.GitDiffView.addDecorationsgit-diff-view.coffee:107   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditor.scanInBufferRangetext-editor.coffee:2803  
0 ms0 % 21.7 ms0.40 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…p\index.js:342  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ColorProject.getGlobalIgnoredNamescolor-project.coffee:578   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.PaneContainer.serializepane-container.coffee:27  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Workspace.getPackageNamesWithActiveGrammarsworkspace.coffee:112  
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.ApplicationDelegate.isWindowFullScreenapplication-delegate.coffee:75 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    onSocketFinishnet.js:204    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    tempFilesC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:114 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    expandTopC:\Users\happy\…on\index.js:65 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    getPageXYC:\Users\happy\…\interact.js:1 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Config.onDidChangeconfig.coffee:467  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)linter.coffee:38    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Selection.isEmptyselection.coffee:126    
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.Task.terminatetask.coffee:156    
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    Transaction.groupWithC:\Users\happy\…lib\histor…:43 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.scheduleDidStopChangingEventC:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1419    
0 ms0 % 20.6 ms0.38 %   module.exports.MarkerLayer.emitChangeEventsC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:289   
0 ms0 % 47.4 ms0.87 %   (anonymous function)text-editor.coffee:1051 
0 ms0 % 3.5 ms0.06 %    (anonymous function)text-editor.coffee:2087 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.emitWillInsertTextEventtext-editor.coffee:3687    
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    emitTwoevents.js:104    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ViewRegistry.readDocumentview-registry.coffee:214    
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getHeadBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:141    
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    (anonymous function)linter.coffee:97    
0 ms0 % 5.8 ms0.11 %    setCurrentNodeC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\scr…:1    
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.ViewRegistry.requestDocumentUpdateview-registry.coffee:1 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    checkForVisibilityChangeminimap-element.js:934  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Socket.destroySoonnet.js:448    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    emitReadable_stream_readable.js:417 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    utf8Textstring_decoder.js:198   
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.getCurrentWindowatom-environment.coffee:520  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    updateCountsC:\Users\happy\…ter-views.js:1  
0 ms0 % 6.0 ms0.11 %    module.exports.Selection.clearselection.coffee:176  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    cssC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:6010   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    jQuery.filterC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:2663 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getCapedTextEditorScrollRatioC:\Users\happy\…b\minimap.js:1 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    Serialization.Change.addOldExtentC:\Users\happy\…st\serial…:179 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Serialization.Point.createPointC:\Users\happy\…ist\serial…:56   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    flatbuffers.Builder.createStringC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:706  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    computeScrollTopstable-adapter.js:54    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getScreenHeightminimap.js:584   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SuggestionList.changeItemssuggestion-list.coffee:208 
0 ms0 % 16.4 ms0.30 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5206  
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    _cleanupCallbackC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:424  
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:266  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Readable_stream_readable.js:104 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Socket._readnet.js:405  
0 ms0 % 8.6 ms0.16 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\index.js:23  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    Module._resolveFilenameC:\Users\happy\…ch-paths.js:31   
0 ms0 % 19.0 ms0.35 %   Tasktask.coffee:66  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\semver.js:933  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:143  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Task.oncetask.coffee:148 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Config.onDidChangeKeyPathconfig.coffee:940   
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.Task.starttask.coffee:116    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    exports.normalizeKeystrokesC:\Users\happy\…lib\helper…:76   
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    ChildProcess.killinternal/child_process.js:363  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getWordRegexpC:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:40 
0 ms0 % 20.6 ms0.38 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:290  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    PatchC:\Users\happy\…ist\patch.…:93 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    setmessage-registry.js:31   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    fs.statSyncNoExceptionELECTRON_ASAR.js:296  
0 ms0 % 12.5 ms0.23 %   module.exports.GitDiffView.updateDiffsgit-diff-view.coffee:99   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Patch.changesC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:571  
0 ms0 % 23.6 ms0.43 %   module.exports.Marker.emitChangeEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\marker…:398 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    onceevents.js:293   
0 ms0 % 16.4 ms0.30 %   module.exports.BufferSearch.setCurrentMarkerFromSelectionbuffer-search.coffee:179   
