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💡 Javascript to open all the dropdowns on the course website #397

Open markusyeo opened 1 year ago

markusyeo commented 1 year ago

I've often found opening every single link on the course website under the weekly topics to be very frustrating and annoying. Hence I wrote a simple script that clicks on all the > carets. This currently works on Chrome for me and opens only the > carets on the weekly topic page.

var inputs = document.getElementsByClassName("glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right")

inputsArray =, 0)
                    // then we filter the Array:
                    .filter(function (el) {
return !(el.ariaHidden);
  .forEach((element) =>;

Steps to use:

  1. Open developer tools.
  2. Open the console tab.
  3. Paste the script into the console and wait.
hingen commented 1 year ago

Thanks! Works on Firefox as well, really useful for the Modelling page.

EvitanRelta commented 1 year ago

Here's the same code but using ES6 arrow-functions

const inputs = Array.from(document.getElementsByClassName("glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right"))
    .filter(ele => !ele.ariaHidden);
console.log('Expanded:', inputs);  // to check what was expanded
inputs.forEach(ele =>;
EvitanRelta commented 1 year ago

Updated the code to keep optionals/videos/table-of-content/recap sections collapsed.

You can change the isToBeCollapsed to vary what you want collapsed.

const not = predicate => ele => !predicate(ele);
const any = (...predicates) => ele => predicates.some(fn => fn(ele));
const clickElement = ele =>;
const containsSelector = selector => ele => Boolean(ele.querySelector(selector));

const isOptional = ele =>
const isVideo = containsSelector('.glyphicon-facetime-video');
const isTableOfContents = containsSelector('.fas.fa-list-ol');
const isRecap = containsSelector('.glyphicon.glyphicon-education');
const isToBeCollapsed = any(isOptional, isVideo, isTableOfContents, isRecap);

const isExpanded = containsSelector('.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-down');
const isCollapsed = containsSelector('.glyphicon.glyphicon-chevron-right');

const allHeaders = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.card-header'));

const allToBeExpanded = allHeaders.filter(isCollapsed)

const allToBeCollapsed = allHeaders.filter(isExpanded)

console.log('Expanded: ', allToBeExpanded);
console.log('Collapsed: ', allToBeCollapsed);