Open r3k2 opened 11 months ago
Could you try the sample init.lua?
@champignoom Hello, thanks for the reply... Is there something wrong with mine? I had it at first as the example you guys have here in the README but only adding the export {} for lazyvim to pick it up, etc. Then I just being adding modules and workspaces... and before that I had the same issue, sometimes it works, and sometimes it does not... I do not see why removing things without any logic explanation will help fix the issue, is like saying turn it on and off :)
[edit] when I run :Neorg index then it formats again, but when I open :Neorg workspace education then is not formatted again .... O_O maybe this helps the mystery?
For debugging purpose.
If the sample init.lua works, the problem is in the config.
If not, the problem is elsewhere.
Neovim Version
NVIM v0.9.4
Neorg setup
I am using lazyvim:
return { { "nvim-neorg/neorg", build = ":Neorg sync-parsers", dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }, config = function() require("neorg").setup({ load = { ["core.defaults"] = {}, -- Loads default behaviour ["core.concealer"] = { config = {folds = true, icon_preset = "varied"} }, -- Adds pretty icons to your documents ["core.highlights"] = {}, ["core.export"] = {}, ["core.export.markdown"] = {}, ["core.summary"] = {}, ["core.integrations.treesitter"] = {}, ["core.integrations.nvim-cmp"] = {}, ["core.autocommands"] = {}, ["core.completion"] = { config = { engine = "nvim-cmp"} }, ["core.dirman"] = { -- Manages Neorg workspaces config = { default_workspace = "research", workspaces = { work = "~/Sync/notes/work", hacking = "~/Sync/notes/hacking", education = "~/Sync/notes/education", research = "~/Sync/notes/research" }, }, }, }, }) end, }, }
Actual behavior
sometimes it will render as is supposed to, and others will not
Expected behavior
To always render if is a .neorg file.
Steps to reproduce
just open nvim with neorg and open a workspace
Potentially conflicting plugins
no idea is why I am asking here
Other information
I am using the latest lazyvim
Implementation help
No response