0 ms0 % 21.7 ms0.40 %   emitManyevents.js:125   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    maybeCloseinternal/child_process.js:873 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.ColorProject.getIgnoredNamescolor-project.coffee:571 
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    minimatchC:\Users\happy\…nimatch.js:114 
0 ms0 % 4.6 ms0.08 %    module.exports.Project.serializeproject.coffee:70   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Workspace.serializeworkspace.coffee:99   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    translateScreenPositionC:\Users\happy\…ex\dist\tok…:1   
0 ms0 % 2.3 ms0.04 %    module.exports.PackageManager.serializepackage-manager.coffee:496   
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.isFullScreenatom-environment.coffee:556  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    setCountC:\Users\happy\…container.js:1  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:6046   
0 ms0 % 2.3 ms0.04 %    SuggestionListElement.returnItemsToPoolsuggestion-list…ent.coffee:222   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.startBlinkingCursorstext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1390   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    flatbuffers.Builder.addFieldStructC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:465    
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.TextEditor.moveCursorstext-editor.coffee:2248    
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    flatbuffers.Builder.startVectorC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:679   
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.Cursor.getBufferPositioncursor.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    return  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    onSocketEndnet.js:254   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    onEofChunk_stream_readable.js:399   
0 ms0 % 12.9 ms0.24 %   eachC:\Users\happy\…\jquery.js:138  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    StringDecoder.writestring_decoder.js:70 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    Streamstream.js:22  
0 ms0 % 7.6 ms0.14 %    module.exports.KeymapManager.keystrokeForKeyboardEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:432    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.KeymapManager.findExactMatchesC:\Users\happy\…ib\keymap…:525 
0 ms0 % 5.5 ms0.10 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.getWindowDimensionsatom-environment.coffee:589   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getScrollTopFromEditorC:\Users\happy\…b\minimap.js:1    
0 ms0 % 206.4 ms3.78 %  updateTokensLayercanvas-drawer.js:133   
0 ms0 % 6.0 ms0.11 %    updateBackDecorationsLayercanvas-drawer.js:147  
0 ms0 % 5.1 ms0.09 %    updateFrontDecorationsLayercanvas-drawer.js:161 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    getScrollTopstable-adapter.js:42    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getMaxScrollTopC:\Users\happy\…b\minimap.js:1   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:143  
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getTextInRangetext-editor.coffee:994  
0 ms0 % 7.6 ms0.14 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.showSuggestionListautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:372 
0 ms0 % 9.7 ms0.18 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…lib\index.js:4  
0 ms0 % 3.9 ms0.07 %    (anonymous function)bracket-matcher-view.coffee:30  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    Module._resolveFilenamemodule-cache.coffee:270  
0 ms0 % 23.1 ms0.42 %   module.exports.Task.oncetask.coffee:48  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    createNamedRegexC:\Users\happy\…-regexp.js:108  
0 ms0 % 37.7 ms0.69 %   module.exports.TextBuffer.setTextInRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:591  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    rangeFromLineNumberC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:148   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    Readable.on_stream_readable.js:686  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)linter.coffee:36    
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    existsSyncC:\Users\happy\…\fs-plus.js:90    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    flatbuffers.Builder.nestedC:\Users\happy\…ndor\flat…:479    
0 ms0 % 12.5 ms0.23 %   (anonymous function)git-diff-view.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 12.9 ms0.24 %   eachC:\Users\happy\…\jquery.js:345  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    getSpawnOptionsC:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:41   
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.BufferSearch.bufferStoppedChangingbuffer-search.coffee:121   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)symbol-provider.coffee:98   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:36  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    fs.mkdirELECTRON_ASAR.js:648    
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    Buffer.frombuffer.js:86 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    writeAllfs.js:1261  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)internal/child_process.js:333   
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    module.exports.BracketMatcherView.updateMatchbracket-matcher-view.coffee:76 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ColorProject.isIgnoredPathcolor-project.coffee:392   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.ColorProject.isVariablesSourcePathcolor-project.coffee:383   
0 ms0 % 9.9 ms0.18 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.serializeatom-environment.coffee:713 
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    setEventXYC:\Users\happy\…\interact.js:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    isElementC:\Users\happy\…nteract.js:533 
0 ms0 % 12.0 ms0.22 %   (anonymous function)git-repository.coffee:476   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.setFocusedtext-editor-pre…ter.coffee:802 
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    module.exports.TextEditor.setCursorScreenPositiontext-editor.coffee:2076    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorComponent.requestAnimationFrametext-editor-com…ent.coffee:231  
0 ms0 % 83.0 ms1.52 %   module.exports.TextEditor.mergeIntersectingSelectionstext-editor.coffee:2677    
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    process.nextTickinternal/child_process.js:743   
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)decoration-manager.coffee:137   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:161 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:71  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:341 
