ntra00 / marc2bibframe

Convert marc to BIBFRAME 1.0 - see lcnetdev/marc2bibframe2 for current release
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MARC 740 Ind2 = 2 #168

Open kiegel opened 9 years ago

kiegel commented 9 years ago

Field 740 (Added Entry-Uncontrolled Related/Analytical Title) with 2nd indicator 2 (analytical entry) lists a related work contained in the main work. The conversion uses the wrong relationship property: bf:partOf rather than bf:hasPart.

For example:

500 |a Issue for 2004 has accompanying mini CD-ROM called: Abridged FAOSTAT CD. 500 |a Some vols. have also a section title, e.g., v.1, 2 (2004) called: FAO statistical yearbook. Country profiles. 740 02 |a FAOSTAT CD. 740 02 |a FAO statistical yearbook. Country profiles.


bf:partOf http://example.org/99127025400001452work28, http://example.org/99127025400001452work29 ;

This should be hasPart.

(LCCN 2005234186)

kiegel commented 9 years ago

Works generated from field 740 now contain information that is not necessarily correct.

740 is for "added entries for related or analytical titles that are not controlled through an authority file or list". The presence of an authorized access point contradicts the meaning of the field.

Also, the creator of a title in field 740 does not have to be the creator named in field 100.

740 02 |a Floyd the barber. 740 02 |a About a girl.

<http://example.org/99137969100001452work43> a bf:Work ;
    bf:authorizedAccessPoint "Nirvana (Musical group) Floyd the barber." ;
    bf:creator <http://example.org/99137969100001452organization47> ;
    bf:title "Floyd the barber." .

<http://example.org/99137969100001452work44> a bf:Work ;
    bf:authorizedAccessPoint "Nirvana (Musical group) About a girl." ;
    bf:creator <http://example.org/99137969100001452organization48> ;
    bf:title "About a girl." .

Instead, the works should be:

<http://example.org/99137969100001452work43> a bf:Work ;
    bf:title "Floyd the barber." .

<http://example.org/99137969100001452work44> a bf:Work ;
    bf:title "About a girl." .

(OCLC # 429048800)