nus-cs2030 / 2021-s2

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No JDT language server in Vim #7

Open SweetPotato0213 opened 3 years ago

SweetPotato0213 commented 3 years ago

I have installed java before. And I followed the instructions in wiki including set up for Unix, set up for Java, set up for checkstyle, set up for MacVim(I failed this). But when I use Vim to edit my texts, there is no JDT language server as it is supposed to be. Although I can use Vim to edit, I hardly find anything more useful in it than other text editors. Is there any steps I need to add on in order to get the JDT language server?

deepimpactmir commented 3 years ago

I'm not totally sure what you mean but did you install the language server?

clementyee303 commented 3 years ago

Hi, perhaps this is what you're looking for?

SweetPotato0213 commented 3 years ago

I'm not totally sure what you mean but did you install the language server?

I probably did not install it. I just wonder if Vim and the language server are required for everyone taking 2030. Actually, I can use Visual Studio text editor to do all those codings and then use the terminal to compile it. I did not find anything valuable from Vim.

lxin42140 commented 3 years ago

For your PEs and labs, you will only have access to the PE node and only vim is provided. No external IDEs will be allowed. Thus although you can use VSCode during personal practices, you should get comfortable with coding in Vim and general Unix commands. During the initial stage of coding in Java, you should depend less on intellisense features and checks offered by IDEs. You can always check the APIs to understand the methods and classes better. Also, as mouse usage is obsolete in Vim, you can code pretty fast once you are familiar with it :)

SweetPotato0213 commented 3 years ago

For your PEs and labs, you will only have access to the PE node and only vim is provided. No external IDEs will be allowed. Thus although you can use VSCode during personal practices, you should get comfortable with coding in Vim and general Unix commands. During the initial stage of coding in Java, you should depend less on intellisense features and checks offered by IDEs. You can always check the APIs to understand the methods and classes better. Also, as mouse usage is obsolete in Vim, you can code pretty fast once you are familiar with it :)

So there is no need to install the JDT language server? For PEs and labs we are required to write on our own and no auto complete things will be allowed?

deepimpactmir commented 3 years ago

For your PEs and labs, you will only have access to the PE node and only vim is provided. No external IDEs will be allowed. Thus although you can use VSCode during personal practices, you should get comfortable with coding in Vim and general Unix commands. During the initial stage of coding in Java, you should depend less on intellisense features and checks offered by IDEs. You can always check the APIs to understand the methods and classes better. Also, as mouse usage is obsolete in Vim, you can code pretty fast once you are familiar with it :)

Can we use neovim on sunos? I can't seem install any packages

So there is no need to install the JDT language server? For PEs and labs we are required to write on our own and no auto complete things will be allowed?

You can still use vim plugins if i am not wrong.

lxin42140 commented 3 years ago

So there is no need to install the JDT language server? For PEs and labs we are required to write on our own and no auto complete things will be allowed?

If I am not wrong the language server is only needed to support features such as autocomplete, linting etc so it is not necessary to configure the language server for Vim. And yes you need to write your own code.

Can we use neovim on sunos? I can't seem install any packages

No you can't because it is configured by NUS IT (I think) and you don't have the permission to install packages, only read and write files etc.

btw for a quick tutorial to vim commands u can type vimtutor and go through the tutorial which is shipped together with vim.