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getCursorBufferPositiontext-editor.coffee:2025    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.AutocompleteManager.cancelHideSuggestionListRequestautocomplete-ma…ger.coffee:387    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.BracketMatcherView.findCurrentPairbracket-matcher…iew.coffee:192 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Range.containsPointC:\Users\happy\…ib\range.…:222    
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TextEditor.isFoldedAtCursorRowtext-editor.coffee:3269    
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    (anonymous function)minimap-element.js:347  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    emitNoneevents.js:84    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.LanguageMode.decreaseIndentRegexForScopeDescriptorlanguage-mode.coffee:346   
0 ms0 % 5.8 ms0.11 %    module.exports.AtomEnvironment.storeWindowDimensionsatom-environment.coffee:622 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.SpanSkipList.spliceArrayC:\Users\happy\…st\lib\spa…:53   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getScrollTopminimap.js:816  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    getTextEditorScaledScrollTopminimap.js:464  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    canScrollminimap.js:883 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    clearCacheminimap.js:951    
0 ms0 % 6.5 ms0.12 %    module.exports.Cursor.getScopeDescriptorcursor.coffee:188   
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    require.resolveC:\Users\happy\…le-cache.js:52   
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:71  
0 ms0 % 11.1 ms0.20 %   (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:424 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    parseC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:271 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.File.existsSyncC:\Users\happy\…ode_modul…:152    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    _tmpNameCreatedC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:326   
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.TagFinder.isCursorOnTagtag-finder.coffee:28  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getCursorScreenPositiontext-editor.coffee:2059    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.isFoldedAtScreenRowtext-editor.coffee:3285    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getDecreaseIndentPatterntext-editor.coffee:3464   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    writeFdfs.js:1321   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ceful-fs.js:37  
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:728  
0 ms0 % 8.6 ms0.16 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.bufferDidChangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:373   
0 ms0 % 10.9 ms0.20 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:717  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.ColorBuffer.isIgnoredcolor-buffer.coffee:180 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getTempDirectoryC:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:48  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.isFoldedAtBufferRowtext-editor.coffee:3277    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditor.bufferRowForScreenRowtext-editor.coffee:962   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getDecreaseIndentPatterntext-editor-registry.js:405 
0 ms0 % 1.4 ms0.03 %    module.exports.ColorBuffer.isVariablesSourcecolor-buffer.coffee:178 
0 ms0 % 10.2 ms0.19 %   (anonymous function)atom-environment.coffee:863 
0 ms0 % 2.1 ms0.04 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.emitDidChangeSyncEventC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:365    
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    pointerUpC:\Users\happy\…teract.js:2182 
0 ms0 % 3.0 ms0.06 %    requestUpdateFramehelpers.coffee:18 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.spliceDisplayIndexC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:403    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.expandBufferRangeToLineBoundariesC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:496 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    updatePublicmessage-registry.js:55  
0 ms0 % 10.9 ms0.20 %   module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.bufferDidChangetokenized-buffer.coffee:185   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:49  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.foldsIntersectingBufferRangeC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:302  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.DisplayMarker.getTailBufferPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:157    
0 ms0 % 11.8 ms0.22 %   module.exports.ViewRegistry.requestDocumentPollview-registry.coffee:275 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    spliceC:\Users\happy\…x\dist\dis…:61    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.GitRepository.refreshIndexgit-repository.coffee:1    
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.whitespaceLengthForEmptyBufferRowC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:956 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-com…ent.coffee:650  
0 ms0 % 2.5 ms0.05 %    (anonymous function)editor-linter.js:85 
0 ms0 % 10.2 ms0.19 %   Readable.push_stream_readable.js:123    
0 ms0 % 9.5 ms0.17 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.buildTokenizedLinesForRowstokenized-buffer.coffee:243    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _createTmpDirC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:319 
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.DisplayLayer.findFoldMarkersC:\Users\happy\…ib\displa…:312   
0 ms0 % 4.2 ms0.08 %    module.exports.Patch.spliceC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:556   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    maybeDestroynet.js:437  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    bubbleNodeDownC:\Users\happy\…\dist\dis…:165    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    bubbleNodeUpC:\Users\happy\…\dist\dis…:154  
0 ms0 % 4.4 ms0.08 %    stepC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:143  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    descendRightC:\Users\happy\…st\iterat…:293  
0 ms0 % 9.5 ms0.17 %    (anonymous function)tokenized-buffer.coffee:247 
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0 ms0 % 21.5 ms0.39 %   (anonymous function)selection.coffee:24 
