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nutanix-csi MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume #147

Open allibutldevnet opened 2 weeks ago

allibutldevnet commented 2 weeks ago

I've got nutanix-csi installed on a Rancher cluster following the instructions on the readme with file storage enabled. I'm able to successfully provision PVs, but when a pod tries to attach to them I get the following error:

Warning  FailedMount  4s (x5 over 12s)  kubelet            MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "pvc-1377ed49-83cd-4dbe-a9c5-60b0c02086fb" : rpc error: code = Internal desc = rpc error: code = Internal desc = mount failed: exit status 32
Mounting command: mount
Mounting arguments: -t nfs <fqdn>://<share name>/pvc-1377ed49-83cd-4dbe-a9c5-60b0c02086fb /var/lib/kubelet/pods/eca51624-621e-44e2-b2c0-462299657f92/volumes/
Output: mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting <fqdn>://<share name>/pvc-1377ed49-83cd-4dbe-a9c5-60b0c02086fb

For some reason there's an extra / in front of the share name, when I try the mount command without the extra / it mounts without issues. Am I missing a config somewhere?

Thanks in advance.

tuxtof commented 1 week ago

the // is normally not causing trouble you mention it mount without issue when you test it manually , where di you run the test ? on a worker node ?

tuxtof commented 1 week ago

in all case , CSI driver is supported so you can open an official Nutanix support ticket

allibutldevnet commented 1 week ago

yeah if I ssh into any of the nodes and run the mount command, i get the same issue if it has the //

root@rke-admin-wkr1-21d413a1-x92hb:~#  mount -t nfs <fqdn>://<share name>/pvc-1377ed49-83cd-4dbe-a9c5-60b0c02086fb /root/test1/
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting <fqdn>://<share name>/pvc-1377ed49-83cd-4dbe-a9c5-60b0c02086fb

when I try the exact same command w/ just the one / it mounts as expected. I'm trying to figure out where the 2nd / is getting inserted, is that something that I can prevent from happening?

tuxtof commented 1 week ago

in this case best is to open a supprot ticket and SRE will dig directly with you

tuxtof commented 1 week ago

you can also verify your Nutanix files is correctly configured: