nus-cs2103-AY1920S1 / pe-dev-response

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Exporting function does not work. #292

Open nus-pe-bot opened 4 years ago

nus-pe-bot commented 4 years ago

Steps to reproduce the issue 'add interviewer n/Bohn Coe p/97654321 ew/ d/Marketing s/17/10/2019 13:00-14:00'

'add interviewee n/John Doe p/91234567 f/School of Computing y/1 ep/ ew/ d/Marketing s/17/10/2019 13:00-14:00'

Above are template examples provided in the UG. I then repeatedly added more interviewees/interviewers by changing their name

After which I typed:


Which results in a "Successfully scheduled! All interviewees are allocated with a slot!" message


export fp//Users/USER/Desktop/test file.csv

"USER" is replaced by actual file path for anonymity.

What's the expected result? Exported csv file has contains the updated schedule.

What's the actual result? CSV file successfully exported but the timeslots are all set to 0

Additional details / screenshot

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 1.02.14 PM.png Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 1.01.50 PM.png

Screenshot 2019-11-15 at 1.02.25 PM.png

[original: nus-cs2103-AY1920S1/pe-interim#294]

mirozo commented 4 years ago

Team's Response

Dear Tester,

Thank you for testing Scheduler. Based on the screenshots, I realised that you used timeslots of different durations and they do not neccessarily obey the default values set in the user preference file.

We refer to the user guide under the constriants specified for timeslots:

The start duration and end duration of a s/SLOT must follow these constraints: A start duration and end duration must be in 24-hour format. The range of start durations and end durations available for input must be within Working Hours.

The start duration must be earlier than the end duration, and be in increments of duration. The time elapsed from the start duration to end duration must also follow the number of minutes as specified by the value of duration in User Preferences. Otherwise, scheduled data will not be displayed properly in the user interface. See Duration of Timeslot for more details. We also quote from the user guide under the section "Duration of Timeslot": The indicated timeslots, in adding or importing interviewers/interviewees, has to be one of these unique timeslots and cannot take any other values. Failure to do so will result in an inaccurate display of schedules.

In this case, we do not disallow the adding of interviewers whose available timeslots are in incorrect format - it is expected behaviour. However, as explicitly stated in the user guide, doing so will lead inaccurate display of schedules.

In addition, I realised that under the interviewee tab, the allocated timeslot column is blank for all interviewees. Therefore, when exported, it is natural for the tables generated to have no allocated slots.

Based on the above reasons, we kindly reject this bug.

Duplicate status (if any):
