nubomediaTI / Kurento-iOS

Kurento Toolbox for iOS
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Failed to set session description on WebRTC. #19

Open avinashvaghasiya opened 7 years ago

avinashvaghasiya commented 7 years ago

I set the remote description, callback didSetSessionDescriptionWithError got hit, & showing the error :

- (void)processAnswer:(NSString *)sdpAnswer connectionId:(NSString *)connectionId {

       NBMPeerConnection *connection = self.connectionMap[connectionId];
       __block __weak RTCPeerConnection* peerConnection = connection.peerConnection;
       RTCSessionDescription *description = [[RTCSessionDescription alloc] initWithType:RTCSdpTypeAnswer sdp:sdpAnswer];
       [connection.peerConnection setRemoteDescription:description completionHandler:^(NSError * _Nullable error) {
       [self peerConnection:peerConnection didSetSessionDescriptionWithError:error];

after call getting this error.

Error Domain=org.webrtc.RTCPeerConnection Code=-1 "SessionDescription is NULL."

inamdartejas commented 7 years ago

@avinashvaghasiya, please let me know if you managed to resolve this issue.

HariNarayanan777 commented 4 years ago

Please tell, as I am also have this same issue. why is happening I don't know. Tell any solution It might helpful to me.

sunilju commented 4 years ago

Please let me know , as I am also have this same issue. why is happening I don't know. Let me know what is wrong with this?