nus-cs3281 / 2024

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Book: Designing Data-Intensive Applications Ch: 1. Reliable, Scalable and Maintainable Applications #36

Open itsyme opened 4 months ago

itsyme commented 4 months ago

Book: Designing Data-Intensive Applications Chapter: 1. Reliable, Scalable and Maintainable Applications


This chapter talks about how modern applications are becoming more data-intensive rather than compute-intensive. It also defines reliability, scalability and maintainability more concretely, which are terms that are commonly thrown about when we talk about applications today.


It also goes into more detail for each term about the factors that affect them and how to potentially improve in each area

My thoughts: The first chapter of the book was really interesting to me by exposing the topics that would be covered in more detail in the rest of the book. Defining the common terms of Reliability, Scalability and Maintainability concretely was helpful as someone who desires to create applications that exhibit these traits as now I am more able to tell when an application is in the right direction of reaching these states. It also exposed the complexity and how much consideration I have to put in to create an application that meets those standards and is not something that occurs by chance. This chapter has made me excited to continue reading the book to explore patterns and techniques that can help me achieve these goals in different types of systems.

kevin9foong commented 4 months ago

this is an awesome book!

kaixin-hc commented 4 months ago

oh my gosh, I was reading that too!