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0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    RegionIterator.seekC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:237   
0 ms0 % 3.7 ms0.07 %    RegionIterator.spliceC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:335 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Patch.regionsC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:567  
0 ms0 % 9.7 ms0.18 %    stepC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:113  
0 ms0 % 13.2 ms0.24 %   module.exports.ColorBuffer.scanBufferForColorscolor-buffer.coffee:386   
0 ms0 % 2.8 ms0.05 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…eq\index.js:19  
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0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextBuffer.isModifiedC:\Users\happy\…ib\text-b…:343  
0 ms0 % 9.0 ms0.17 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.buildTokenizedLineForRowtokenized-buffer.coffee:277  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:160  
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)fs.js:1313  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _getUniqueNameC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:156    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…ceful-fs.js:38  
0 ms0 % 25.4 ms0.47 %   Socket._flushReadsC:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:667    
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0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    RegionIterator.getInputPositionC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:354   
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    RegionIterator.insertC:\Users\happy\…ib\patch.…:450 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)fs.js:1265  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    _.isEqualC:\Users\happy\…derscore.…:995 
0 ms0 % 9.0 ms0.17 %    module.exports.TokenizedBuffer.buildTokenizedLineForRowWithTexttokenized-buffer.coffee:280  
0 ms0 % 18.3 ms0.33 %   module.exports.TextEditor.selectionRangeChangedtext-editor.coffee:2762  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Selection.getScreenRangeselection.coffee:64  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditor.cursorMovedtext-editor.coffee:2252    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _generateTmpNameC:\Users\happy\…lib\tmp.js:115  
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    module.exports.ColorBuffer.updatecolor-buffer.coffee:149    
0 ms0 % 10.2 ms0.19 %   module.exports.AtomEnvironment.saveStateatom-environment.coffee:862 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    NodeC:\Users\happy\…lib\patch.…:18  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    autosavePaneItemautosave.coffee:29  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    autosaveAllPaneItemsautosave.coffee:41  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _randomCharsC:\Users\happy\…\lib\tmp.js:56  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)minimap.js:234  
0 ms0 % 1.6 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)helpers.coffee:22   
0 ms0 % 12.7 ms0.23 %   (anonymous function)git-repository.coffee:88    
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    elemData.handleC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:4117   
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-pre…er.coffee:1364  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)bracket-matcher-view.coffee:68  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    emitChangesminimap.js:936   
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Scanner.handleMatchC:\Users\happy\…ib\scanner…:64    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    TextEditorElement.focusedtext-editor-element.coffee:138 
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0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.pauseCursorBlinkingtext-editor-presenter.coffee:1    
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)selection-count-view.coffee:29  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    onMouseMovetext-editor-com…ent.coffee:661   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer-element.coffee:66  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)cursor-position-view.coffee:36  
0 ms0 % 21.5 ms0.39 %   _tickCallbackinternal/proces…ext_tick.js:87 
0 ms0 % 4.6 ms0.08 %    (anonymous function)helpers.coffee:24   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)text-editor-com…ent.coffee:233  
0 ms0 % 1.2 ms0.02 %    module.exports.ScopeSelector.matchesC:\Users\happy\…ib\scope-s…:11  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.toggleCursorBlinktext-editor-pre…er.coffee:1404  
0 ms0 % 5.1 ms0.09 %    module.exports.Scanner.findNextMatchC:\Users\happy\…ib\scanner…:54  
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getSelectedBufferRangetext-editor.coffee:2288 
0 ms0 % 32.1 ms0.59 %   (anonymous function)window-event-handler.coffee:1   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.TextEditorPresenter.stopBlinkingCursorstext-editor-presenter.coffee:1    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    ColorBufferElement.requestSelectionUpdatecolor-buffer-element.coffee:1  
0 ms0 % 4.2 ms0.08 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:143  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    module.exports.Pattern.tagsForCaptureIndicesC:\Users\happy\…b\pattern…:286  
0 ms0 % 3.2 ms0.06 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…\helpers.js:71  
0 ms0 % 8.6 ms0.16 %    (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\index.js:113  
0 ms0 % 0.9 ms0.02 %    (anonymous function)main.js:123 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.TextEditor.getSelectedTexttext-editor.coffee:2281    
0 ms0 % 19.4 ms0.36 %   (anonymous function)C:\Users\happy\…b\text-b…:1423  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)minimap-element.js:724  
0 ms0 % 2.8 ms0.05 %    (anonymous function)fs.js:122   
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer-el…ent.coffee:483  
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    module.exports.Selection.getTextselection.coffee:141    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    (anonymous function)linter.coffee:95    
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    _handle.closenet.js:491 
0 ms0 % 0.7 ms0.01 %    requestUpdateminimap-element.js:786 
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    wrapperfs.js:745    
0 ms0 % 1.8 ms0.03 %    (anonymous function)color-buffer.coffee:41  
0 ms0 % 0.2 ms0.00 %    getAllC:\Users\happy\…jquery.js:5018    
0 ms0 % 10.2 ms0.19 %   (anonymous function)atom-environment.coffee:242 
0 ms0 % 0.5 ms0.01 %    (anonymous function)
hebijiandai commented 7 years ago


