Open rkulla opened 2 months ago
The author command never works for me, for example. state command works great. Things work fine on the gh cli. Also using gh version 2+.
By the way, it would be nice if it just passed through all the same interface of the gh command, such as "pr" instead of "pull_request"
NVIM v0.9.1 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 gh --version gh version 2.56.0 (2024-09-09) (also tried 2.22.1 and 2.48.0 which didn't work either)
macOS 14.5
:Telescope gh pull_request state=all author=rkulla
Should show just PRs by that specific author.
Shows PRs by any author
local telescope = require("telescope") local actions = require("telescope.actions") local actions_layout = require("telescope.actions.layout") local actions_state = require("telescope.actions.state") local map = vim.keymap.set local function get_git_command() return { "git", "ls-files", "--exclude-standard", "--cached", "--others", "--", ":(exclude)**/vendor/*" } end map("n", "<leader>?", require("telescope.builtin").help_tags, { desc = "Find help tags" }) map("n", "<leader>fx", function() require("telescope.builtin").git_files({ git_command = get_git_command() }) end, { desc = "Find git files" }) map("n", "<leader>x", function() require("telescope.builtin").git_files({ git_command = get_git_command() }) end, { desc = "Find git files" }) map("n", "<leader>X", require("telescope.builtin").find_files, { desc = "Find all files" }) map("n", "<leader>fe", "<cmd>Telescope file_browser<cr>", { desc = "File expolorer" }) map("n", "<leader>fl", require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles, { desc = "Find last opened files" }) map("n", "<leader>fk", require("telescope.builtin").keymaps, { desc = "Find keymaps" }) map("n", "<leader>fn", require("telescope").extensions.notify.notify, { desc = "Find notifications" }) map("n", "<leader>gtb", require("telescope.builtin").git_branches, { desc = "Git Telescope branches" }) -- git_signs map("n", "<leader>gtl", require("telescope.builtin").git_commits, { desc = "Git Telescope log" }) -- git_signs map("n", "<leader>gts", require("telescope.builtin").git_status, { desc = "Git Telescope status" }) -- git_signs map( "n", "<leader>fb", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").buffers(require("telescope.themes").get_ivy { winblend = 10, previewer = true } )<CR>', { desc = "Find buffers" } ) map("n", "<space>fB", [[<Cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.bookmarks.bookmarks()<CR>]], { desc = "Find Firefox Bookmarks" }) map( "n", "<leader>fc", "<cmd>Telescope find_files find_command=rg,--hidden,--files,/Users/rkulla/.config/nvim<cr>", { desc = "Find nvim configs" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fg", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-n", "--column", "-i"} })<CR>', { desc = "Find in all files" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fG", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-n", "--column"}, "-s" })<CR>', { desc = "Find in all files (case-sensitive)" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fu", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-l", "-i"} })<CR>', { desc = "Find in all files, unique filename" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fU", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-l", "-s"} })<CR>', { desc = "Find in all files, unique filename (case-sensitive)" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fC", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").command_history(require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown { winblend = 10, previewer = true } )<CR>', { desc = "Command history" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fS", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").search_history(require("telescope.themes").get_dropdown { winblend = 10, previewer = true } )<CR>', { desc = "Search history" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fm", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").marks({ layout_strategy = "vertical", winblend = 10, previewer = true, layout_config = { width = 0.99, height = 0.99 } } )<CR>', { desc = "Find marks" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fo", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ grep_open_files = true, vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-n", "--column", "-i" } })<CR>', { desc = "Find in open files" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fO", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").live_grep({ grep_open_files = true, vimgrep_arguments = {"rg", "-H", "-n", "--column" }, "-s" })<CR>', { desc = "Find in open files (case-sensitive)" } ) map("n", "<leader>ff", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").current_buffer_fuzzy_find()<CR>', { desc = "Find in current file" }) map( "n", "<leader>*", '<cmd>lua require("telescope.builtin").grep_string({word_match = "-w", additional_args = function(opts) return {"--hidden", "--glob", "!.git", "-s" } end})<CR>', { desc = "Find word on cursor" } ) map( "n", "<leader>fz", ":lua require'telescope'.extensions.zoxide.list{results_title='Z Directories', prompt_title='Z Prompt'}<CR>", { desc = "Zoxide List" } ) map("n", "<leader>p", ":lua require'telescope'.extensions.projects.projects()<CR>", { desc = "Find Recent Projects" }) map("n", "<leader>fp", ":lua require'telescope'.extensions.repo.cached_list({results_title='Projects'})<CR>", { desc = "Find Projects (repos)" }) local select_one_or_multi = function(prompt_bufnr) local picker = actions_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) local multi = picker:get_multi_selection() if