nuxt / vue-meta

Manage HTML metadata in Vue.js components with SSR support
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Vue 3 Plan (Recommendations) #558

Open arpowers opened 4 years ago

arpowers commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, Is there is a plan regarding this plugin and Vue3?

Tried out v3 this weekend and this plugin was one of the sticking points as its integrated into the next Factor (Headless CMS)...

Primarily there are issues with installation and types due to the changes around Vue > createApp and so on...

pimlie commented 4 years ago

Hey, I have been working on vue-meta v3 for some while now but am not yet ready to release an alpha yet. You can track some of my work here (mostly the new API) but everything is still under heavy development so changes will happen ;)

arpowers commented 4 years ago

Looks nice, that's a good standard API for the composition stuff. Thanks, @pimlie!

Appears that production use for Vue 3 is gonna take a LOT longer (~12 months?) when you consider that all the libraries are going to have to catch up.

arpowers commented 4 years ago

@pimlie just a request, but would it be possible to get an alpha that has the "old" object-based API as well as new Vue 3 types.

Happy to wait on composition API stuff, but the other stuff is blocking our migration to Vue 3. If there is a way I could contribute I'd be happy to do it.

pimlie commented 4 years ago

Hey, I have been thinking about this but I'd rather not have to spent time supporting two versions for Vue v3. It isnt the time developing a vue-meta v2-based Vue3 version what worries me, it worries me much more that I then also have to support that for the coming time. And that would only take time away from developing a good/proper revamp of vue-meta for v3. Im hopeful I will be able to release an alpha in a month or so. It will for sure not take 12 months ;)

arpowers commented 4 years ago

Great! Excited to see it. As a thought, I HIGHLY recommend you don't underestimate the importance of backward compatibility.

If you plan on changing the API completely, you might as well start a new plugin rather than iterate this one.

How do I know this? My old company had 60k paying customers, I made this mistake.

pimlie commented 4 years ago

I fully agree with you, the whole discussion about the composition api showed this too.

That said, we cant deny that the current approach in vue-meta is somewhat flawed. And Vue3 is giving us new possibilities we didnt had in Vue2. It would be stupid to not use those possibilities and/or fix those flaws just for backwards compatibility.

Ofc I will try to maintain as much backward compatibility as possible, but cannot promise 100%. My main goal is to at least support the old data structure

ux-engineer commented 4 years ago

@pimlie also please take into account this new cool syntax with SFC Script Setup! 😎

pimlie commented 4 years ago

@ux-engineer Hey thx, but as far as I am aware thats just syntax sugar for Vue3's setup method? Or is there more to it? If not, then we will already support it (see the next branch link above, the vue-router example in that branch shows the new api)

ux-engineer commented 4 years ago

@pimlie that's correct, it is just an another way of writing code with Composition API. I should have defined my comment more in saying that we would like see the final examples in docs to include also this cool syntax πŸ˜‹

Already glanced through your next branch's example...looking good so far πŸ‘

I hope you are getting this new version out soon after Vue 3.0 release. Currently there are a few bottleneck packages that we need to wait for to support Vue 3 before we can go through the upgrade process ourselves... In our case it's mainly with Bootstrap-Vue, which have told they will release support 'a few days' after 3.0 comes out.

pimlie commented 4 years ago

Yeah, me too. Was writing tests yesterdays but ran into an issue with merging arrays which I need to look into. Was trying to omit that vmid/hid stuff up to now but have to add that back for backwards compatibility. But working with arrays is just a pain when you are trying to merge them like vue-meta does, hence why the vmid property exists atm.

For the rest the biggest missing features atm are:

cricketthomas commented 4 years ago

@pimlie really excited for vue 3 support. Is there a way we could test out the next branch version?

ux-engineer commented 3 years ago

Vue 3.0 is stable now, jej! πŸŽ‰

How is the upgrade plan looking like?

redrbrt commented 3 years ago

Vue 3.0 is stable now, jej! πŸŽ‰

How is the upgrade plan looking like?

Following this thread, waiting excited the next release

pimlie commented 3 years ago

Please refrain from posting messages to just follow this thread, instead you can click on the Subscribe button in the right bar to follow this thread.

Unfortunately I have no new updates, had some setbacks so am still working out some kinks.

Areskul commented 3 years ago

I've juste made some editing to set vue3 compatibility on my local branch. Could you write some please ?!

susansiow commented 3 years ago

@Areskul What's your temp solution?

n-kort commented 3 years ago

It's now also possible to have a <teleport to="head"> section in App.vue (or elsewhere):

  <teleport to="head">
    <title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>
    <meta property="og:description" :content="pageDescription">

    <template v-if="img">
      <meta property="og:image:url" :content="img.url"/>

and instead of the meta stuff in a component, simply pull data from a vuex store! So for a quick (but less flexible?) solution this plugin may not be required.

susansiow commented 3 years ago

It's now also possible to have a <teleport to="head"> section in App.vue (or elsewhere):

  <teleport to="head">
    <title>{{ pageTitle }}</title>
    <meta property="og:description" :content="pageDescription">

    <template v-if="img">
      <meta property="og:image:url" :content="img.url"/>

and instead of the meta stuff in a component, simply pull data from a vuex store! So for a quick (but less flexible?) solution this plugin may not be required.