By the way, Hydrogen already provides a command to shutdown a kernel: Hydrogen: Shutdown Kernel.

Ok ,thanks,I will try it.

hebijiandai commented 7 years ago

By the way, Hydrogen already provides a command to shutdown a kernel: Hydrogen: Shutdown Kernel.

Hydrogen:Shutdown Kernel is usable,If it can Bind the any letter typed-trigger,this question will be solved in my assumptions .

In Windows OS,set up or off on the setting pane will be more efficient.

Thanks a lot.

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

Note that shutting down the kernel is just a workaround. It doesn't fix the issue (whatever causes the lag problems is still there). Also note, that when a kernel is shut down, the state of the kernel will be lost.

Here is the official documentation for customising key bindings in Atom.

n-riesco commented 7 years ago

Perhaps related https://discuss.atom.io/t/atom-high-usage-of-cpu-and-memory/36866

hebijiandai commented 7 years ago

OK,I will study and deeply dig this problem,thanks

mda6 commented 7 years ago

I am having similar issue on windows 10 64bits

I notice the lag when i want to select some code up and down.. and it becomes really noticeable..

I tried some for loop to test Hydrogen and some print cells as well and this happened for me too.

I think that shutting down the kernel fixes or to run some variable only i.e. item = 1

mda6 commented 7 years ago

Actually, shutting the kernel down or restarting, dose not fixes the issue always.. now i had to reload atom to fix it

BenRussert commented 7 years ago

We have a couple issues open regarding the CPU% issue (which is actually multi-platform). I will keep looking into the potential lag issue on windows, but for now I wasn't able to reproduce.

For more on the CPU rise issue, see #646 open for help/discussion