not vim.tbl_isempty(multi) then actions.close(prompt_bufnr) for _, j in pairs(multi) do if j.path ~= nil then vim.cmd(string.format("%s %s", "edit", j.path)) end end else actions.select_default(prompt_bufnr) end end local function flash(prompt_bufnr) require("flash").jump({ pattern = "^", label = { after = { 0, 0 } }, search = { mode = "search", exclude = { function(win) return[vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win)].filetype ~= "TelescopeResults" end, }, }, action = function(match) local picker = actions_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) picker:set_selection(match.pos[1] - 1) end, }) end local M = { telescope_display_mode = "truncate", } local function toggle_path(prompt_bufnr) if M.telescope_display_mode == "truncate" then telescope.setup({ defaults = { path_display = { "absolute" } } }) M.telescope_display_mode = "absolute" else telescope.setup({ defaults = { path_display = { "truncate" } } }) M.telescope_display_mode = "truncate" end actions_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr):refresh() end -- Define a named function to handle <C-r> mapping -- allows me to grep in telescope on selected files to further filter -- See: local function send_to_qflist_handler(p_bufnr) -- send results to quick fix list require("telescope.actions").send_to_qflist(p_bufnr) local qflist = vim.fn.getqflist() local paths = {} local hash = {} for k in pairs(qflist) do local path = vim.fn.bufname(qflist[k]["bufnr"]) -- extract path from quick fix list if not hash[path] then -- add to paths table, if not already appeared paths[#paths + 1] = path hash[path] = true -- remember existing paths end end -- show search scope with message vim.notify("find in ...\n " .. table.concat(paths, "\n ")) -- execute live_grep_args with search scope require("telescope").extensions.live_grep_args.live_grep_args({ search_dirs = paths }) end telescope.setup({ pickers = { live_grep = { layout_strategy = "horizontal", prompt_title = " Grep ", prompt_prefix = " ", results_title = " Ripgrep Results", }, git_files = { layout_strategy = "horizontal", prompt_title = " Repo Files", prompt_prefix = " ", results_title = " Results", }, find_files = { find_command = { "fd", "--type", "f", "-H" }, layout_strategy = "horizontal", prompt_title = " All Files", prompt_prefix = " ", }, }, extensions = { file_browser = { -- disables netrw and use telescope-file-browser in its place hijack_netrw = true, }, gh = { pull_request = { mappings = { i = { ["<C-r>"] = false }, -- disable the default <C-r> keymap in insert mode n = { ["<C-r>"] = false }, -- disable the default <C-r> keymap in normal mode }, }, }, }, defaults = { -- This path_display/dynamic_preview_title/layout_config combo allows me to avoid wanting a 43" monitor! path_display = { "truncate" }, dynamic_preview_title = true, results_title = false, layout_config = { width = 0.99, -- 0.99 will set the width to 99% of the screen width height = 0.99, -- % of screen height horizontal = { width_padding = 0.1, height_padding = 0.1, preview_width = function(_, cols, _) return math.floor(cols * 0.60) -- % the Preview window should consume end, }, }, mappings = { i = { ["<CR>"] = select_one_or_multi, -- TODO: My temp multi-file select workaround -- ["<esc>"] = actions.close, -- Close telescope instead of escaping to NORMAL mode (breaks some shortcuts) ["<C-k>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up, ["<C-j>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down, ["<C-l>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_right, ["<C-h>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_left, ["<C-S-L>"] = actions.results_scrolling_right, ["<C-S-H>"] = actions.results_scrolling_left, ["<C-p>"] = actions_layout.toggle_preview, ["<C-S-P>"] = toggle_path, ["<C-n>"] = actions_layout.cycle_layout_next, ["<C-r>"] = send_to_qflist_handler, }, n = { s = flash, ["<CR>"] = select_one_or_multi, -- TODO: My temp multi-file select workaround ["<C-k>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up, ["<C-j>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down, ["<C-l>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_right, ["<C-h>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_left, ["<C-S-L>"] = actions.results_scrolling_right, ["<C-S-H>"] = actions.results_scrolling_left, ["<C-p>"] = actions_layout.toggle_preview, ["<C-S-P>"] = toggle_path, ["<C-n>"] = actions_layout.cycle_layout_next, ["<C-r>"] = send_to_qflist_handler, }, }, }, }) -- Enable Downloaded Extensions (install these plugins first, after telescope) -- Manually calling these extensions is a good ideas since I lazyload Telescope require("telescope").load_extension("file_browser") require("telescope").load_extension("fzf") require("telescope").load_extension("gh") require("telescope").load_extension("bookmarks") require("telescope").load_extension("notify") require("telescope").load_extension("zoxide") require("telescope").load_extension("repo") require("telescope").load_extension("projects") require("telescope").load_extension("ui-select") require("telescope").load_extension("live_grep_args")
Exact same experience
command never works for me, for example.state
command works great. Things work fine on the gh cli. Also using gh version 2+.By the way, it would be nice if it just passed through all the same interface of the gh command, such as "pr" instead of "pull_request"
Neovim version
Operating system and version
macOS 14.5
Steps to reproduce
:Telescope gh pull_request state=all author=rkulla
Expected behavior
Should show just PRs by that specific author.
Actual behavior
Shows PRs by any author
Minimal config