@n-kort Thank you for the valuable info!

pimlie commented 3 years ago

@n-kort That is exactly how vue-meta v3 will work, just check the next branch ;)

The added value for using vue-meta would be in managing meta data for more complex setups where your meta data originates from multiple components and not in a single place.

borodadada commented 3 years ago

I think this method not correct, data to head become after load page, i use SSR and for google is problem. If i set data without teleport all work fine. Vue 3 + ssr

scratchmex commented 3 years ago

Gridsome is waiting on vue-meta to support Vue 3 in order to release its new version. Maybe a minimum viable support for vue 3 before making breaking changes? I think you don’t need to use all vue 3 features to release its suppor. What do you think?

pimlie commented 3 years ago

Dont have a nice update unfortunately but just want to mention that I hear you all and spending as much time as I can/have available on vue v3 support.

EmmanuelBeziat commented 3 years ago

Dont have a nice update unfortunately but just want to mention that I hear you all and spending as much time as I can/have available on vue v3 support.

@pimlie though I'm impatient to have a vue3 compatible version, take the time you need and don't sacrifice your health over this. πŸ˜‰

hanspagel commented 3 years ago

@pimlie Thanks for your work on this! We’re eagerly waiting for Vue 3 support too, it’s what holds us back from porting tiptap over to Vue 3. πŸ‘€ Anything we can do to help here? Would love to contribute!

Feel free to reach out in private if you think that’s better:

pimlie commented 3 years ago

@hanspagel Thanks for the offer and sorry for the long delay.

I was hoping to publish an alpha release today but due to some things taking me longer then expected (mostly TS related) I will have to postpone that. But the vue-router example on the next branch should be fully working now (you can start it with yarn babel-node examples/server.js), including auto-updates from child components and metainfo injection from outside of a component (ie external plugin/module)

Whats still left to do for an alpha release:

What would be nice to have before the alpha release

What is still blocking from a beta/prod release:

Known bugs that could be blocking:

arpowers commented 3 years ago

SSR support is, for me, the most crucial feature. For us, the largest reason we do SSR is to render the metatags so they can be picked up with scrapers and bots.

ghost commented 3 years ago

What about this new repo - (Document head manager for Vue 3. SSR ready)

pimlie commented 3 years ago

I have finally released a first alpha version:

Please expect it to be very rough still and there are no docs yet, but it is in good enough working condition that we can validate the API and see if there are still major core features missing.

If someone wants to help then I could use some help with adding the missing types and publishing them on build.

elasticdotventures commented 3 years ago

@pimlie Thanks for the update. I'm still trying to parse my way through vue3, very much a noob.

For useApi you reference the ./examples/vue-router HOWEVER the code within ./examples/vue-router doesn't use the new 'vue 3' vue-cli+ts createRouter syntax. Looks something like this:

import { createRouter, createWebHashHistory, RouteRecordRaw } from 'vue-router'

I can't use the vue-router example (in typescript) -- because: Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'setup' does not exist in type 'RouterOptions'. So basically stuck because I can't figure out how to get vue-meta to work within RouterOptions.

Fwiw, the way vue-gtag did the router integration using the "trackRouter()" method was stupid simple to use, I'm assuming something similar could be built for vue-meta (in the meantime i'll see what I can do)

pimlie commented 3 years ago

@elasticdotventures Did you check the vue-router example under the next branch? In this file I use createRouter:

Something like trackRouter could be a replacement for afterNavigation, but to be honest Im still struggling a bit on deciding whether it's really vue-meta's responsibility to do router tracking. refreshOnceOnNavigation was a config setting in v2 to try to mitigate the number of times vue-meta had to walk the full component tree to get the meta info, merge it, generate html elements and then check if that html already exists or not on client side navigation. Because of how this was implemented, it was also very easy to add the afterNavigation util because that solved quite a number of help requests we were getting. Unfortunately, afterNavigation still did not wait correctly for updates when you are using page transitions.

As v3 is using Proxies and will only update the data thats really changed, I dont think we need refreshOnceOnNavigation anymore. So that means that afterNavigation wouldnt be supported by default anymore either.

Because we never found/implemented a generic solution for detecting (and then waiting for) page transitions (which made afterNavigation actually unstable to use for page tracking), Im slightly leaning to leaving it out of v3 cause I think that vue-meta's updates are fast enough now (but should do some benchmarking probably to support this claim) to just do a nextTick in a vue-router after each guard. Or maybe frameworks like Nuxt.js should just implement some hook you can call for this.

TLDR, unless we find a generic solution to detect and then wait for page transitions so we can implement a correctly working afterNavigation hook I'll probably leave afterNavigation out of v3

pimlie commented 3 years ago

Just released alpha.2, see: and the updated readme.

@elasticdotventures You could probably use the onRemoved guard to track page transitions. Note that this guard works on any component, but normally it would only be called for a page component on navigation.

That said, if you would call the returned unmount hook manually then it would also get called ofc:

const { unmount, onRemoved } = useMeta(/* */)
onRemoved(() => /* do something */)
unmount() // something happens
millansingh commented 3 years ago

@pimlie any update on when this upgrade might get released in non-alpha form? I'm looking to start using Gridsome for new projects and would love to use Vue 3, but their Vue 3 migration is hung up on this package apparently. Anything I could do to help with this issue?

pimlie commented 3 years ago

@millansingh The two major todo's left are v2 compatibility and docs. Am working on the first, when thats done we could at least move to beta.

In the mean time I would love to get more feedback (both positive as negative). Also if anybody has a suggestion for how to remove the need for adding the metainfo component and render the metadata portals without it that would be great (#664) :)

andreasvirkus commented 2 years ago

The <teleport> solution does not remove the original <title> tag though πŸ€”

kepi0809 commented 2 years ago

The <teleport> solution does not remove the original <title> tag though thinking


did something similar with teleport and title as well, maybe my solution can inspire you to find a solution for your needs