nyarly / sockjs-ruby

WebSocket emulation - Ruby server
MIT License
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Websockets don't close properly #2

Open nyarly opened 11 years ago

nyarly commented 11 years ago

When an actual Websocket is closed from the browser (e.g. by closing the window) the server says:

~ WS#close(nil, nil, false) ~ Error closing websocket (#<Faye::WebSocket::API::Event:0xb1ac8d0 @): #<TypeError: Integer object expected, but object is an instance of NilClass (object: nil).>

And keeps sending heartbeats.

ShiningRay commented 11 years ago
b:40:in `validate': Integer object expected, but object is an instance of NilCla
ss (object: nil). (TypeError)

I also encountered this bug and fix it by modify transports/websocket.rb line 108 session.close to session.close(3000, 'Go away')